Dr Oz says people who cheat lose more weight



  • GinaBinaFaye
    GinaBinaFaye Posts: 35 Member
    Dr. Oz's cheat day isn't much of a cheat day in my opinion. This menu looks like the kind of menu I would aim for on a daily basis.

    Breakfast: Eat Your Cheat Fat

    2 strips of turkey bacon
    2 eggs
    Whole wheat wrap

    A.M. Snack: Eat Your Cheat Salt

    1 oz Brie or goat cheese
    7 whole-grain crackers
    Tall glass of water

    Lunch: Eat Your Cheat Carb

    1 slice of whole wheat pizza topped with grilled chicken and veggies

    P.M. Snack: Eat Your Cheat Sugar

    ½ cup low-fat frozen yogurt
    10 almonds

    Dinner: Eat Your Cheat Protein

    4-ounce lean strip steak
    Root veggie “fries"

    You are so right! That is not a Spike day at all! Bring on the pizza and beer!
  • vxjammiedodgerxv
    vxjammiedodgerxv Posts: 42 Member
    Ok..maybe I need to watch that show because all I got from these posts is that everyone cheats with a guy named Spike. I'm sure he's getting all the exercise he needs. :wink:

    LOL :laugh:
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    I agree too, it has worked for me so far - i have a treat day / spike day every saturday. xx
  • STurbs33
    STurbs33 Posts: 134 Member
    Actually it's quite dumb, if the day was just 1,400 calories.
    That would mean if you had 2 slices of pizza and a bowl of ice cream you would have used up more than half of your daily calories.


    Whatever Dr. Oz

    Well he modified all of the "cheat" foods so that they were actually pretty healthy. It really was just a mental thing. It wasn't really cheating on your diet because it stayed within the calorie limit, and probably the nutritional limits too. It was more like cheating your MIND into thinking you could eat all your favourite foods for one day.

    Hmmm I don't need to trick my mind because I eat healthier versions of whatever I want every day. :P Also 1400 calories would be more restricted than my normal intake.

    Exactly. I usually enjoy Dr. Oz, but I didn't particularly agree with his idea of a "cheat" day.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Do you feel he's a quack because he believes in alternative medicine and being able to heal certain parts of yourself?


    Maybe because I'm from the East I tend to believe and have seen results using natural products that can be picked straight from the earth. I'm not saying that every single thing can be cured that way but general things I tend to use and have seen results, but thats just from personal experience, from yours and several other responses I feel they have either never tried it or it has not worked for them.

    This has nothing to do with personal experience. It has to do with medicine and science. Human bodies are not made up of different material if you're from the East or West.

    He's recommended homeopathy which is dangerous to people suffering from real diseases. These medical scams are nothing new. You can tell me all about the great personal experiences people have had with homeopathy, faith healing, ionized/magnetic bracelets, reikki, or bare handed surgery in a third world country. They are all dangerous scams. Many testimonials are outright fakes. I do everything I can to prevent people from falling for these scams and the scam artists who employ them. They are dangerous and a waste.
    By East I more mean that I am more open to trying some things that are more natural, than from most of the people that I know from here in the US. But it is what it is, if you don't enjoy it then that's you, but I have seen benefits so I choose to continue with it. And no I was not talking about any of those things you were mentioning, I was talking more along the lines of the foods and teas I usually drink and the type of plants I pick and add to my diet.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Actually it's quite dumb, if the day was just 1,400 calories.
    That would mean if you had 2 slices of pizza and a bowl of ice cream you would have used up more than half of your daily calories.


    Whatever Dr. Oz

    Yeah it's far from a true "spike day" I have 1,400 calories at breakfast alone!

    Well he modified all of the "cheat" foods so that they were actually pretty healthy. It really was just a mental thing. It wasn't really cheating on your diet because it stayed within the calorie limit, and probably the nutritional limits too. It was more like cheating your MIND into thinking you could eat all your favourite foods for one day.

    Hmmm I don't need to trick my mind because I eat healthier versions of whatever I want every day. :P Also 1400 calories would be more restricted than my normal intake.

    Exactly. I usually enjoy Dr. Oz, but I didn't particularly agree with his idea of a "cheat" day.
  • blueandigo

    that isn't exactly cheating. What I do for my cheat day is have a lb of cheese fries & ice cream or a whole pizza
  • charlotte3176
    charlotte3176 Posts: 115 Member
    I don't plan my spike days, but I have found that if I have a day where I go over my calorie goal and then get right back on track, I lose weight faster. It does seem like it boosts my metabolism. I haven't done any research, that is just my experience.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i would agree, it breaks the plateau this way
  • advan031
    advan031 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't treat my MFP calorie goal like it's the Holy Grail but instead as a guide. I still eat the foods I love albeit in smaller portions or less often. The biggest difference in losing weight for me is cardio exercise and weight training.
  • CompuGirl2
    CompuGirl2 Posts: 14 Member
    I agree, It is very similar to zig-zagging your calories.
  • Helenacabral1
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    makes me feel better about the day I had today!
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Now that I think about it, my weight loss was going great when I allowed myself to one or two hot chocolates with loads of whipped cream on there and a piece of cake, or when I bought double cream at home and kept spooning for three days in a row. Now that I've given up those two since January, I'm at plateau. Tomorrow I'm out for dinner and so I will be on Sunday, so I won't say no to sweets! :D
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    I checked out the website and read about this. You are not to binge or go too crazy on the cheat day.

    "a cheat day should follow some guidelines, and Dr. Oz has taken the guesswork out for you with his Fat-urday Cheat Plan. This entire day adds up to less than 1400 calories, which means there is still some wiggle room for your own treats. Go ahead – indulge yourself once a week. Remember: If you’re trying to lose weight, limit total calorie intake to between 1500-1600 calories per day." This is followed with the day outlined. Really still looks like a diet just with a few more calories allowed.

    i just googled - dr. oz cheat your diet - and found the link.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Dr. Oz says enough things that he has to be right now and then.

    Nonsense, he's just like a real TV Doctor.
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member

    I like Spike days. :drinker:
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I have a cheat day every now and then normally on game nights or if we plan something really special or if I know that I am going out I will do a little cheating..
  • spottedlee
    Ok..maybe I need to watch that show because all I got from these posts is that everyone cheats with a guy named Spike. I'm sure he's getting all the exercise he needs. :wink:
    LOL.. you are a riot! Thank you for the laugh.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    It works for me! I do it the day of my weigh in, after I weigh in of course! Saturdays. It's not even so much about going over my calories (for me), but I do eat things I normally wouldn't let myself.