My response to people that say humans HAVE to eat meat...



  • Zaffy01
    Zaffy01 Posts: 28 Member
    True, this will be a never-ending debate. I've given up trying to push the anti-meat debate unless the audience wants to hear it. The only point I'll add to this thread is that since we turned vegan, myself, my wife, and my son, have never been sick. In two years, a sore throat or mild cold simply disappears by itself two days later.

    Same goes for my two year-old son. The other kids in his daycare center are always sticky with runny noses, colds, coughs, you name it. Thankfully my son shakes it off after a day or two. He also has all the energy in the world and doctors confirmed his development is spot-on without any meat or dairy consumption.

    Regardless of what anybody says, dropping the meat and dairy has been the best thing for my family's health, with noticeable changes from day 1. Even if the ethics behind animal cruelty do not concern you, I recommend the vegan lifestyle simply for the pure, clean, ongoing health benefits you enjoy every day.

    And about B12 deficiency? An easy supplement keeps me on the sunny side.

    Peace and health to you all!

    I have had a nearly identical experience with changing my diet to a "vegan" diet. I don't know any of the science behind it, but I know i feel 100% better than I ever have before, and that is enough for me.

    I also know that everyone's body is different, so what may work for me, may not work for you... all I can say is happy exploring!
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I am a vegetarian that happens to disagree with you. People are made to eat meat, they're omnivores.

    Factory farming and CAFOs? THAT'S another story...

    Why must vegetarians/ vegans be so preachy?
  • I think you made some valid points.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member

    We shoud all be Fruitatarians, as the fruit of a plant is meant to be eaten! :P Wait.. but we are killing the cells in the fruit... that's mean. We should now sustain ourselves on sunlight alone. Let's be plants!!

    ahahahha I'm ready when you are :p
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    Eastern cultures in which diets are mostly plant based, have little to almost bar none death rates of cancer and disease compared to Western civilizations

    Really? Almost no-one dies of disease in the East? WTVF?

    lol I didn't even see that before! Seriously, are you trying to claim this OP? You cray cray. Don't you think that there may be more cases in "Western" countries simply because more people can afford to go get checked out by a doctor? Also, they get different cancer. Like stomach, esophogeal, and liver cancer.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I don't understand why some people think:
    1 I'm a vegetarian
    2. I never get sick
    3 therefore being a vegetarian prevents me from getting sick

    You might as well think:
    1 I wear green socks
    2 I haver had cancer
    3 green socks prevent cancer

    Anyways, go choice!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I don't understand why some people think:
    1 I'm a vegetarian
    2. I never get sick
    3 therefore being a vegetarian prevents me from getting sick

    You might as well think:
    1 I wear green socks
    2 I haver had cancer
    3 green socks prevent cancer

    Anyways, go choice!

    lol oath!
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    By the way, your statements discount so many variables about the Eastern diet and the way they see illness and medicine.
    Compare that to the Western culture and you'll find a lot of answers that contradict the research you are backing up.

    Oh and I'd also like to add I am a vegetarian and was a strict vegan for four years.
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    Haven't had any meat in over a month now, and I'm content.

    I've never met a person who was malnourished simply because they don't eat meat.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I am now switching to green socks. I will wear them EVERY day of my life. Even in the shower. :P

    OP: Not sure who is saying you absolutely have to eat meat? I have honestly never read a post saying that you had to or else.
    But if someone chooses to that is their own business. It is NOT what is killing us. Obesity is.

    Just by telling someone to cut out meat doesnt work. I did that for 3 years and packed on about an extra 25 lbs on my small frame. Knowing DRIs and how to have a healthy balanced diet is what is needed, not to completely exclude something
  • jkdarby
    jkdarby Posts: 53 Member
    I very rarely get sick and I LOVE meat. Bears are omnivores too, better tell them to stop eating meat because it will make them healthier.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I don't understand why some people think:
    1 I'm a vegetarian
    2. I never get sick
    3 therefore being a vegetarian prevents me from getting sick

    You might as well think:
    1 I wear green socks
    2 I haver had cancer
    3 green socks prevent cancer

    Anyways, go choice!

  • Arianaml
    "I always say that the vegetarians who tell me they don't eat meat because of the guilt about ending the life of an animal are full of *kitten* with all the respect. Living beings are living beings, and under the microscope they all have living cells, INCLUDING vegetables. Just because a tree doesn't have a heart doesn't mean it is not a living organism that will die when you cut it. What happens when you cut a flower and leave it on a table? It will die and dry. Same thing happens when you cut veggies and eat them. So that whole "guilt" is nothing but pure hypocrisy."

    Vegetarians are full of *kitten* because they feel bad for killing animals (with a central nervous system) versus a plant? Comments like these are, in my opinion, why threads or conversations like this get started. For some reason people feel personally compelled to jump all over vegetarians...I don't get it. Obviously you're not vegetarian, so really you have no place saying why one is or isn't. If someone feels guilt over eating something that can feel, can cry, can bleed, and can run away from a predator..."hypocrisy" is not the word for that.
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Vegetarian/vegan doesn't mean healthy - and I know quite a few vegetarians/vegans (and I happen to be a dairy-free veggie myself). One of my closest friends has been veggie for over 25 years but is a little overweight, regularly getting pretty bad chest infections and has recently been diagnosed with gallstones. All of which is probably to do with the amount he smokes (or did until recently) and the amount of beer he drinks (proper beer/ale, not lager, just to specify :wink: )

    There are worse things for your health than eating meat. (although the long term ethical and ecological impacts of meat-eating is something else *whistles innocently*)
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    We eat meat and tons of cheese but I have to admit some of the information and the way it's presented is scary and persuasive stuff. Especially, when you consider that ok, T. Colin Campbell is the far out radical side of the science world and Harvard is the conservative side (or so it seems to me as an outsider looking in) and yet Harvard's food recommendations seem to boil down to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains--the more the better--yet at the same time they're recommending you limit meat and dairy.

    Do any of these studies, theories, conclusions or whatever they are have merit? Or is all of this type of stuff coming from one source that's complete BS & propaganda?
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    I am not looking for a heated debate, just opinions, and I love to hear what people from other countries have to say about this American argument. Thank you.
    Then do not make claims that you cannot substantiate.
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    I very rarely get sick and I LOVE meat. Bears are omnivores too, better tell them to stop eating meat because it will make them healthier.

    Pandas are vegan!! They are lazy from all the digesting though.
  • dizzycoolbabe
    dizzycoolbabe Posts: 28 Member
    I agree that people don't HAVE to eat meat and so long as vegetarians and vegans replace the same nutrients which may be lost through not eating meat/fish/any animal produce they are very healthy diets (no saturated animal fats for one thing) BUT it is a choice, the same as eating meat is a choice! I eat meat and fish, but I did go vegan for a month about 10 years ago to detox and I felt really great after the month - don't think I could have kept it up though!
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a vegetarian for my own reasons, these people eat meat for theirs.

    But it's people like you (the creator of this forum) that make me seriously consider eating meat again so I'm not labelled as a condescending ill-informed *****.
  • slheitmann
    Okay here is my prespective on this whole subject. Being a cancer survivor, I have discovered a lot about diet, choices and in general genetics. If you eat meat you are not more prone to cancer, yes possible higher cholesterol if not eaten in moderation, or fried all the time. Also diet does not always cause obesity, sometimes that is also genetic, yes with a lot of hard work one can keep the scale from taking control but sometimes it is medical. I have to agree that making a statement that those of the United States are worse off due our eating habits yes they are but the fact be told people like the convenience of the pre package, pre processed, preservative lined food that is available or the ease of going and getting something without leaving the car but this does not mean we are more prone to cancer just that we are getting heavier and therefore with that disease comes a combination of other diseases, such as diabetes, sleep apnea, and chronic sickness. I use to weigh 502 at my top weight, and have lost a bunch, then got push back in my success with two rounds of pre-cancerous cells, surgery, then cancer full blown and more surgeries, and chemo. I did not do anything different, but found out that genetically I was prone to get cancer due to both sides of my family having the same type, I was also genetically set to be heavy as both sides of my family are that as well. I think that sometimes we spin the well of health and genetics and that is what is what. I know people who are thin, eat healthy and still have diseases considered by many to result from unhealthy eating. Okay am done rambling, just get a bit upset when someone does not have all the facts that need to be address before posting something and then not asking for a heated debate about it.
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