Logging on your worst days.



  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    Honestly, the only times I've EVER even gone over 1000 calories was 2 times this week, but not by much. I usually average less than 500 consumed, and most of the days are Negative NET. Bad, I know. But whatever.

    I just had knee surgery the other day (arthroscopy, but he ended up taking out a good portion of the meniscus) so I'm using the extra cals to recover I guess. I know that once I go back to school on Tuesday and I can exercise a bit more again, I'll make up for all this. Plus, I have had to rely on my mom for the past few days, so I had to show her that I am eating (she yells and lectures me all the time about not eating much). So I know I'll make up for everything once I get back to school.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I log everyday.
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    I try to log ad days as good as I can. Sometimes it's hard because a lot of times it is homemade or food at a restaurant that does f provide nutritional info and I have to guesstimate or use a similar thing - of which I then fine giant ranges of calories. I logged but didnt complete yesterday...because i was so unsure if I was close to the correct amounts...
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    It's shameful but I do it anyways :)
  • EJWoolcock
    I never used to log bad days. I'd think to myself - I know I went over so why bother. But I've started making sure I do so I can see how bad bad really is. Sometimes, it's not as bad as I think, sometimes it's a real shocker! It gives me a kick up the butt when the scales go down - it's almost like telling myself I told you so!
  • piebird79
    piebird79 Posts: 201 Member
    Yes, I absolutely log my "bad" days. The worst I've had was Christmas. It was a doozy. I consumed 4,000+ calories that day, yikes! I didn't do anything to recover from it. I just kept on moving.
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    I log everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I was going to have a "bad" day the last few days, and looked at the calories and became aware that it wasn't worth it. There's nothing that I need to eat so bad that it will push me over the edge for the day. If I really want to eat something bad, then I need to own it and plan my day around it, and it's not that hard to do!
  • sar04tamu
    I log every bite, every day. If I know I'm going to be eating something that isn't the best choice, I try to log it before I eat it. Most of the time, I still eat it, but every now and again I'll change my mind once I see it logged in.
  • charlesb22
    charlesb22 Posts: 110 Member
    I log it all - that way I can still track my overall week and try to reign it in, keeping within my goals. My diary is wide open, I feel like it keeps me a bit more accountable, especially if I am offering food/nutrition advice to others based on their diaries, I don't want them to open my diary and see terrible food choices every day!

    I also like to log in advance if I know I'm going out or there's going to be cake at work or something like that - so I can account for the calories and plan the rest of my food and exercise around the little splurges.
  • leanmachinedream
    Look at my past few days. I definitely log on the bad days, too. Sometimes I forget a day completely, even if it's good, but I don't intentionally forget nor do I ignore bad days. I log it all.
  • leanmachinedream
    I log every bite, every day. If I know I'm going to be eating something that isn't the best choice, I try to log it before I eat it. Most of the time, I still eat it, but every now and again I'll change my mind once I see it logged in.

    I do that, too. One time I wanted some McDonald's so I logged it before I left and my jaw dropped. I did not get McDonald's and instead made some wraps at home.
  • itzjulz
    itzjulz Posts: 57 Member
    Just logged the 3 beers I had while watching the Super Bowl. 480 calories. Ouch.

    But my answer is: yes, I log everything, even on bad days. I'd rather go over by 500 cal and have to own up to it then keep on living like I used to -- wondering why I wasn't losing any weight when I felt like I was "sort of" eating healthy.
  • dollymixsix
    I log my bad days. I feel like it keeps me in check.

    I find I have MUCH fewer bad days, when I take one day a week off. As in, I don't log at all for just one day a week. It really helps.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    It depends. Last Sunday I ate a bunch of crap, for no reason. So yes I logged it all :-/

    When I go out for dinner with my bf I will log it if the restaurant is in the data base, if not I don't worry about it.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Yes, I log bad days. I rarely skip a day, and never because I think I've blown it anyway. If I were to decide not to log because it was a bad day, I'm afraid I would use that bad day to justify an eating frenzy. If I log it, I know I'm over and sometimes that's enough to motivate me to stop eating for the day. Knowing that yesterday was a doozy will motivate me to get back with the program because I don't want to gain back the pounds I've lost.

    Also, logging everyday, enables me to see patterns in my routine. I can't change it if I don't see it.
  • sugarflywithme83
    sugarflywithme83 Posts: 13 Member
    Ive been tempted not to, or to even put a happy face on it by omitting some of the really bad stuff, but I think Im really more serious about it now and my bestfriend and I login and spur each other on even in the crap days... If i dont log bad days, I will end up falling off the wagon or maybe even just forgetting the following day, etc.... Not logging feels like a binge eating in secret... so I keep my diary open too, and this thread has encouraged me to log even the most hideous days, and Im sure there will be some!
  • beautyreaps
    Do you log on your bad days?
    Yep, I don't judge days. It's the weekly deficit I worry about and if I ate more, then I was hungry and learn from it. No need to get down about it.
    What's the worst day you've had?
    None, I've been doing really well.
    What did you do about it? (Did it throw you off track or did you use it as motivation to move more throughout the week?)
    Not applicable, but if I ate more than I expected to on any given day of the week or ate gluten when I'm not supposed to (due to allergy restrictions or dairy), then I suffered the consequence and moved on. No need to get or feel hung up on something that happened in the past, right?
  • amykathleen2005
    amykathleen2005 Posts: 79 Member
    I log everything. But if you are keeping up on the logging throughout the day you know what you have to work with and can decide if a treat fits in your budget before it even goes in your mouth. I find the most problems happen going out. But I always have a few favorites I get at each of our usual restaurants. If I go someplace new I order something safe like a side salad with light dressing and a broth based soup.
  • TurnLeftNow
    Whoever does not log everything that goes in their mouth needs to get off the site, regroup and come back when you're serious about this.......not trying to be rude but really? Not logging everything AND everyday is only cheating yourself. And people who have their diaries private.......why??

    My diary is my business really. The only person that needs to see how many calories I am eating, is me. The only person that is accountable for what I eat, is me. Allowing others to see my diary isn't going to make any difference. It's not like I wouldn't log things just so other people don't see what I ate... although that might help others.

    I used to have cheat days once a week where I allowed myself to unwind, not think about calories and I wouldn't log it. It worked well for awhile, but now I have decided that I am just going to log anything anyway. Just because it's not being logged doesn't mean I didn't eat it. So might as well see the damage and re-evaluate if those things are really worth it or not.
  • renu74
    renu74 Posts: 90 Member
    Today I went over 165 calories, Damn you super Bowl Sunday!!! That too 1 slice of pizza and 5 -6 wings.... Feeling guilty, but will not feel low. I will get back tomorrow, it's ok To Err is human ...:) Just wanted to vent... There now I feel better.