Give me your tips for healthy hair!



  • rachyrach1234
    I just started using moroccan oil. It has CHANGED MY HAIR. Love the stuff. I can't believe I just found out about it. Fantastic stuff, my hair is soo soo soft now!

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I wish I had a clue.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    there is a special hair tie that doesn't damage your hair when you wear a ponytail
  • sheilahoff5
    WEN, WEN, WEN!!! I absolutely love this product. It is a little expensive but so worth it! My highlights last twice as long and I only have to wash my hair about every 3rd day! This product really is what it's cracked up to be, just make sure you follow the directions exactly! Good luck!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Hey all! I am getting pretty satisfied with my nutrition, exercise, and health now. Got it under control and perfected :D

    Time to move onto other things! I have long hair, but is dry and prone to split ends. Any tips?

    So far I got this:

    Biotin can help (got some for super cheap)
    Adequate protein and fats for repair (and omega 3s)
    Try not to wear a ponytail too often, or to bed, or too tight
    Wash hair only every other day
    Shampoo only roots, condition ends

    Any others? :D
    (if any of these are not true sorry I am learning :D Usually I shower 2 times a day and wear it up often along with straightening. Fixing the problem now and hoping for pretty long hair for summer!)

    ETA: I currently have little split ends and do not need a haircut since I just got a trim. Just looking for tips to keep hair as healthy as possible ^-^

    Gonna sound strange, but while you're showering soak your hair in milk or massage in some honey. Let it sit for about ten minutes and then wash it out. It works better than any conditioner
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I thought the rule was shampoo for your scalp, conditioner for your hair. Hair is dead, it doesn't secrete oil. Your scalp secretes oil, flakes, etc. So the shampoo is to clean the skin and its secretions/flakes, while the conditioner is to make those strands of [dead] keratin look better.

    I use sulfate-free shampoo/conditioner, and then Moroccanoil.
  • teresaz
    I have been drinking carrot & cucumber juice each day and within a week, I could tell that my long hair was softer. The same difference I notice when I wash it somewhere there is very soft water. Just juiced 1# organic carrots and 1 lg. cucumber and drink the juice.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    I wash my hair every 2-3 days unless I get really gross and sweaty at the gym
    Dont highlight/bleach your hair its really bad for it
    Get a trim off the bottom every 1.5-2 months if you have split ends
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    I didn't read all of these but I have coarse thick dry hair and sulfate free shampoos, I can't go without flat ironing so I wash at night and let air dry over night then flat iron in the morning.

    I only wash twice a week, style once a week for work and use a sulfate free dry shampoo during the week.

    Also I read some people say hot water. If your hair is dry or brittle never use hot water.

    I just bought WEN to give it a go...but I hear amazing things about it.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Personally I enjoy all my different shampoos and conditioners and wearing a ponytail.... so I just take biotin :)
    As a bonus, it helps your nails grow stronger/longer/faster too .... so it's a win-win.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    As a licensed cosmetologist, I find this thread highly amusing.

    Ladies, Cosmo is not the gospel. I swear some of you would put maggot infested lard in your hair if Cosmo told you that it would make your hair look like [insert drool worthy celeb with fab hair here].

    High protein diet is key for having good hair. Why? B/c that's what hair is.

    Also, stop with all the damn heat damage. Stop brushing your hair when it's wet. Wet hair is the most fragile. A wide tooth comb is an essenial for anyone with hair longer than chin length. Learn which shampoos and conditioners work best in your hair. If you need cheaper, go to a supply store (like Sally's) that sells a generic version of professional products. Grocery/drug store brands are crap. Also, any professional brand being sold somewhere other than a professional salon has a high chance of being diluted or not the actual product at all.

    This has ALWAYS been confusing me. I'm a natural blonde, highlighted for 12 years. Recently started going dark. My hair has never seen a damaged day.

    If you eat well and refrain from twisting, yanking, scorching, and torturing your hair, your hair will look better.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I am writing all this down. I hope something helps me.
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    Can someone please tell me exactly which Wen and almond oil they use? I just did a quick search on ebay and A LOT of different products have come up o.o.
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Grab a tomato. Cut in half. Rub into hair, everyday before shower. Leave in for 10 mins. Perfect hair.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    ummmmmm why would you only shampoo he roots? and only condition the ends??
    STOP IT!!!!!
    dont buy cheap shampoo get the good stuff and get a haircut

    If you're a stylist then you should know that's how hair should be cleansed and conditioned, especially if it's damaged.

    NO its not.
    in all honesty you shouldnt use "shampoo" at all
    use wen for a couple weeks and your hair will be beautiful
    its expensive tho and not many people are able to spend money on things like that
    but IN NO WAY is only shampooing the roots and only conditioning the ends goin to get your hair healthy from being damaged
    i have bleached the crap out of my hair more then a few times to the point where it was breaking off and wouldnt grow
    and all the conditioner is could have put on the ends would not have made any changes
    i used wen and ovation and brought it back
    but like i said it VERY expensive

    You can't bring back fried hair.....I agree with this...

    However, I also read that it is recommended to shampoo the roots and condition the ends...
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    For those of you using Wen: I have both in my shower, Wen and Hair One. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever in the quality of these two products. Both are great, and Hair one costs about $15 a bottle while Wen costs about $28. Plus there's that whole monthly subscription thing.
    Hair One is just as good and half the price. I use them occasionally but for my staple hair wash, I use Burt's Bees grapefruit and sugarbeet conditioner. Scrub, comb through, rinse, and then use Humectress as a leave-in. I have super fine hair that's wavy and down to my butt, and since I quit using shampoo it's never been healthier.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For those of you using Wen: I have both in my shower, Wen and Hair One. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever in the quality of these two products. Both are great, and Hair one costs about $15 a bottle while Wen costs about $28. Plus there's that whole monthly subscription thing.
    Hair One is just as good and half the price. I use them occasionally but for my staple hair wash, I use Burt's Bees grapefruit and sugarbeet conditioner. Scrub, comb through, rinse, and then use Humectress as a leave-in. I have super fine hair that's wavy and down to my butt, and since I quit using shampoo it's never been healthier.

    Sue has AMAZING hair. :love: She knows of what she speaks.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    For those of you using Wen: I have both in my shower, Wen and Hair One. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever in the quality of these two products. Both are great, and Hair one costs about $15 a bottle while Wen costs about $28. Plus there's that whole monthly subscription thing.
    Hair One is just as good and half the price. I use them occasionally but for my staple hair wash, I use Burt's Bees grapefruit and sugarbeet conditioner. Scrub, comb through, rinse, and then use Humectress as a leave-in. I have super fine hair that's wavy and down to my butt, and since I quit using shampoo it's never been healthier.

    Sue has AMAZING hair. :love: She knows of what she speaks.
    Aw go on.

    I'll trade my amazing hair for your amazing *kitten*. Deal?
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
    For those of you using Wen: I have both in my shower, Wen and Hair One. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever in the quality of these two products. Both are great, and Hair one costs about $15 a bottle while Wen costs about $28. Plus there's that whole monthly subscription thing.
    Hair One is just as good and half the price. I use them occasionally but for my staple hair wash, I use Burt's Bees grapefruit and sugarbeet conditioner. Scrub, comb through, rinse, and then use Humectress as a leave-in. I have super fine hair that's wavy and down to my butt, and since I quit using shampoo it's never been healthier.

    Thank you for these tips! My hair as been **** ever since I bleached it about 6 years ago. It's slowly getting better but is still ****!
    Will give these a try!