

  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Just going for a couple of quiet beers with the boys... I'm sure i'll be back by dinner time! :wink:
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I would think its......Don't do what? Lol
  • Chelly02
    Chelly02 Posts: 34 Member
    "Im not like those other guys...." or my personal favorite "I promise I'll never hurt you"

    um...how do you know that?? lol
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    "I'm sorry"

    "I'll communicate better, I promise"

    "I promise"

    Sorry but men shouldn't be aloud to say these things anymore :)
  • ericabrothers
    "no we are just friends" haha yep and I have santa and the easter bunny taking my car to get it washed. If you ever have a feeling they aren't just friends, it's very likely they aren't "just friends"
    Now for an amusing quick story.
    I was with a guy for about 3 years, he joined the airforce and got stationed in Wyoming (yeah I know BORING) but he wanted me to stay in TN (should have been a red flag, I use youth and ignorance as a defense). So he calls me from some girls phone one night. I was like 'who's phone is this and any aren't you using yours?' "oh my phone is dead and its charging" uh huh and you have my number memorized. Ok whatever. So if I remember correctly a few weeks go by and I am still uncomfortable about this girl he is friends with. So I still had her number in my phone and I knew he was at work and not around her. I call her and tell her I want to plan a suprise trip to see him but don't want him to know. I ask her if she can tell me what a good day is that she would be off work and can pick me up from the airport then I can fly in that day but please don't tell him I'm coming in since I want it to be a suprise. She is like oh yeah sure just let me check me schedule and get back to you. Not 10 min later the boyfriend calls me yelling at me for asking her to pick me up. Can we say BUSTED?! Stupid...... Yeah just friends but she had a problem with me coming to see him.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    "I'm sorry"

    "I'll communicate better, I promise"

    This one Nisa! LoL
  • ShelleyD81
    ShelleyD81 Posts: 237 Member
    "HOW MUCH?!" :tongue:
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    When are you due?
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Don't be mad but...
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I love you BUT
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Let's talk

    She just pushed herself up on me and took me right there

    How could I refuse a bj when offered?
  • jennifer282000
    jennifer282000 Posts: 128 Member
    it just happened..
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    ....don't you worry about that honey, let me worry about that.... (inevitably he makes matters worse and I have to fix a bigger mess than I would've had to fox if he let me "worry" about it in the first place)
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I love your BUTT
    Fixed that for you
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    "I'm sorry but...."

    Really? It kinda takes away from the I'm sorry part...
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    TWO WORDS: LEAVE HIM!. i dont care how much in love i am with someone if they cheat its over! they have no self respect or any respect for other people.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    "I'm sorry"

    "I'll communicate better, I promise"

    "I promise"

    Sorry but men shouldn't be aloud to say these things anymore :)

    I AGREE!!!!!
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    "we don't need protection, just do jumping jacks afterwards so you wont get pregnant baby"
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    ... baby let me explain
    And here is the perfect explanation for any crack you may find yourself in when caught red handed, and they ask you why?
    No matter what it is.
    Try it!
    QUESTION:Why did you.....[fill in the blank]

    GENERIC ANSWER: 'I just sort of drifted into it."

    Works every time!