5 random/interesting facts about you



  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    1. Geraldo Rivera used to be my boss.
    2. Huge Phillies/baseball fan!
    3. i hate centipedes
    4. jersey boy
    5. i've never eaten ribs, EVER!
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    1. I'm double jointed in my thumbs
    2. People ask me if my eyes "are really mine" on a weekly basis
    3. I live for mac and cheese
    4. I sing every song on the radio
    5. My nails are painted 90 percent of the time.
  • JayTee146
    JayTee146 Posts: 218 Member
    2. I've taken a 5 year vow of Celibacy
    3. I am a Pizza and Bread a holic
    4. I sniff everything (minus drugs HA!) shoes, pens, my baby's poo diapers
    5. I always use food metaphors when talking to people
  • livinafitlife
    livinafitlife Posts: 37 Member
    1. I married my husband while I was still in high school, the day after I turned 18. We are coming up on our 6th Anniversary March 23rd!

    2. I am currently stationed in okinawa japan. (BEST beaches EVER!!)

    3. I have gone bike riding with tom hanks twice!

    4.I am a licensed Aesthetician

    5. Born and bred in Chaleston SC and is the best place in the world to live period!
  • CristiLynnB
    -I hate CHOCOLATE! (sorry!! lol)
    -I've always wanted to be a fighter pilot! Obsessed with jet planes and flying!
    -I'm ambidextrous.
    -I love penguins! I wish I could have one as a pet!
    -I had a partial mastectomy when I was 16 that left my girls uneven by two cup sizes. I call them tweedledee and tweedledum! (:

    *If I hated chocolate... I wouldn't have to be on MyFitnessPal! I would be SOOOOO skinny if I hated chocolate! LOL :laugh:
  • 7534584
    1. I have been to the Jr. Olympics in 2 sports- Riding horses and Shooting Guns
    2. Although I love animals, I have no interest in having them live in my house
    3. I have the mind of a fat person- even though I have never been fat, I think about food ALL THE TIME and could eat chinese until i pop.
    4. I almost died from an eating disorder about 5 years ago, but am now in full recovery (see above!)
    5. I have a touch of OCD and NEED to clean the house at least twice a day.

    Will you come to my house and bring your OCD?
  • 7534584
    1 I can ride a unicycle
    2 I rode on the Goodyear blimp
    3 I have to hook my bra in front then twist it around never could hook it in back
    4 I sneeze really loud everyone says i hurt their ears when i sneeze and my son says i "sneeze like a whale"
    5 i was on the dating game - and won!
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    1. I love to travel and take vacations!
    2. I was born with 1 kidney
    3. Always the bridesmaid never the bride. 45 and never been married
    4. I love detective-type shows: CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds
    5. I am deathly afraid of possums
  • muffin_shufflin
    muffin_shufflin Posts: 239 Member
    1. I can wiggle my ears.
    2. I'm a HUGE spelling & grammar nazi. I correct everyone & it drives them crazy.
    3. I love sushi & penutbutter. Not together, of course, but in general.
    4. I'm allergic to Allegra (an allergy med).
    5. I'm considering studying to become a nutritionist.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,955 Member
    1. I can wiggle my ears.
    2. I'm a HUGE spelling & grammar nazi. I correct everyone & it drives them crazy.
    3. I love sushi & penutbutter. Not together, of course, but in general.
    4. I'm allergic to Allegra (an allergy med).
    5. I'm considering studying to become a nutritionist.

    It's spelled peanut.....LOL
  • muffin_shufflin
    muffin_shufflin Posts: 239 Member
    1. I can wiggle my ears.
    2. I'm a HUGE spelling & grammar nazi. I correct everyone & it drives them crazy.
    3. I love sushi & penutbutter. Not together, of course, but in general.
    4. I'm allergic to Allegra (an allergy med).
    5. I'm considering studying to become a nutritionist.

    It's spelled peanut.....LOL

    That will drive me crazy now. I hate accidentally misspelling :grumble:
  • amandamickey
    How fun, love reading these! :)

    1. My favorite TV show is Sportscenter
    2. I am a huge hockey fan - live and breathe everything Detroit Red Wings
    3. Although I have lived in LA for most of my life, I am not American
    4. I despise chocolate (blek!) - it's all about sour candy (drool)
    5. I love to skateboard
  • amandamickey
    1. I'm double jointed in my thumbs
    2. People ask me if my eyes "are really mine" on a weekly basis
    3. I live for mac and cheese
    4. I sing every song on the radio
    5. My nails are painted 90 percent of the time.

    Haha i hear #2 all the time! "Are you wearing colored contacts??" :laugh:
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    1. I can wiggle my ears.
    2. I'm a HUGE spelling & grammar nazi. I correct everyone & it drives them crazy.
    3. I love sushi & penutbutter. Not together, of course, but in general.
    4. I'm allergic to Allegra (an allergy med).
    5. I'm considering studying to become a nutritionist.

    It's spelled peanut.....LOL

    Nice catch!
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,955 Member
    1. I can wiggle my ears.
    2. I'm a HUGE spelling & grammar nazi. I correct everyone & it drives them crazy.
    3. I love sushi & penutbutter. Not together, of course, but in general.
    4. I'm allergic to Allegra (an allergy med).
    5. I'm considering studying to become a nutritionist.

    It's spelled peanut.....LOL

    Nice catch!

    I'm a grammar freak too. It comes with the job I do. All my drawings go out to other engineers and architects to be inspected and approved. Sometimes they come back with so much red ink it looks like a crime scene.

    BTW...I can only write with upper case letters now, side effect of work....so typing lower case always is a challenge.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    1. I have very eclectic taste when it comes to reading. I would bet I'm the only person who read "The Big Payback" by Dan Charnas, "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins and "Manhunt!" By James Swanson all in the same year

    2. I hate any kinda bean even Jelly Beans.

    3. I would take a date to see "Wicked" and to the strip club all in the same night.

    4. On Oct. 21 2000 on a 500 bankroll I won 53000$ playing blackjack on the Suncruz Casino cruise in Myrtle Beach SC.

    5. I secretly enjoy Wakka Flocka flames music. I am completely embarrassed by this.
  • dablaksista
    dablaksista Posts: 48 Member
    1. I have very eclectic taste when it comes to reading. I would bet I'm the only person who read "The Big Payback" by Dan Charnas, "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins and "Manhunt!" By James Swanson all in the same year

    2. I hate any kinda bean even Jelly Beans.

    3. I would take a date to see "Wicked" and to the strip club all in the same night.

    4. On Oct. 21 2000 on a 500 bankroll I won 53000$ playing blackjack on the Suncruz Casino cruise in Myrtle Beach SC.

    5. I secretly enjoy Wakka Flocka flames music. I am completely embarrassed by this.

    jelly beans rock man!
  • 1) i am narcissistic but i know i am not the best in the world hahaha
    2) i love all kinds of music no matter what kind
    3) i always day dream of different outfits i want when i am skinnier
    4) Jelly beans rock!!
    5) my favorite days are december 25th and my birthday january 29th lol
  • paigemang♥
    Here goes ...

    1. My toes are like fingers :bigsmile:
    2. I cannot pass a cat in the street without trying to make friends with (I like dogs too)
    3. I don't eat meat, poultry or seafood but could not live without fish
    4. I love zombies even though they still have the capability to scare me
    5. I love West Ham United football club even though they regularly break my heart :brokenheart:

    This is sooo weird.....I am almost exactly the same :D
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    1. I graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in Mortuary Science. I'm a licensed funeral director in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. If I had $1 every time someone asked me why I chose to be a mortician... well... I wouldn't have to work at all.

    2. My mother has captured every embarrassing moment of my childhood on video. When she asked me how my first day of 1st grade was, I immediately started crying. I thought I'd be able to read after day 1. When I have children, I hope to capture all their glory on camera as well.

    3. I didn't learn how to walk until I was almost 3 years old. There was nothing physically wrong with me. My mom thinks I "just liked to be carried."

    4. I had my first conversation with my fiance on match.com on a Wednesday, we went on our first blind date 6 days later, and were engaged exactly 8-months after that. My family still calls me whenver they see a match.com commercial on television.

    5. I am the most directionally-challenged person I have ever met. North, east, south, and west do me very little good when I'm driving around town. I rely on my Garmin or phone GPS everywhere I go. Literally. Everywhere.