5 random/interesting facts about you



  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    1. I'm told I should be a foot model
    2. I hate fake cinnamon (think Red-Hots), but love the real spice
    3. I've been on a cruise ship during a hurricane (Hurricane Ivan to be exact)
    4. I've been a featured home chef by a Better Homes and Gardens publication
    5. I am allergic to most brands of ketchup
  • NessaLeos3
    NessaLeos3 Posts: 10 Member
    *I'm in the Navy and have been on aircraft carriers and still manage to get sea sick on sail boats.
    *My youngest brother is 16 years younger than I am, he has my heart and one of the funniest kids I know.
    *I am scared of clowns and the dark. But I love to watch scary movies at night, alone.
    *I enjoy learning and going to school, I am a nerd.
    *I don't like being petite, but love that I can buy clothes and shoes in kids sizes.
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    * I never drink tea or coffee. Yuck
    * I have never worked for anyone but myself.
    * I'm a lefty. not so bad
    * I only have one leg. Car accident
    * I keep loads of Hens. Love them and the eggs are good too.
  • SusanaLdn
    SusanaLdn Posts: 121 Member
    1. I design highways during the day and teach dance during the night and on weekends
    2. My grandchildren are my favourite people to be with
    3. I love to read in a bubble bath listening to Enya
    4. I just built a house with no money up front
    5. I am thankful for sunshine, flowers, and fresh breezes

    This is lovely :)
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    1) I spent 6yrs working in remote construction camps in the Australian outback and also in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    2) I don't like prawns or lobster but I'll eat fish, crab and calamari
    3) I'm married to my soulmate
    4) I love thunderstorms and I've taken hundreds of photos of lightning
    5) I rebuilt my Mazda RX7 from the ground up (including complete engine rebuild) when I was 27
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    Think is a fantastic thread... congratulations to the person who started it!! :D
  • meltuck
    meltuck Posts: 131
    1 I love watching the sun come up
    2 my favourite movie is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (with Gene Wilder)
    3 I could not live without music
    4 I have never been out of Australia but have been almost everywhere in it
    5 I I adore rain and fog
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    1. I have 5 pairs of trainer (depending on what exercise I am doing)
    2. I have a pilot liscence (dont get excited its only for a paraglider)
    3. I have realy bad OCD and had to sell my cat when it kept messing up the house
    4. I have been in an earthquake measuring 6.3 (Central America 2009)
    5. I am a Medic the Army
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I did ballet as a young girl but I preferred to go out and roll around in the mud playing football lol.
    I was hardly ever at primary school and I didn't go to secondary school.
    I prefer food shopping to clothes shopping, I just find clothes shopping so tedious lol.
    I can't watch television programmes throughout the whole thirty-sixty minutes as I get easily distracted and go and do something else ha:/.
    I sleep for about 7-8 hours but I wake up still tired.
  • strandedj
    strandedj Posts: 128
    I never liked dogs until we inheritated One!
    I won't eat turkey or fish
    same job 26 years, same husband 27
    I like to make jewelry
    I chew gum so I wont eat as much!
  • carlie_carl
    carlie_carl Posts: 285
    I am one of 2 people who go by the name Carlie Carl, the other is a female from New York who Im friends with via facebook lol

    I once was training as a hairdresser

    My car is called Shakira because when I bought her, the first thing I heard was SHAKIRA SHAKIRA from hips dont lie when I turned the car on

    I used to write lyrics for local bands / ''rappers'' (UK Hip Hop sucks so I do not normally mension about the rap lol)

    Ive met 50 Cent, and despiste his gangsta reputation he is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met and seen, a modern philosipher
  • carlie_carl
    carlie_carl Posts: 285
    I did ballet as a young girl but I preferred to go out and roll around in the mud playing football lol.
    I was hardly ever at primary school and I didn't go to secondary school.
    I prefer food shopping to clothes shopping, I just find clothes shopping so tedious lol.
    I can't watch television programmes throughout the whole thirty-sixty minutes as I get easily distracted and go and do something else ha:/.
    I sleep for about 7-8 hours but I wake up still tired.

    football....pffft :P Im upping my stalker duties up after realising I was failing you lol ;-)
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I did ballet as a young girl but I preferred to go out and roll around in the mud playing football lol.
    I was hardly ever at primary school and I didn't go to secondary school.
    I prefer food shopping to clothes shopping, I just find clothes shopping so tedious lol.
    I can't watch television programmes throughout the whole thirty-sixty minutes as I get easily distracted and go and do something else ha:/.
    I sleep for about 7-8 hours but I wake up still tired.

    football....pffft :P Im upping my stalker duties up after realising I was failing you lol ;-)
    Hahahaha shut it we both know how you feel about football already alright! Hahaha I only gave it up when my football broke my special pink sandals.. blatently kicked it too hard:( I was so angry at the football that I tried jumping on it to pop it lol oh dear oh dear. Well done for upping the ante! Hahaha.
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    1. I helped build and live in the first Monolithic Dome house in Illinois.
    2. Last year I finally met my crush of 30 years, and he was amazingly sweet. (DD's Roger Taylor)
    3. I never let anyone see my feet - they are hideous.
    4. I have every Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode on DVD.
    5. I've traveled in 45 of the 50 states. (Haven't been to AK, HI, WA, ID, or OR)