Sixers Spring Into Summer - Week 2



  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hello Sixers!!! I hope everyone is doing well. I think I may be taking today off from fitness but I ate 1810 cal today and I'm feeling nervous. Eventhough its what is recommended for me, I'm still want to workout. But a late workout may do me in again. I'm tired of Yawning at work all day. LOL. Anyway... I had red lobster at lunch and I only ate 2 pieces of bread and I stayed within my caloric goals today. I am so feeling a workout. I may put a dvd in when I finish this post. I'm addicted to my fitness nowadays!

    Roll Call:

    Lauryn- OMG! I am sam, I only could watch it once I cried way too much. I vowed never to watch it again. I'll never forget it, I'm a cry baby. LOL. Also congrats on the pounds removed. I like the goal of crunchs for the week, I may try that. My ten year reunion is in Sept and I wish I was looking as good as you do. WOW, I have 60 more to lose by then. My inital goal was to lose to my BMI by one year out of school, which is the end of aug, near the reunion time. I am still keeping my jar. Keep up the good job.

    Rhiannon- You are doing well and you are lucky to be that close to the beach. I know you are happy your added calories are producing a lose. I adjusted my calories too. Best of luck to you. YOu can do it

    Connie- you will be missed. We will see you soon.

    Amy- you will be missed as well. We understand and wish you a great Get Well. Take care, see you soon

    B- Glad you are doing better and your BF found a job. See things do workout!

    RedSox- Hope you feel better soon.

    Tiff- Good luck on the test and congrats on staying within your nutritional goals!

    Marla- Hello!

    Cathy- Sounds like you and Shanell had fun. Nice!!!

    Amylou- hope you are doing great.

    Rhiannon- I agree we do miss our missing members!!!

    Kristin- Glad to see you are hanging in there. How are you adjusting to pregnancy? Everyone says its such an experience. Best wishes

    Well.... all that i missed... Hello too! I'm wishing everyone a wondeful evening!!!

    Take care!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    quicky checkin.....need to wake son and go get truck to move him out...:bigsmile:
    another busy day. too bad i have been eating to make up for all the exercise i have been doing. did more hiking yesterday too. scale same. oh well, live goes on. today i will do better.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    You cannot make more than 5 friend requests every 10 minutes.

    I was trying to add my Sixers into my friend list and I got that warning message. Who knew? I'll just have to wait a few minutes until I add the rest of you. :smooched:

    Did okay with my eating yesterday.
    Only 1 dinner. YAY :laugh: Small night snack of pretzels instead of binging. Very happy with that.
    Ran at the gym yesterday. Haven't run in almost a month. It was HAAAAAARD. (Interval running.)

    Realized on the drive to work today that I feel like a victim, losing my job. While it's understandable to feel victimized at first, I have to learn to move past that. Since I feel like a victim, I'm "allowing" it to happen to me.... allowing all the negative emotions, allowing the sadness and helplessness. While that is fine for a short time (grieving, I consider it), I will have to work through and move on. I must take control of the situation --- update my resume, start actively looking for jobs. I have to push through. Realizing all that this morning was a small break through for me. :flowerforyou:

    Cathy, have fun moving that son out!! Moving burns lots of calories. :bigsmile: One of my best friends is on a job assignment down your way and invited me (and other friends) to come visit him while he's lonely and bored. If I end up down there next weekend, I am FOR REAL getting up with you and Nellie for at least a walk and a photo op!! :wink:

    Tamm, you are SO on your way to your weight loss goal!!! Keep in mind... I've been at this for two years (as of Feb). It takes lots of time. But keeping that weight off is the key, so slow and steady really does win the race here!!

    Amy, with all your medical problems right now... it HAS to be tough losing weight. And after surgery is no time to be weighing in. Your body is still in recovery, which takes weeks. Please come in and chat with us all the same.

    Tiff, have you ever seen the show "My Boys" on TBS? There is a character on the show named Stephanie, who is SO frickin' cute... and that is who (based on your current av) you remind me of!! You can watch episodes on, I think, if you are interested.

    Oh shoot, I have to go work now... more personals later!
    morning sixers! I can't shake this cold :grumble: BUT I finally had a really great day in terms of food. :bigsmile: and today is going well too :happy: so with that under control I just hope I can kick this cold so I can get back to the gym. I'll check in later when I have some time... later girls!!! have a great day!!!! :bigsmile: :heart: em
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Morning crew! I'm so tired today... got to bed at 3am. AMAZING party though. Wow. And the food was INCREDIBLE and I did really well only having a bit. Just 1 or 2 hors d'oevres of each thing and a lot of it was meat so not so high in cals. Sodium though, which is why I'm a little puffy today but that's okay. I had 3 glasses of wine :glasses: which I NEVER do so I'm not going to worry about yesterday's calories. I stayed within with the food and I'm certain the wine put me over but it's 1 day and I'll keep it light today with lots of water (for a few reasons! :tongue: )

    Cathy, have fun with the move!

    Amy, totally understand. Check in though - just don't "participate" :flowerforyou:

    Tamm, good for you - isn't it nice when things really become a habit?

    Lauryn, that's a GREAT place to come to. So important to realize those things. That's the process of moving forward!

    RedSox, sorry about this cold! Keep on pressing on with the nutrition part at least :happy:

    Well, I need to go get more water. TTYL ladies!!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Okay just checking in on this BEAUTIFUL thursday (its really nice out here ^_^) Im in the midst of writing the 20 something page paper.. its such a huge pain. Anyways I promise that after this weekend I will be around more and be more interactive with ALL of you! <3 I cannot wait to catch up on everything!

    I hope EVERYONE is feeling good and eating right! I went a little over by 200 calories last night but Im under today so far. I still havent made it to the gym but excellent news I GOT MY WORK OUT DVDS!!!!!!!! My goal is to do at least 2 hours of them this weekend.. but Im not sure what I will get done with my insane schedule.

    Promise to keep all of you updated!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    quick note.....

    there is NOTHING of my sons in my house.......:drinker: :bigsmile:

    (except his laundry i am being nice to finish it up):wink:

    he's out. shanell understands why i am so happy and on cloud nine.......he's 28 went into navy at 19 gone 4 ys. home again gone 1 year, back again, gone another year back again. now gone again. better be more than a year this time around. please fly and keep flying.......

    later :heart:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies!!

    Gloomy rainy day today, and I'm writing a paper (I am right there with you Brittany!) but I"m hanging in there.

    just a quick check in, but really wanted to respond to Lauryn's post....I LOVE MY BOYS!!!!!! it is my absolute favorite show in the entire world and i'm loving the new season. You are so right, Tiff does remind me of Stephanie in that picture!!!

    Anywho...just had to announce my overwhelming devotion to My Boys and say hello!! back later!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening all.....
    well, here i sit, DH just left for work, son gone now, it's just me and the's so quite and nice.
    havn't done well on my eating at all. been so busy and I, ME, NO ONE else made bad choices. i won't say i just grabed and went. i didn't grab good choices. i know that with all the hiking and moving i have done in this week i would have lost. but, since i just ate i haven't lost, i beleive i have gained again. i know i am retaining water bad. been drinking all day. just real thirsty. oh well.....
    just thought i would check in and say hi.
    hope everyone is doing well.....

    later :heart:
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    So everyone be proud I FINALLY got some exorcise in! I put on one of my new Work Out Dvds this Dance Hip Hop one thats slogan is "Dance the inches off" I think. Anyways I was clumbsey at first and had to start it over twice but then I got into it and got a wonderful 60 some minute work out! I feel great!!! ^_^

    Tomorrow I am going to the gym for the first time in over a week and starting my 20 minute staggered workout to train for my 5k/10k in the fall! I seriously cannot wait..

    HOWEVER as a down fall to me making time to workout and procrastinating all day, now I must go get myself some AMPs and pull and allnighter or at least pull a Until my 20+ some page paper is done... Not looking forward to this, it is going to totally throw my sleep schedule off plus im probably going to have to snack on some stuff jsut to stay awake.

    <3 guys
    I might be on and off all night
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Brittany - I'll be right here with you!! I'm on page 14 of a 20 pager!! You can do it girl!! :drinker:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Just a quick check in. I've been SO busy with work these days, and it seems like it's gonna be like this for a while. But I do try and read posts and post myself when I have the time! I'm constantly thinking of you ladies!

    Have a great day and a FABULOUS weekend!!! Love ya all!!!:heart::flowerforyou:
    TGIF!!!! :drinker: (still sick) :sick: and last night I ate a bit over on calories... :grumble: but not bad... however now it is that TOM and I am hoping the sick / TOM water weight will be gone by tuesday because I need a good weigh in... :flowerforyou: I have to get back to work... we have a big week @ work coming up... a few meetings / I have to start drafting my thesis...yikes! :noway: So have a great afternoon ladies... I promise I will get to personals some time in the near future. :heart: em
    lunch break. time to do some personals. :heart:

    :heart: Lauryn. Congrats on meeting your 6 week goal!!!!! (I don't think I have met my goal for the first challenge yet... :laugh: ) ONLY 22 to GO!!!!! :drinker:

    :heart: Pedal. How was the party???

    :heart: B. 2 lbs. GREAT!!!! :drinker: I miss the gym too. Being sick, on top of exams and work make sit hard to get there... BUT we will get there soon!!!! Congrats on sticking with your calories!!!!

    :heart: Rose. Dissertation.... :noway: (I am just starting to write up my proposal)... scary!!! good luck. and congrats!!!

    :heart: gonabfit. I hope your test went well!!!! :flowerforyou: Great job on the interval training!!!

    :heart: pdx. good for you. take some time to recover!!!! can't wait to have you back next challenge! but please do check in and say hello!!!!

    :heart: tamm. red lobster. YUM! and I am glad to here you are addicted to fitness... I'm getting there but addicted... not yet.. :laugh: hopefully soon!!!

    :heart: chipper. YEAY!!! congrats! it must be so exciting to see him off (not in a negative way) but seeing him out on his own again... that is so great!! I know my parents and I were thrilled whe I moved out... haha :laugh:

    :heart: amy. papers. :grumble: add me to that party... my thesis proposal (50+) and then two term papers 15+ :noway: PS... I LOVE MY BOYS TOO!!!!!!

    :heart: kristin. how are you!!! are you getting so excited to find out if it is a girl / boy!!! omg. so exciting!
    anyone i missed. sorry. i was a bit rushed... back to work! but have a great weekend girls... and easter for those who celebrate it! :flowerforyou:
    :heart: em
  • smagnan
    smagnan Posts: 53 Member
    I did so well my first 8 days, which is better than I've done in LLLOONG time. My son's birthday was Wednesday had a nice big slice of homemade carrot cake was yummy. One piece isn't bad right?

    Well yesterday was a really crappy day at work dealing with two very controlling women I work with, one of them is my supervisor. Absolutely no excercise to speak of. I got home after another parent teacher conference with my daughter's match teacher and proceeded to eat two, count them two hunks of carrot cake followed by a huge glass of milk!!! :noway:

    This is my weak spot, stressed induced gorging!

    I am doing better today and that's what counts, just pick myself and try again right?!?!?!

    ok I'm done venting, thanks to any and all for listening :blushing:

    the sun is shining and I'm going outside for a nice brisk walk.

    Have a great rest of the day!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    RedSox, sheesh, I hope you get better!!

    B & AmyLou, how did the paper-writing go?

    smagnan, it's so frustrating when we experience the hiccups of this journey but just try to learn something from it and move on :flowerforyou:

    I'm feeling good having had several great days in a row now. I haven't worked out for the last couple of days but I think I'll do that now (maybe some Zumba - oh Tamm, a friend copied hers for me :blushing: ) because it makes such a difference to the weight coming off. I've been sticking right within my calories (well, other than the wine on Wednesday) but historically the scale only really moves when I'm also sweating myself silly at the gym :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    So like Tamm here I go. ROLL CALL!

    Kristin- Have a great weekend hope everything goes wonderfully!

    Amy- I got my paper done on time, how about you!? ^_^ Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    RedSox- We can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck on the papers and such!

    Rose... OMG GOOD LUCK!!!

    Gonabfit good luck on the test!

    Tamm- I wish I was addicted!

    Chipper- hope your son stays safe!

    Pedal- papers got done and Im happy you have had a great couple days keep it up!!!

    I will check in again later!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    being a lurky loo here. eating up a storm. just because no real reason. DH & i have been enjoying the day alone :blushing: . he took me out to lunch. tomorrow we are going to see a play put on by our church about easter. suppose to really good. kids under 14 not allowed. it's indepth.

    later :heart:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!

    Happy Friday indeed! Em, Rhiannon, B, I finished my paper, yay! Now on to the next one....:grumble:

    up a little today but hopefully by tuesday not too bad. For the first time ever i won't be with my family for Easter, it's just too far to go when we don't get Easter break (i went to a private catholic school for undergrad so we got Friday and Monday off, i miss that!) I am instead going to my sister's in-laws here in MO who are adopting me for the night on saturday and for easter on Sunday.

    B - glad you got your paper in too!!! yay us!!

    Em - ugh, that thesis doesn't sound fun! But I"m sure you're going to rock it!

    Rhiannon - you sound like you're doing so well!! What an inspiration you are!

    Magan - i'm a stress eater too, definitely finished off a box of thin mints while writing my paper last night! I need to try and work out more when i'm stressed instead of eating but in the moment its so hard to do!!

    Cathy - how great that you and DH are having such good times!!

    everyone else - hello!!!