Sixers Spring Into Summer - Week 2



  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    I did so well my first 8 days, which is better than I've done in LLLOONG time. My son's birthday was Wednesday had a nice big slice of homemade carrot cake was yummy. One piece isn't bad right?

    Well yesterday was a really crappy day at work dealing with two very controlling women I work with, one of them is my supervisor. Absolutely no excercise to speak of. I got home after another parent teacher conference with my daughter's match teacher and proceeded to eat two, count them two hunks of carrot cake followed by a huge glass of milk!!! :noway:

    This is my weak spot, stressed induced gorging!

    I am doing better today and that's what counts, just pick myself and try again right?!?!?!

    ok I'm done venting, thanks to any and all for listening :blushing:

    the sun is shining and I'm going outside for a nice brisk walk.

    Have a great rest of the day!

    At least you realized it. That matters, than you know more of your triggers then the next step is to control them. I have realized some of mine and try to control them, but sometimes I don't. Hang in there. By the way, I LOVE carrot cake, but can't eat allot, too rich for me.

    I hope everyone that is doing school work is having getting along good.

    Everyone else hope ya'll are ready for the weekend.

    Momma, I'm with ya on the eating thing. I've been eating like crazy, but so far the scale has stayed the same. I tell ya want I've gotten good at this maintaining thing.

    On a sad note, I found out today that an old high school friend of mine, her father passed away yesterday morning. She is pregnant right now with his first grand baby. She was telling me that she had hoped that he could hang on to at least meet his grandson. She is due in June. He had cancer. Her husband, an old friend also, just lost his father within the year also. So, I'm feeling so sad for her. I hope she gets through this.

    On a good note, my hubby is at my FIL's painting my car!!!! WoooHoooo. But now I'm without my car for a week!!!! I don't know if I can do it. I'm used to being able to jump into my car and going when I want. I'll post pics when it's all done.

    Well, gonna go and find something to do. Not eat, I'm stuffed already, :blushing: .

    Later, ladies.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....
    i am getting my *kitten* back into the program again. i just got dressed for the play and all my cute new summer clothes fit, but, didn't look as good. very disappointing. it was enough to say i need to gather myself back to it. will mow lawns today and gym tomorrow. hope to knock this back down to where i was. if not the next time i try on those clothes they won't fit.
    well, off to finish getting DH ready to go. need to leave in 20 mins.

    later :heart:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member

    Thank you all for the luck! I did great! God is really bringing me through and I have been studying soo hard. All while trying to do cardio every day and still eat right... and I must admit this is only the 2nd time I have been able to stay within my caloric goals every day!!! **whispering** and I think I have lost some weight! YAY!

    This has been a crazy week! I know you guys are ready for the story!! So here we go! I'm known for talking a lot but I will make this as short as possible! So last Sunday, I spent the entire day studying. At 3 a.m. as I was finally getting ready for bed I happened to look at my calendar and see that it was almost APRIL 6! That meant I had let 5 days pass without paying my rent. :noway: WTH... where did all the days go!? So, since I knew it would be late Monday morning I decided to quickly write the check and run outsede *at 3:30 a.m.* to put it in the box before it was considered late! YAY~ the door near my apartment is always unlocked so I put on some sweats and made a dash for it. As I returned to the building at 3:31 a.m. *I'm VERY close to the box* The door was locked!!!! SO now I was locked outside at 3 am and scared. I tried every door! I didn't have my phone so I couldn't call my friend who lives in the other part of my building... so I had a great idea just use the call box and try to wake her up. I called her 6 times... no answer. So finally I realized I would be locked out til 6 a.m. and have to miss school! Oh well. I went back to wait by my door and the police came! So I thought they saw me walking around the building and came to help me! But no! lol my friend had called the police because " She thought someone was trying to KILL her!" UM..... WTH! lol. So my calls had gone through, but instead of her answering them, she called 911 and said someone kept trying to buzz her. Long story short. She FINALLY let me in around 6 a.m. I didn't make it to school. :noway:

    2nd: story. The night before my test, i.e. Thursday night, my computer JUMPED off my desk, landed on the ground and shattered. *of course this was after the warranty ended and the computer was slowly messing up anyway... * I needed the computer to study my slides for the test in the a.m. :explode:
    LOL :ohwell: So basically I had to drive to the lib in the middle of the night because ALL of the stores where I could have bought another were closed. but of course I didn't find out they were closed until AFTER I drove out there.

    ~*~* So this was SUCH a crazy week... but I chose to remain positive and not let these events get me down because... ultimately I needed to stay focused and pass the test! And now that I've done that I look back and think... whew, glad I made it lol!
    I'll be back to update on weight loss etc!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Nellie- Im sorry for you friend :flowerforyou: BUT CANNOT wait to see your car! I want to get my car repainted bright pink or teal haha I have a Scion XB (MY BBY) so its already a funny looking car so I want to make it even more unique!

    Chipper- Congrats on getting back into things! I am too! after a week of being absent im just BURSTING to get started! I cannot wait to do my work out DVD again! ^_^

    gonabfit- im sorry but while reading you explanation of your crazy week I was laughing so hard i started crying and almost peed my pants! :love: :love: :love: Im sorry you had to go through all of that but it makes for a great story!!!!! I sure hope you did well on everything!

    so today is BEAUTIFUL! I cannot wait to get off work at 4 and go to the green house! ^_^
    I dyed eggies last night with my family and bf and it was SOOO much fun. I will have to post pictures of some of the better ones. so incase I am not on before tomorrow HAPPY EARLY EASTER EVERYONE!!!

    I am getting so pumped! I cannot wait for our huge easter egg hunt tomorrow! (Going to be a hard year cuz its just us teens and adults so the adults ahve to work extra hard to hide the eggs extra well!)

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hi ItsB! I know! It was one of those things where all you can do is laugh!!! :laugh: And I'm still alive and well so no complaints! :-) How is your weight loss journey going? I feel like i'm finally breaking through a plateau... hopefully!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Gonabfit- I cannot wait to reach more then 2 pounds, because of like you I was crazy busy this week I didnt really work out but I did stick to my calorie limits! I did do a DVD that I really loved. I cannot wait to do it again. After this weekend Im going to do a DVD, Train for 5K(gym), DVD, Train for 5k(gym),DVD, Train for 5k(gym), Relax, and I am hoping I can keep that schedual going til at least july. If all goes ideally. I need to get a DVD play and reorganize my living room though so I can do the DVD at my apt rather then at my Parents house everytime.

    How is yours going?! and congrats on breaking through the plateau!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    love my XB too......
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    OMMMMMYYY GOSH!! Chipper you have an XB! yay! We can start an XB lovers club haha! ^_^
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: Hello Sixers!!!

    I am still laughing at Tiff's story. She just told me the details today and I still laughed when I read the post. LOL.:laugh: I'm glad that I have my fitness routine down and I'm praying that it gives me the numbers or inches pleasures as well. I enjoy working out and it seems weird to say but I know I can stick with it. I do get a little worried that my at home intensity isn't what I would do around people at the gym or if I was in a fitness only setting. BUT.... I'm glad I'm making healthy habits come alive in my life!. I did a kettle bell workout today and the FIRM dance slim down. Both dvds were so much fun and I can't wait to do a new dvd tomorrow. Before I forget, everyone enjoy their Easter Sunday!!!

    Roll Call!

    B- You keep me laughing. Glad to see you are in good spirits! Keep up the good work

    RedSox- i hope you can shake the cold soon. Get well

    Cathy- sometimes it takes an outfit to make us come back to our realities. Im glad you did and I'm sure those extra pounds will be gone in no time! You can definitely do it!!

    Shanell- Glad to see you are still hanging in there. I hope the car looks great!!!

    Tiff- Praise God your stresses didn't affect your performance on your test. ONLY two more to go! You can do it!!

    Amylou- Glad you got your paper done. How is the fitness fitting into your schedule. What year are you in college again? Good luck!

    Rhiannon- :cry: You have Zumba. Your friend is really sweet to share. Let me know if its a good dvd because I would love to buy one. Glad you are keeping to the variety. Good luck

    Lauryn- Hope you are hanging in there! Did you really watch I am Sam again? If you did you are a strong lady! LOL, I'm getting teary eyed thinking about the movie.

    smagnan- May I please have your carrot cake recipe!!! Its my favorite cake in the world but I don't know how to make one at home. Maybe its not a good idea to have it but I still want it. Just reading about it excited my salivary glands!!!

    To all others!!! Hang in there! We can do it! Lets work hard and try our to make each day better than the last. WE can definitely do this!!!!

    Take care!!! Tamm:flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm at the beach. It's warm but not enough to go in the frigid waters or wear a swimsuit. Warm enough to enjoy the sunshine with a light jacket or tee shirt. I'm making the most of it, although I cannot wait for summer beach weather.

    The kiddo started up with allergies.... a runny nose and then a swelling eye. My sympathetic self joined her today with itchy eyes. Grrr, I hate allergies.

    I haven't been eating well (*shrugs*) but I managed an early morning walk on the beach (due to high tide and loose sand, no running was possible) and another one this afternoon (about 45 minutes apiece). If I can get another one after dinner.... oh, who am I kidding? My ankles are killing me and I need a nap, even if it's too late in the evening!! haha

    GonaB, laughed at your stories. Both situations sucked!! Glad you got your rent paid on time though, ha!

    Tamm, I have not yet watched all of I Am Sam and may not. I enjoyed what I did watch though.

    Brit, congrats on getting that paper done on time!

    AmyLou, where are you in MO? Did we discuss this already and I've forgotten? I gave birth to my little diva in 2005 at Fort Lost in the Woods. Haaaaaaaated it there. Awful place.

    Rhiannon, congrats on keeping within goal for days in a row! Woohoo!!!

    Nellie, can't wait to see photos of the car.

    Cathy, my church has done some "edgy" plays where they've asked children under the age of 14 to leave (due to acts of suicide mimicked in the play). Very impactful stuff. How was your play?
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    sorry ladies for my pissy mood. i have been just so upset with myself for making such bad choices.

    tiff....funny story. what a way to spend the night.
    tamm...yea, for exercise. i really liked mine too until mood change :cry:
    pedal...yea, for good choices. keep it up
    b...what year xb is yours. mines the orginal box 06 in black.
    lauryn...yup still too cold for ocean swimming, enjoy your stay. are you in my area?
    the paper pushers...glad to hear everyone got the papers done. carrot cake. golden corrals is soooo good.
    i know i missed many more. hope you are doing good.

    i have stayed in my cals today first day in over a week, almost 2. don't know what that mean thing will say on tues. i will pay the price. mowed the back lawn today. tomorrow head to the gym and begin my workouts again.

    the play was great....gave lots to think about. very graphic when it came to the beats before he was nailed to the cross. i cried. and then when he passed and let out the loudest yell. i just felt shivers. than satan floating around. the makeup was great. will have to go again next year.

    again sorry for the mood ladies.

    later :heart:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    TIff oh my gosh, that story!!! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time but you will always have it to look back on and laugh!!

    Lauryn - I'm in Columbia. I will have to look up the place you said, I'm not sure where that is or if its even close. I've only lived in MO since August.

    Tamm - I'm in my first year of Grad School working on my masters (two year program). So I'm almost halfway done with my masters, yay!!! It's been hard lately to fit in the fitness program, which is probably why i've been gaining, but I did walk three miles today out in the country where I"m staying for the weekend!!

    Speaking of which, I will be completing our challenges in a different city this summer! I will be back in Nebraska to complete my internship requirements for my masters program. WHich I am actually very excited about.

    Anyways, don't have a lot of time right now, I'm at my sister's in-laws for Easter (weird I know) so I better go! Check in later, and to those of you that observe Easter I hope you enjoy the holiday tomorrow and I hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE :flowerforyou:

    no chocolate easter bunnies in my house, or any easter candy....:tongue:

    on way to gym.

    later :heart:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Happy Easter everyone!!!! Unfortanately mom, I have tons of Easter candy lying around the house. The kids have been eating it since last night. They got bags from their Grandma and more bags from the Papa and his girlfriend. Plus, I'm making a bunny cake, because I've been wanting to make one.

    I did a egg hunt for the girls. They don't care what's in them, they just like the hunt. Wish they could hunt some more. I'll have to go after Easter shopping to buy little toys to put in them for next year.

    Anyways, just wanted to pop in and say hey. Later.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Happy Easter Sixers! Have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Happy Easter everyone! Here is the scene at my place this morning:

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hope everyone is having a great day....

    getting the grill lite and bbqing turkey burgers and turkey dogs and have sweet potato fries in the oven. yummy.

    later :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    did you guys see we can now delete freq. food from our lists.....:bigsmile:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Well, I have decided to get my butt in gear. I'm not going to start until Tues., but that is because I really need to go grocery shopping. Plus, it's easier for me to start when I am working than on a day off. But, today I ate ALOT!!!!! I have not eaten this much in a long time. Oh well, done and overwith. Like I said, I'm going to make a grocery list and my meals for the week. Just wanted to put that out there so that way I'm telling myself instead of just thinking about it.

    Anyway's, here is a sneak peak of my car. Look in my profile pics. Plus there is an Easter pic of my girls. Not done yet, hubby's not happy with the purple, so we are going out tomorrow and looking to see if we can find another purple.

    Later, ladies and have a great evening.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Sixers!!!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter day!!! I enjoyed going back and forth to the kitchen getting multiple sugar cookies in the shape of the following: bunny, cross, flowers and eggs. LOL! I'm taking the rest to work as soooooon as I can in the morning. I love cookies!!! I decided to take today off from fitness but I've been staring at those fitness dvds and weights and step all day. SIGH!!! I need to take a day off. GOSH. When will I learn! A body needs rest. So, I walked dylan for 20 mins around the neighborhood as slow as I could.

    Cathy- Don't be to hard on yourself. Don't spend your todays worrying about your yesterdays. You are back focused and results are soon to follow. I know you can do it!!! :flowerforyou:

    Shanell- Glad to see you getting situated for the grocery store!!! YAY!

    Amy lou- Time does fly in school. Congrats and I hope you enjoy your externship! :) Sometimes new scenery helps you stay focused.

    Lauryn- At least you are walking!!! YAY! Its the best exercise that gives results consistently. Congrats girlie!

    Rhiannon- I need to checkout your facebook later tonight. how are the kids?

    To all others! Keep your eye's on the prize! WE can definitely do this!!

    Take care
