GIrl, please; are bikini pics really the best display of a "



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results"..... I think of myself as a godly women and I would not allow my daughter to parade around like that so I need to be an example too. Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here. I am loosing weight and feeling great, but it's for me and only my husband gets to see the "real" results..... most people will bag on this idea because they crave others attention, good or bad.....

    There are more women on this site then men. I post pics in my undies/bikini to show what i WORK hard for and EARNED. And to maybe insire others to do the same.If a guy comments in an inappropriate way he is sure to get a b!tchy message from me. and i know many women are the same. What do you want us to wear to show progress? My snuggie?

    See this stomach? I worked my *kitten* of to get where I am. I'm proud of it and show it off if I want.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I snorted. Or did I snotted? :laugh:

    Ha! Nice one. I LOL'd
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    In the context of this debate the terms modesty, dignity and self-respect are all just code words meaning "the female form is dirty and shameful and needs to be covered up."

    It's a fitness site. We don't discriminate against bodies here. I'm sure you can find a weight loss forum where nobody is allowed to post pictures in anything less than a full shirt and pants.

    What's that? You can't? Right, because that would be ridiculous.
  • crikey1987
    I'm just gonna take a moment to go through and report all of the posters that flung insults at this woman, ESPECIALLY the ones who used misogynistic slang to back up their "feminist" viewpoints. Please! That's no way to treat a woman whose opinion differs from yours, people. Especially, ESPECIALLY if you consider yourself a feminist.

    That said, I'm in the middle when it comes to this. I'm 100% against women feeling pressure to get all sexified in teenie bikinis etc as our fitness improves. No thanks! But I've also got a problem with the idea that a woman's body is some sort of "secret" that should be covered and saved for one person. Those viewpoints are two sides of the same coin: objectification of women's bodies. Both equally bad.
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results"..... I think of myself as a godly women and I would not allow my daughter to parade around like that so I need to be an example too. Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here. I am loosing weight and feeling great, but it's for me and only my husband gets to see the "real" results..... most people will bag on this idea because they crave others attention, good or bad.....

    a body is a body, functional and MADE TO BE NAKED.

    How covering up is meant to be more devout i will never understand.

    That's right! The first people on this planet didn't even wear bikinis or speedos!!! *GASP*
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    I'll be lucky to be wearing anything if I hit my final goal and get as sexy and toned as I hope to be eventually. I fully expect to be arrested for indecent exposure a few times in the future.

    LOVE IT!

    Lol..Love this one too !!
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    I think it's okay to display your progess in a swim suit or wear one at the beach where it is appropriate. It displays a show of confidence. However, I frown at the person standing in front of me at Starbucks in peek-a-boo shorts....That's just Grose!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Everyone has different thoughts on this, and I understand your point of view completely.
    Honestly, at this point in my journey I would not wear a bikini.

    However, after hours and months and sweat and tears of working my @$$ off to get the body that I want, I'll flaunt it if I want to.

    And by that, I mean wearing a bikini at the water park or something.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results"..... I think of myself as a godly women and I would not allow my daughter to parade around like that so I need to be an example too. Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here. I am loosing weight and feeling great, but it's for me and only my husband gets to see the "real" results..... most people will bag on this idea because they crave others attention, good or bad.....

    umm seriously..... I do not have any men on my friends list, i am 100% dedicated to my man, just because I am proud of my body and my hardwork does not mean I am trolling for other men's attention!! RUDE!!!
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    I agree with this wholeheartedly. Wearing super short shorts and a really revealing top is just disgusting in my personal opinion, UNLESS they're your workout clothes (and even then, there's a fine line between what's acceptable and what makes someone look like a *kitten*).

    Whenever I see the term "*kitten*" it makes me wanna go ballistic. Who the hell do you think you are calling women who decide to wear whatever they want *kitten*? Shut you mouth and grow up before you even dare to offend anyone for what they wear.

    Thank you!!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results"..... I think of myself as a godly women and I would not allow my daughter to parade around like that so I need to be an example too. Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here. I am LOOSING (NOT LOOSING, LOSING) weight and feeling great, but it's for me and only my husband gets to see the "real" results..... most people will bag on this idea because they crave others attention, good or bad.....

    I get really sick of "godly" types who feel they must pass judgment on other people and their "ways". GOD is the judge, not you. Why don't you let Him do his job??

    I think of myself as a goddess.

  • dahvishont02
    dahvishont02 Posts: 50 Member
    This thread has litterally made my day!! My personal opinion is that it is a personal decision to a point. As long as you are not offending my eyes with dental floss, we are good to go.

    >grabs popcorn, props up feet. and continues to watch<

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  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    In the context of this debate the terms modesty, dignity and self-respect are all just code words meaning "the female form is dirty and shameful and needs to be covered up."

    It's a fitness site. We don't discriminate against bodies here. I'm sure you can find a weight loss forum where nobody is allowed to post pictures in anything less than a full shirt and pants.

    What's that? You can't? Right, because that would be ridiculous.

    but brett, Levitical laws state that the "godly" women can't wear pants. pants are for menfolk.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here.
    I kinda like the attention I get from the females way better...yes indeed!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    think my wife is sexier NOW at a size eight and over 40 , then when she was 20 and a size two, she looks HOT in a bikini and I turn into a 18 year old leering boy when she wears one in our pool or on a cruise/beach get away.

    it's about how you present yourself, the more confident you are, the hotter you are....male or female.

    as for stretch marks, she notices them, I don't but then again I am usually looking at different parts of her body ;)
  • slayerdan
    I think body confidence is hugely under-rated.

    However; is it really confidence that leads a woman to feel she needs to display her nearly naked body for comment?

    Personally (and yes, this is my OPINION) I prefer to keep some parts of my body a secret for only my husband to unwrap. I don't wear a bikini. I don't wear a sports bra without a shirt over it. I don't wear "ta-da!" shorts. Or any number of the myriad of revealing clothes that I've been told I should aspire to wear. I don't let my daughter wear them either.


    Thank you.
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    I agree with this wholeheartedly. Wearing super short shorts and a really revealing top is just disgusting in my personal opinion, UNLESS they're your workout clothes (and even then, there's a fine line between what's acceptable and what makes someone look like a *kitten*).

    Whenever I see the term "*kitten*" it makes me wanna go ballistic. Who the hell do you think you are calling women who decide to wear whatever they want *kitten*? Shut you mouth and grow up before you even dare to offend anyone for what they wear.

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I agree.... a women doe snot need to show everything she's got to show "her results"..... I think of myself as a godly women and I would not allow my daughter to parade around like that so I need to be an example too. Most (not all) of the women who do that on this site are just looking for the attention they get from the men here. I am loosing weight and feeling great, but it's for me and only my husband gets to see the "real" results..... most people will bag on this idea because they crave others attention, good or bad.....
    How can you call yourself 'godly' and then proceed to pass judgement?
    Then again you didnt specify which god.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    In the context of this debate the terms modesty, dignity and self-respect are all just code words meaning "the female form is dirty and shameful and needs to be covered up."

  • brenteesha
    I think body confidence is hugely under-rated.

    However; is it really confidence that leads a woman to feel she needs to display her nearly naked body for comment?

    Personally (and yes, this is my OPINION) I prefer to keep some parts of my body a secret for only my husband to unwrap. I don't wear a bikini. I don't wear a sports bra without a shirt over it. I don't wear "ta-da!" shorts. Or any number of the myriad of revealing clothes that I've been told I should aspire to wear. I don't let my daughter wear them either.


    You don't back up any of your claims. First you talk about your opinion, and then you just say how to prefer to show your own body. Then you criticise other women for not showing their bodies the same way you show yours, and offer now reasons for them to change how they show their bodies.

    Clearly, the reason women show off their bodies in bikinis on this site is because that's their way of motivating themselves: by showing thousands of people how they look in a bikini. They must work hard to improve their bodies, because thousands of people can see their progress.

    Why don't you admit that this is a skinny bashing thread, Deannhill, and let us all boo you out of here in peace?
    Her post is purely opinion-based, so why should she back it up? She's not trying to display facts that need evidence to support them. I also don't believe her post was criticsm, either. She made it a point to state several times that it was only an opinion, and at no point did she say anything about what she thinks other people should do or wear, or what they should change. In fact, she included several things from her personal life that supported what she was talking about... and in fact, wasn't that what you asked for in the first place? For her to back up her claims? It's funny that you want to call her out and tell her what she is saying is wrong... when you made it sound inappropriate for her to "skinny bash." Doesn't that sound rather hypocritical? She can't call out others, but you can?

    All semantics aside, I *think* I understand where she is coming from. I feel the same way. There are so many women posting half naked pictures, and most of the other half are wishing they were confident enough to do so. But what does this stem from? Our society's way of demeaning women and making them into sex objects, and making them feel insignificant if they don't meet the perceived definition of attractive. I don't see this as criticsm or bashing, but rather an opinion that women don't need to objectify themselves in order to gain confidence. I think another point was that just because others are doing it doesn't mean you HAVE to do it too. Several women commented on this post saying that their friends do it so they want to as well. Shouldn't you do something because you WANT to do it?

    And please, save me all the *****ing and moaning about our criticism and judgement of others. As the OP stated and I've reiterated, it's not judgement. It's an opinion. And the same way half the commenters claim freedom and pursuit of happiness, I am claiming it too. We are discussing our opinons, which is what this board is for. If you don't like it, don't read it.

    OP: You are not alone! My 14 year old sister wears those tiny little shorts that barely cover her butt with her sleeveless shirt or tank, and I just find it incredibly inappropriate. I've tried to approach my mom about it, but her response is that "that's how they wear them these days." STILL... that doesn't make it ok! At her age, she doesn't need to be giving guys any ideas... they already have enough of their own. As for the adult women... it's their choice and perogative to dress as slutty as they want. However, I do question the motive sometimes, same as you.