The Paranormal



  • a_robinson86
    a_robinson86 Posts: 55 Member
    The best experience happened at my parents house. My brother & I were both home for the weekend. Around 1:30/2am as I was getting ready for bed (I was working nights so I had an off schedule). I heard the sounds of someone coming in the house- door unlocking, opening/closing, relocking, footsteps heading down the hall, the basement door opening/closing.

    That happened to me about 7 or 8 years ago, I had a day off from work so I was sitting in my living room watching T.V and I heard both my porch door and front door open and close then someone walk upstairs, I thought it was my sister coming home from college early so I didn't think anything of it. I went upstairs to use the toilet a couple of minutes later and decided to pop my head into her room to say hi but she weren't there! My mum, dad and boyfriend were all at work at the time, I did ask everyone when they got home if anyone had come home briefly for any reason during the day but none of them had! It's happened again on a couple of occasions when a couple more people were in the house and they heard it too so thankfully I'm not going crazy! lol
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    Ok I have a couple more! not scary or anything.

    My mom, I think it was after having the twins, she was put out because she was losing a lot of blood. She woke up and she was sitting in reception. She was feeling really tired. There was a nurse at the reception and she was trying to ask her something. Like what time is it, or something like that. The nurse just ignored her. My mom just looked around and saw one of those hospital beds they wheel you around in, and that there was something on it and covered with a sheet. She got even more tired and fell asleep in the chair.

    She woke up and a sheet was over her face. She pulled it off and sat up and the nurse SCREAMED! Apparently my mom had lost a lot of blood and they couldn't revive her and she was pronounced dead and just waiting to wheel her to the morgue.

    good thing they didn't!!!!

    Another time, again my mom was having a baby, her last one. again she was losing a lot of blood so they put her out. When she was coming to she could hear the doctor saying her name, and also another voice saying her name 3 times in a row. And then the doctor would slap her. Finally she said to turn off the light it was too bright. The doctor said that there was no light on and she argued with him to turn it off, but there was no light on.

    My mom said that she had the feeling that the other voice had been my brother. He passed away a couple days after he was born (an older brother) but she KNEW it was him.

    I forgot to mention too in my first post about my mom trying to commit suicide, that again she almost crossed over. She felt that she met Jesus (NO JOKE OKAY!!!!) she just knew it had been him. And he told her it wasn't her time yet and to go back. she said she didn't want to but he told her that her children needed her.
  • elcyclista
    Aw so many more stories on here since I last saw this post but I'm supposed to do thermodynamics homework. :(
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I've apparently had a couple. My mom told me about them because I was too young to remember them.

    Our dining room has a half wall that looks down into the family room where a door leads to the garage. We were sitting at the dining room table eating dinner. And I said that there was a little blue man downstairs and he walked through the door. My mom said 'oh he opened the door?' And I guess I replied with "no. he walked THROUGH the door". She asked me to describe him and apparently the description was of my dad's father who had passed away before I was born.

    Then another time I walked up the steps to go play in my playroom and I went to turn down the hall and just stopped and stood there staring. Then turned back around, and calmly walked downstairs. My mom asked me what happened and I said I didn't want to play there. She got freaked out and called my dad home from work. I still don't like to be in that room by myself. The only solace is that the animals go in there so I figure its probably okay.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I love these kinds of threads!!

    I've had a couple of things happen over the years.

    When I was 19 I worked in a dental office. I cleaned the rooms after each visit and kept everything stocked. The office was in a very old building, in fact it was located in what was the morgue several years prior. The upper, street level floors had all been remodled and turned into stores and office space. Our office was closed on Fridays, but I still had to go in and deep clean all the rooms and such and would answer calls and schedule appointments as needed. I was never thrilled to be there by myself, but never had anything odd happen... untill my last Friday working there ever. Since the office was closed, all the doors were locked. Even if the main street door was unlocked, and you were able to get into the waiting room.. you would not be able to get into the back office area as we would lock that door as well. Something had just really felt off that day.. I couldn't explain it. I was trying to get everything cleaned and leave. I was vacuuming the floor and felt someone there. I turned around and just about jumped out of my skin. A little old man wearing a bow tie, sport coat and dress pants was standing there. He told me he was sorry he startled me and just ask me a couple of really random questions. Nothing about the dental office, or dental related (just about the building in general). After a couple of minutes he told me thank you and he would go now that he didn't mean to scare me.. he then open and walked out the side door. Which he had to unlock the deadblot to open. I checked and the other doors were locked as well. No clue how he got into the office. After this I really kicked it into high gear and wanted to leave. I was almost done and a lady and her 3 kids where knocking on the front door.. she saw me and waved and asked if she could come in and book her kids appointment. I told her yes and let her in.. it was nice to not be alone after that. I was trying to pull her kids up in the system and she said.. "Happy birthday" I looked at her confused, because my birthday was the next day.. but how did she know. She then replied, "Oh, I can just feel these things, hope it doesn't scare you". I just thanked her and tried to get along with booking the appointments, but wasn't able to find any record of her kids in the computer.. after a couple of minutes she just looked at me and smiled and said "Don't worry about it, my kids don't really come here.. I just felt I needed to come here and talk to you, because you've had some odd things happen today". Then she left, and I locked up that office and called my boss and informed them I would not be working by myself there on Friday's again. Everyone in the office was freaked out about the things I told them.. but I never heard if anyone else every experienced things like that there.