decided I dont want to die



  • trasista4
    trasista4 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello LH, Praise God that you are doing this! I am very proud of you. Everyone has something in their lives that they need to get a handle on and yours and mine is food. I bought a book called south beach diet and I learned how to eat portion sizes correctly. I now work out everyday(m-f). The most I have ever weighed is 185 but still being overweight at any age, or gender, is exhausting. I too, just started this site a week ago. Lost 2 lbs and am so excited. Again, I am here to cheer you on and help if I can. God is so good, trust him and he will help you in all things. God Bless, Trasista4
  • rachyjane83
    Hey, what a great start you have had by all the love and support from everybody on MFP. Its not going to be easy but no one said losing weight was!!!!!! Its a lifestyle change that will get you to your goal and not thinking that you are on a diet, because when we think we are dieting we wnat the food we know we shouldn't have and the cravings begging. You just got to stay strong and focused and remember why you joined in the first place. When you have a bad day think of the people you joined for......when you have a great day make sure you log why that was and what was so great about it.......

    It's going to be baby steps but thats ok as slowly does it means it will stay off, i to have tried dieting before and now realise that this is going to be the best way and it WILL WORK!!!!! We have just got to stay positive and celebrate each pound loss each inch loss and also each clothes size you loose!!!!

    Im a 28 year old girl who just wants to shop in any shop and wear what i want and not have to think about about what i look like or what people will think!!!!!

    Good luck, keep the faith and believe and love yourself!!!!!!!

    xxxxxx rachel xxxxxxxxx :) add me if you want
  • sgtchester
    sgtchester Posts: 20 Member
    I can tell you're going to do well.
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Congrats on starting!!! You can do it, I just know it.
  • biliter3
    biliter3 Posts: 2
    How wonderful, you have taken the right step, you have decided that you want better for your self and to be healthy. You can do it, I know it's hard, but if you put your mind to it you can do anything. Just fight temptation with everything in you. Just keep thinking 'I want to live, I want to live, and I'm going to live. Best of luck. Praying for your victory.
  • Jennaannwatts
    Seriously your post is touching me right now.

    Your not alone. i am 24 and the same in stone. I have tried for years but i always fail.

    Now with the help from doctors im at the gym and have a dietician from tomorrow and your right i dont want to die either.

    Yes sometimes food tastes so good but look what it does for us. I admire you for opening up and realising you need to a lifestyle change. Me too! Motivation is what i lack, but i know by sticking to my fitnesspal will help me.

    You can keep me motivated, and i can keep you motivated. I am morbidly obese, your not alone, i'm scared of being looked at in the gym but on the other hand i dont care im in there for me!!

    Good luck!! you can do it x
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    Good luck!! There are so many supportive groups you can check out on here and nice people too!! Just take it a day at a time. Little changes add up!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Yes sometimes food tastes so good but look what it does for us. I admire you for opening up and realising you need to a lifestyle change. Me too! Motivation is what i lack, but i know by sticking to my fitnesspal will help me.

    Also after a while (if you go cold turkey) you will stop craving those types of unhealthy foods and you'll start to crave the healthy foods and enjoy them. There are lots of healthy foods that taste good too and you can also substitute using lower fat and or lower sugar condiments

    OP How are things going? :) Hope everything is going well!
    This is really true! I dont look at this as a diet! i look at it as a life style change! and it helps alot. i dont wanna be diabetic or be overly heavy! i wanna be able to see me toes when i look down. and i hope you feel that same way