decided I dont want to die



  • willafan
    willafan Posts: 101
    I'd love to support you and I commend you for your honesty and your commitment. Please feel free to add me if you'd like. I know you can do do this!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Sometimes, we find ourselves at a point in life and we wonder how we got there.

    Sometimes, we know exactly how we got there, and saw it coming, but didn't do anything about it.

    But getting to the point where you are ready to do something about it is what is important NOW. Forget about the past, and move forward. There is so much to look forward to - to gain, and to lose.

    You can do this. Take it easy, take it slow, take it one day at a time. Find your groove.

    On MFP, you are not alone. :)

    Congrats on the beginning of a new journey to a healthier you. :)
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    As you can see, everyone on these boards are here for you. We will encourage you through the good and bad. You've taken the first step which is amazing. You can do this!!!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    I'm so glad you want to get healthy! Remember to always focus on the end result when things aren't going well or you have a bad day! You CAN do it! Don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • queenoates
    Hello I am Dawn and I have been up and down with my weight all my life I started out on here at 297 and it went up but now I am back to the same weight I started at. I only started on here Jan 20th. I am proud of myself as I did lose what I put back on as I am starting 6 months of eating right so I can get gastric bypass. I have support as my live in boyfriend is going through it with me. Support is a must. As for what you said you should be very proud of yourself for what you have lost losing it slow is best as you will be more likely to keep it off but don't get discouraged if you put some weight back on like I did you just keep at it know matter how hard it gets. I don't know you but I am proud of you!!! You and my boyfriend have things in common he weighs 572 and he was an over the road trucker too and now he is temporarily disabled. Good luck keep in touch if you would like.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    Congratulations in taking that first step. That was probably a very difficult thing to do. It will be a long journey but just take it one day at a time. After reading my blog send me a friends request if you are interested in being friends.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Congratulations!!! I've watched my weight yo-yo and have finally truly resolved to fix it. What I have learned on this journey thus far is that willpower can be practiced and strengthened. If you haven't used it in awhile, it's gonna take some practice. Just yesterday, I pulled into a McDonald's intent on getting an egg mcmuffin but drove around the building once and considered what I was doing and did I want to derail myself like that. At any rate, good luck on your journey. Exercise your willpower as much as you exercise your body and it will get stronger - I promise. And detox from all the refined foods is hell, but you will get past it. Hang in there! Set little, short-term goals. These help exercise that control and give you something to celebrate. For me, it might be, when I leave work today, I will not get fast food. I will go home and prepare the meal I had planned, no matter how tired I kids deserve a healthier mom. Those little victories add up and help get your head away from the negative self talk. Good luck to you. And remember, slip ups are ok here and there. Don't beat yourself up, just get back on the horse and don't get discouraged!!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    We are all here for you. One step at a time is right. Everybody fails, but what matters is picking yourself back up and fighting another day. You can and will persevere!
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on your loss so far. Take one day at a time and you will get through this. Feel free to send me a friedn request and we can encourage each other as we're all in this together. No one is here because they have somewhere else to be or somethig better to do. Good luck on the journey-hopefully you'll get the support you need and get through it, making some friends along the way.:smile:
  • rosanthorn
    Good for you LH! You can do it.:smile:
  • _veggiemonster_
    I know I'm young, but hopefully only being 18 won't detract from my genuine words. I think you're amazing and young or old, your story is inspiring. I wish you the best on you're journey, and hope you know that you have plenty of support here. And you will need it, because we all do. Stay strong when you slip up, congratulate yourself when you don't, and look after yourself so that you can look after others. Good luck!
  • longhaul64
    Thank you so much for your e-mail. I am overwhelmed by the amount of support
    in just my first day on MFP. I would be honored to add you as my friend. LH
  • Mamao7
    Mamao7 Posts: 79
    You go! keep up good work.. you can do it.
  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    Your post has touched many. Please dont give up. You will get great support here. :)
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 166 Member
    making that first strrp is hardest, gets friends tht will suport and encourage u
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    Your story really touched me, because it reminded me of my dad's story. (He's the reason I joined MFP to begin with, so he wouldn't be doing this "alone".) Please don't give up. You can accomplish anything you put your mind to. We believe in you, so you have to believe in yourself. Good luck & congratulations on taking the first step.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    The first step is always the most difficult. Congratulations on taking the first step! You will find a lot of support here. :)
  • marnie4ever
    marnie4ever Posts: 28 Member
    You have the right motive for getting healthy!!! Just a little word for you...try and not think about HOW FAR you have to go...just focus on TODAY and how much better you are doing!!! You can overwhelm yourself with dreading and thinking about the long haul! SO just for today is all you have to even think about! :)
  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. It takes a lot of courage to speak out to total strangers and ask for help. I think I can speak for everyone on here that WE are here for you on your journey. Its not an easy journey but you can do this. Also if you have a setback just get right back on your LIFESTYLE change (not a diet) and continue on. Don't beat yourself up over your setback to a point you give up. One day at a time. Set small goals for yourself. You can do this my friend. Add me if you like. Best wishes on your journey!!
  • rsouthland
    I believe it was Patton who said, "Surrounded hell... I've finally got them where I want them."

    I am so pulling for you. You will find amazing support on this site. Everyone is so eager to have you succeed. Use this tool, very valuable tool to help you. Thank you so much for your story. I'm very encouraged by one of my MFP friends Ed who's lost over 300 pounds from a position similar to yours now.

    One step in front of the other. They each add up. They may be small or slow at first, but they are still moving forward. You can do this.