Creepy Chicks at the Gym



  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    There's one girl who's pretty much furniture in my main gym. She sits around the weights section not doing anything at all, in full workout gear, talking to anyone who'll give her the time of day. I loved breaking her little heart - I spoke to her on Wednesday, but my only words were 'Are you using that?' No, she replied. 'Can you move then?' Her face dropped and she got up and moved onto the next poor *kitten*.

    I think I may be a little bit in love with you.

    He's mine..

    I have my own guy too :) But his post was pretty epic!!
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I'm probably the creepy girl at the gym, I love to watch people. I just want to learn so I watch what other people are doing and it adds exercises to my routines. I also watch people I find inspiring. One of the women who works at my gym is incredible, she's really pretty and in crazy good shape, and I watch people when I'm on the treadmill because I get bored easily :lol:
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    I had a girl who usually went on the same days as me. We would talk while there and we are about he same age so I thought I had made a new friend possibly. That was until she told me I'm her boyfriends type and she'd love for me to meet him with the possibility of a 3 way. I obviously said no. And things were fine afterward. Until she had the husband come in to meet me. From then on out I would ignore her and she would beg me to reconsider. I had to switch gyms,

    You win!
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    There's one girl who's pretty much furniture in my main gym. She sits around the weights section not doing anything at all, in full workout gear, talking to anyone who'll give her the time of day. I loved breaking her little heart - I spoke to her on Wednesday, but my only words were 'Are you using that?' No, she replied. 'Can you move then?' Her face dropped and she got up and moved onto the next poor *kitten*.

    ^^^^ Thats soooo funny!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    There are these three girls who are good looking, but they walk sticking out there chests and butts.

    It looks so funny.
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    There's one girl who's pretty much furniture in my main gym. She sits around the weights section not doing anything at all, in full workout gear, talking to anyone who'll give her the time of day. I loved breaking her little heart - I spoke to her on Wednesday, but my only words were 'Are you using that?' No, she replied. 'Can you move then?' Her face dropped and she got up and moved onto the next poor *kitten*.

    This just had me cracking up!! There's a woman like that in my gym too, except she takes a Zumba class with me before hand and gets soaked in sweat first and then goes and flirts with any guy that'll give her attention. She works out with her long hair down with a hat on and stares at herself in the mirror like a whack. I mean, I can see looking at yourself to make sure you're lifting right or what not but she just smiles at herself and grinds to the music... she doesn't even lift weights... it's pretty pathetic lol
  • Kittie_Kat
    There's a girl who comes in, does cardio vigorously and then goes off to the weights and lifts more than some of the guys there (grunts and all) I guess I wouldn't call her creepy, but dang lol I wish I had the courage to lift when there's guys all up in the weights hahaha
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    There's this one chick who's absolutely gorgeous, with a fantastic figure, wears low rise capris and a sports bra, who works out really hard lifting and running... and there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of that, but her hair NEVER gets messy! It's like beauty pageant hair, no matter if she just walked in the gym or is on her way out.

    I'm convinced she's not really human.

    I have a friend like that I call "fembot" except she isn't creepy just stepford wife perfect. Her hobbies are keeping a perfectly ordered house, pole dancing, and watching sport. (she is a real sweet person too & very bright).
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    There was this one time I was in the changing room. There was nobody else in there. I was getting ready to have a shower and my bag was on the bench in front of me. A woman in her 60'a came in and stood right beside me (practically stood on me) and started to undress... Bear in mind there was NOBODY else in there (and its a MASSIVE changing room too)

    If someone did walk in I only had a towel on backed into a corner and she was standing there in a g-string...

  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    There's this one chick who's absolutely gorgeous, with a fantastic figure, wears low rise capris and a sports bra, who works out really hard lifting and running... and there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of that, but her hair NEVER gets messy! It's like beauty pageant hair, no matter if she just walked in the gym or is on her way out.

    I'm convinced she's not really human.

    Haha!! I never understood the full makeup and perfectly coiffed hair at the gym... really?! unless you're like me and come straight from work...i have on makeup but rarely is my hair good ;D
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    Creepy girl checking you out

    This is why i heart you ;-D
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    I was in the hot tub at my gym, alone. It's in the women's locker room so everyone is of course naked. An older lady got in and put on goggles. After racing through every possible innocent explanation in my head, her head went under and I bolted.

    Holy Moly. I can't even think of a reason for the goggles that isn't just.....ick.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I was in the hot tub at my gym, alone. It's in the women's locker room so everyone is of course naked. An older lady got in and put on goggles. After racing through every possible innocent explanation in my head, her head went under and I bolted.

    HAHA!! O...that is just wrong....
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I agree with the other posters about women who go in the locker room walking around naked for over 10 minutes and they want to have a conversation naked...or the ones who stare at this is when the testosterone comes out in me and I want to back SLAP each one! Put some 'bleep' clothes on and ogle at others at home in private. ugh! I HATE IT! ):o
    No cooth at all.
  • kychica718
    Well, this would be creepy guys at the gym, not creepy chicks, but. . . I overheard a couple of "muscle heads" talking about their diets to get "cut," and basically, they were subsisting on olive oil and Creatine. Yuck.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I was in the hot tub at my gym, alone. It's in the women's locker room so everyone is of course naked. An older lady got in and put on goggles. After racing through every possible innocent explanation in my head, her head went under and I bolted.

    You. win.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    funny to hear them grunt! That is pretty creepy sometimes

    lol, I let out some minor grunts the other day doing 300 lbs. on the Leg Press Machine :)
  • nicolekz
    Have a few at my gym...they look at you like if they're's some what creepy, I mean a smile won't hurt ladies...

    Haha, this is me. It baffles me as to why people come up to me at the gym and tell me to smile, because (1) I don't tell you what expression to have on your face, and (2) I'm there to work out - last time I checked, smiling wasn't necessary for a squat, press, or deadlift.
  • oOTeresaOo
    oOTeresaOo Posts: 39 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: