Why are YOU fat?

We all have excuses and stories and reasons why we gained weight, why we don't exercise, blah blah blah blah.

What's YOURS???

I am fat because :

1 ) I used to say " I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and a b*tch "

2 ) I had two ankle surgeries and spend 6 months in a cast.

3) I had three kids and really, who has time to eat properly?

4 ) My husband eats like crap.

5 ) I like to bake.

6 ) The stars don't align in my favour.

7 ) Every time I start to eat healthy, something happens.

8 ) My kids ruined my body.

9 ) I think my husband likes fat women.

10 ) I'm lazy and full of excuses.


  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    years of eating too much and making bad food choices. pretty simple for me
  • pornstarzombie
    i was married. :tongue: I got comfortable in my relationship and let my fitness slip. Whoops.

    Tossed the husband, now getting my body and sanity back slowly but surely. :bigsmile:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I was in a wheelchair and let depression overwhelm me (not saying everyone with depression 'lets' it get the best of them- I'm only talking about MY depression at the time- it was purely situational)

    We all die anyway- what's the point?

    Doesn't matter if I'm fat or not- no one really loves me.

    Why deny happiness with so much bad in the world?

    God made cookies to be enjoyed so we should enjoy them (and by enjoy I meant 'eat the whole bag')

    Figured I'm disabled anyway- why even bother to try and get healthy? Can't do nothin anyway (Eeyore syndrome)
  • jmulldome
    4 words:

  • anave285
    anave285 Posts: 67 Member
    I ate what my family ate. And quite frankly... there just wasn't enough knowledge or MFP in my life. Fitness gurus don't give the full story. The one I hate is just eat 500 less calories per day or burn 500 calories per day and you will lose 1lb a week. That is TOTAL CRAP! No one eats the same amount of calories every day. So basically they are saying that if you eat 4500 calories a day but then cut it to 4000, you will lose a lb a week. Sorry schnukums... that just ain't gonna fly.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    1. Heart issues (undiagnosed until last May)
    2. Depression
    3. Emotional eating/binge eating
  • ActorGirl1476
    ActorGirl1476 Posts: 221 Member
    I know the point of this is to share what excuses we use(d) and mine was usually "I'm just big boned" or "it's the way I was taught to eat".

    But in reality, I have learned that I was over weight because I fear male attention, and also because (since I mentally attach my size to my chances for success) I fear actually succeeding in my goals and in my career. Once I realized this and started working on it, the weight started coming off. These are still issues for me. that I work on every day. But I am glad I really know they are there now.
  • paulaparrish
    paulaparrish Posts: 15 Member
    1) I'm not THAT fat.
    2) I don' t really overeat, I just can't lose the weight no matter if I excercised or not.
    3) If I can't eat what I want, then life's not worth livin'.

    But I'm done with that kind of thinking...I just started MFP in January and I'm down almost 9 lbs. I'm so excited.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Too many broken hearts.
    Felt like if a man can't treat me right when I work my *kitten* off and am damn hot and skinny.. why bother working so freakin' hard. Love me as I love(not really) myself.
    I didn't want to run into the crazy as*hole at the gym, or the trails(certainly not the wooded trails) so, I avoided those places.
    I love food.
    I love to cook.
    I am gluttonous.(sp?)
    I am lazy.
    And I also am full of excuses.
    I have a genetic predisposition to being big.
    I AM big boned.
    I just didn't care for 11 years
  • amykathleen2005
    amykathleen2005 Posts: 79 Member
    Grew up around junk foods and was never really taught as a child that it wasn't okay to eat cookies and chips (and never got used to the idea of having a fruit bowl sitting around). My parents did not have alot of money and on the surface healthier foods appear expensive to buy. I also connect my emotions with eating so when my father got very sick when I was in high school I ate, and he got sicker and sicker and into a nursing home and died when I was in college. That brought me to my absolute highest weight at age 18 and 212lbs. Since that time I have yo yo'ed through college and beyond going between 155 and 202. Currently I am back down to 166lbs. and now I have the knowledge and tools I have to keep myself at a healthier weight.
  • dandur
    dandur Posts: 267 Member
    A daily calorie surplus.
  • jcnewme11
    Married a man who turned out to be a control freak and didn't want me skinny after I had our daughter. Divorced him 2 years ago, was depressed, Lazy and tried every fad diet and exercise plan around instead of doing it properly. Now Im doing Zumba, Hip Hip Abs, walking and eating healthy. Its seems so be working....but its only been 2 months! :) It feels great!
  • rebelo3
    rebelo3 Posts: 51 Member
    I used to think you only live once so why not enjoy everything? Now I realize: Yes you only live once, but you live a longer and better life being healthy!!
  • allgoodnamestaken
    Years of back problems and taking Lyrica (causes weight gain) for the back problems. But - I had surgery last year, so hopefully I will be able to start moving more soon.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    i was married. :tongue: I got comfortable in my relationship and let my fitness slip. Whoops.

    Tossed the husband, now getting my body and sanity back slowly but surely. :bigsmile:

    Same except I still have the hubby.

    I never saw the 'fat' me when I looked in the mirror. I never 'felt' fat but knew I was overweight.

    Years of back problems and taking Lyrica (causes weight gain) for the back problems.

    I was also on Lyrica for headaches, stopped taking them when I started taking fertility medication.
  • Bellyroll
    I have an eating disorder and it is hard to control both ends.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I am fat because :
    1 ) I got pregnant and stopped caring about what went in my mouth.

    2 )We bought a house and I started to bake.

    3) I didn't give an eff.

    4 ) My husband like crap therefore so did I !

    5 ) I like to bake.

    6 ) My genetics suck.

    7 ) I'm self destructive.

    8 )I have disordered thoughts when it comes to food....

    9 )I eat for any emotion, mad,happy or sad. :op

    10 ) I'm lazy and full of excuses.
  • Ireshgurl
    I got married and moved. I went from dancin a few nights a week with my friends and a job that had me on my feet and running around all day to no dancing and a sit on my *kitten* job. I also got slightly depressed because it was the first time I'd ever been away from my family and friends. Then I just got lazy. There was a gym in housing and I never took advantage of it. And I'm still being lazy and making excuses. Somebody come down here and kick my *kitten* into gear.
  • Angela_Freeborn
    I'm plump because I didn't take care of myself and that's that, I can't blame anyone else for how big I became other them myself :(
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    Emotional eating/binge eating