Why are YOU fat?



  • bigsean72
    bigsean72 Posts: 12 Member
    a food lover with a low metabolism lol
  • 1) It really is in my genetics.
    2) Had a baby
    3) Ate like ****
    4) Emotional eating
    5) I was lazy
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Family Bad Habits, Boredom, Mild Depression (what teenager wasn't, like seriously, lol) No self-control on the food part
  • In my family love was shown by cooking for people. That was especially true for my Dad.
    An adult life of depression and not working at getting better.
    Not caring enough about me to try to make an effort to control what I eat
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    I have no "excuses". I just simply ate way too much food for way too many years and became morbidly obese.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    An injury that left me unable to move for several months, followed by years of never getting back into my former activities which kept me in shape.
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    Use food as a comfort.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    mother of teens=cook/eat fast.
    eating fast and on the run.
    not a breakfast fan.
    depression in winter.
  • mrsstafford618
    mrsstafford618 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm overweight because of emotional eating and NEVER exercising.
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    This post is really interesting! Definitely proud of those ladies who had hubbies poking fun at them, and kicked them to the curb! I was in the same situation for a few months with my EX-fiance!

    Really? Happy about divorces? What happened to a little communication? Likely "poking fun" was just that.
  • Tangy1966
    Tangy1966 Posts: 50 Member
    To much mindless eating (love salty snack foods) and drinking (wine)
    and using my achy knees as an excuse not to do more cardio.
  • Emotional eaterr
  • I'm fat because I sat around all day playing video games and ate like a beast. Not anymore, though! Now I make sure I get my workouts in no matter how lazy I'm feeling and I never regret it after. :D
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I never used to be, i graduated at 135lbs at 18, I was pretty active just had a bad habit of smoking
    When I graduated I dropped smoking for eating fast food/junk food in its place
    I never seen myself getting bigger cause everyone around me was always bigger

    Years went by
    got married
    moved to Kansas City from Canada in 2005
    life went on, never paid much attention

    In March 2009 hubby & I where talking about fixing up the rest of the house get rdy to sell was our last main goal before starting for a family, we just celebrated our 4yr anniversary

    I went to my doctor to get some blood work done, they told me i was in no shape to have kids, I needed to lose weight

    I was 330lbs.........

    Now that I quit working to become a housewife fulltime I had no excuse to get on track so off I went

    19 months I lost 156lbs, I was down to 176lbs in fall of 2010

    Docs said my numbers where great, to keep at it =)

    Then came the buy/sell of houses, I stopped tracking cause everytime i wanted to get a workout in the phone would ring saying people where coming by to see the house and it was hard to cook anything cause if someone was to come by and id cook something some reason they thought the people who where looking at the house might get upset with the smell of what i was cooking, all these excuses so fast food and quick meals came into play, I had no motivation to do anything else

    I gained about 40lbs back, last year was a slow year to get myself motivated and back on track tho I started when I joined MFP in the fall =)

    I have 56lbs left, this year is MY year to get it done, even if I get preggers plan is to keep moving
    My doctors gave us the green light my vitamin and other levels look great i been told, so lets keep it moving =)

    Now next Tuesday (feb 14th) is my 7yr anniversary & many more to come, time to get this 30 year old girlie in shape, yes me !! I can do this! Im a housewife still, I have no excuses ! =)

    we got this!
  • oOTeresaOo
    oOTeresaOo Posts: 39 Member
    -Had a pretty jacked up childhood and found comfort in food, and i still believe this

    -Was never taught what healthy food was, mom always bought cookies, chips, fried food, sodas and my fave carnitas!! my family always ate like crap and they still do. Single mother raising four very small children, i dont blame her

    -met my husband and got comfy, and so did he cause we both gained lbs

    -its easier to pick up dinner, and i never really learned how to cook till after i met my husband

    -Im Big boned
    -i love food
    -love to eat

    blah blah blah
  • I love unhealthy food, junk food, fast food and the like.
    I never ate vegetables and was picky with fruits until now.
    When I was 10 until recently, I would always eat, eat, eat when under stress / pressure or emotional trouble. It's either I'd eat EVERYTHING or not eat at all.
    I hate exercise or anything that requires too much effort.
    I was always on the computer, 30% of the time with food, and wouldn't move if I don't need to.
  • Bohemiangrace
    Bohemiangrace Posts: 10 Member
    I moved back home with my parents who believe that eating is the end all be all of life and I just started eating really unhealthy food.

    That and the fact that I still thought that I was like I was when I was 18, eating a bunch of crap and never gaining weight.
  • 1blueeyedbear
    1blueeyedbear Posts: 12 Member
    My excuses:
    1. big boned
    2. genes
    3. rather be fat and happy than skinny and miserable

    Actual reasons:
    1. undiagnosed sleep apnea (now being treated)
    2. laziness
    3. not exercising enough (or at all)
    4. no will power
    5. To much mindless eating
    6. way way too much eating out

    I'm sure there's more but that's what came to mind.
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member

    Same. Had a bad experience with it when I was 5 and it screwed me up for years.