T.H.E. Team April 10-16 Week 10



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 247.3/loss 1 pound
    indianagranny - SW/GW/CW 214/160/196 0 lbs lost for the week
    Yari - SW: 192/MGW:173/CW:190= 1.5 LOST
    Jamie - SW: 195/ GW: 155/ CW: 187.8 / 0lbs
    nitag - SW:220/GW 145/ CW 195 - = 1 lb lost
    lulubar-SW205/GW145/CW190-1lb lost
    beahurey-SW 208/GW 140/ CW202 - 5 lbs GAINED
    healthymom - SW 208/GW 150/ CW 191 - 0 lbs
    Eric - SW:260lbs./Goal???/ CW 252.5lbs = 8 lbs total lost
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 247.3/loss 1 pound
    indianagranny - SW/GW/CW 214/160/196 0 lbs lost for the week
    Yari - SW: 192/MGW:173/CW:190= 1.5 LOST
    Jamie - SW: 195/ GW: 155/ CW: 187.8 / 0lbs
    nitag - SW:220/GW 145/ CW 195 - = 1 lb lost
    lulubar-SW205/GW145/CW190-1lb lost
    beahurey-SW 208/GW 140/ CW202 - 5 lbs GAINED
    healthymom - SW 208/GW 150/ CW 191 - 0 lbs
    Eric - SW:260lbs./Goal???/ CW 252.5lbs = 8 lbs total lost
    Kristi - SW: 461/GW: 195/CW: 445 = 5 lbs GAINED :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Ok, I had this perfect post written up this morning and in the middle of that process, my internet went down! :grumble:

    Luckily, I could see what was happening, so I quickly blocked the text and saved it to a word doc. So, here is my post from this morning that never got posted.

    Ok, first things first. WELCOME Eric!! This is a great thread and will get a great deal of support and assistance here. I love these guys! They will always help and be there for you if you let them!

    Now, its time to address what I have done wrong this past week, or since getting home from vacation.

    First - all the snacky food from vaction wound up at my house since we took my cooler. So what did I do? I ate it. On vacation, with people around, I did a great job - very few sweets. I had one cookie one day and a bite of a cookie another day. No soda, almost no crackers or any of those kinds of chippy snacks. Since getting home with all that crap, I have eaten it all. :angry: For some reason, I can't bring myself to throw stuff out, so I must eat it. Need some help figuring that one out! psiholog.gif So, lots of sugar and refined carbs - result - S L O W metabolism, very little exercise, feel like crap, increased aches and pains in joints.

    Second - (oh yes, I am just getting started!) Routine all screwed up. I am staying up WAY too late, which is prime late eating snack time as you all know. And I have done late eating proud. Part of staying up way too late is getting up way too late. No time to exercise, no time to prepare food for the day. Result - eating fast food meals, increased stress - eating for comfort, gargle, rinse repeat. :grumble: In addition to eating and sleeping at wrong times in wrong amounts, I got home from the vacation and just plopped everything down in the kitchen. And then, spent several days dodging around it because I have been getting up too late, have been feeling like crap, yada, yada, yada.

    Third - not reaching out for help. So, I've been in this funk, but not really sharing with anyone about it. I did finally let CM know (kind of, not really but I alluded to my funk in the most minimal and wimpy way.) I know this stuff. Its what I do ALL DAY EVERY DAY. (Sorry to shout, not at you, believe me.) Of course, that also plays into the relapse, because I feel like a failure, so, I turn to my source of comfort.........

    Ok, thats the past. I didn't tell you all that to beat myself up. That's not what this is about. I do have enough sense to know that beating myself up does not make the problem any better. So, its a new day. Check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHWByjoQrR8
    (Warning, if you are a Republican, it has highly Democratic content. :happy: ) After the election, Will.i.am wrote this song. It is kind of my theme song for my own personal battle/journey to emancipation. I love these words:

    "I went to sleep last night, tired from the fight. I've been fighting for tomorrow all my life, yeah. I woke up this morning, feelin' brand new, cuz the dreams that I've been dreamin' have finally come true. Its a new day." and later "We gotta invest in that dream. It feels like we're swimmin' upstream, it feels like we're stuck in between a rock and a hard place. We've been through the heart ache, and lived through the darkest day. If you and I made it this far, then hey! We can make it all the way. They said no we can't and we said yes we can. Its you and me together! "

    So, here is my new commitment, or rather, my re-commitment:
    1. Measure and log everything I eat. Back to healthy foods.
    2. Back on track with respect to water consumption - at least a gallon a day
    3. Exercise - something (at least 20 minutes) 5 days a week.
    4. Get the routine back! In bed by 11:30 - exercise, healthy meals made by me, not a fast food diva.
    (NO offense to the diva,)
    5. Carpe diem!!! Tired of sitting on the sidelines friends!

    "Its been a long time waiting, waiting for this moment. Been a long time praying, praying for this moment. We hope for this moment, and now that we own it, For life I will hold it, and I aint gonna let it go." Will.i.am

    AND, I am not moving my ticker. :noway:

    Thanks CM for kicking me in the butt. Thanks to Jared (at work, you don't know him) for your support. Thanks to you all, even though I didn't do you the courtesy of coming to you for help, because you would have been there for me, and that means a lot. So, I am going to go now and exercise!!! Catch you all later!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Peep show for you CM:heart: .....


    HEY LI4G! Are you there yet? Are you there yet?

    Is that peep pole dancing? Really?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    Is that peep pole dancing? Really?

    Why yes, yes it is. Isn't it the cutest thing since mini-pins?
  • indianagranny
    Oh how cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love peeps!

    Kristi - thank you for posting that. Believe it or not, I needed that wake up call also.
  • morgolis
    morgolis Posts: 17
    Hey Folks,

    So LI4G and myself are in Florida now. I'm so happy to have my wife back, it's amazing to find that after 5 weeks you realize how much you missed someone until you see them again.

    What I can tell you all is that after being in somewhat sunny Florida is that I am going to go back to the gym on a regular basis!!! My friends took me to swim at the beach about a week ago and nearly killed myself trying to snorkel. (Would rather strap on a scuba tank TBH, maybe down in the keys) I can't believe how out of shape I am!!! I didn't even make it out to the reef from "Bath Tub Beach" before it felt like I was going to pass out.

    So LI4G has my public permission to flog me in to submission to get me to the gym with her on a regular basis.

    Oh yea, CM: I don't think we're moving here, so no moving train for joo!
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Greetings. My name is Eric and I am a complete newbie, but I really like the site and would love to get to know other folks on here and get new tips. I just started my diet two weeks ago and started logging here my progress a week ago. Any advice is welcome and I am happy to disclose any info. I am 6ft 3inches tall and started my diet at 260lbs. I am down to 252.5lbs in two weeks. I am exercising on a treadmill once a day for 30 minutes. I have eliminated all snacks and I have removed soda pop from my diet. I drink water in it's place. Any comments, suggestions or words of encouragement would be great.

    Eric Empson

    Welcome Eric! Everyone here is great! Congrats on your weightloss thus far! WTG! :happy:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey Lulu.. guess what?? I AM HERE!! That peep show..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Kristi- Good girl getting back on the wagon. Its not easy going on vacation and being out of the "norm". Im gonna have to really be careful myself this week. I think I'll be ok as long as I get my workouts in. All you can do is a big U-turn and get back on track, which it sounds like you are already doing....so YOU GO GIRL!!

    Eric- yeah, Im not scary. My hubby is on our thread too (Morgolis). Im just one of those overly friendly, gotta know everything about everyone peeps. :laugh:

    Got in around 5:30 last night. I drank so much water in Dallas I had to go go go when I got off the plane. Met up with hubby and our friends, got my bags, got our rental car and then we went for dinner. Ended up at The Cheesecake factory for dinner (UGH!!) and I ate WAYYYYYYYYYYY too much... but I had Herbed Salmon & Shrimp Scampi, so I guess I coulda done worst. Avoided the dessert menu like the plague because I was so full. The old me woulda gotten it to go, the new me decided I could do without it! :laugh:

    This morning our hotel served free continental breakfast. Had (surprisingly NOT greasy) Sausage gravy (made by a VERY nice southern black woman..omg..yum!!) & buscuits, a banana, a hard boiled egg and some OJ. Grabbed a bagel and cream cheese for later to have as a snack. Noticed on the way down to breakfast that the hotel has a workout room with 3 whole machines in it. A treadmill, an elliptical and a bike. Its about 4 doors down from our room so that is a BIG plus. There is an LA Fitness here within about 4 miles, so Im planning on hitting that eventually just to check it out.

    Not sure yet, what we are doing, but Im gonna go get on that elliptical and burn some calories, maybe do some wogging on the treadmill since I have my wogging music loaded on the MP3 player.

    I'll check back in later tonight. We have a kitchen in our room too, so that at least will make it a bit easier. Gonna go hit the grocery store for HEALTHY snacks and stuff.

    Take care everyone!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    So LI4G has my public permission to flog me in to submission to get me to the gym with her on a regular basis.

    Saving this to hard drive for later... hehehehe
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    okay, so im here... i didn't weigh in yesterday because ... well, too much fiber can make a girl... well, constipated

    anyway, I weighed in this morning... down 3.2 pounds.... so, I have been at this for exactly 4 weeks today, down a total of 15 pounds!

    The best part is that although the exercise kicks my butt I feel better afterwards, and I have not been hungry all the time... or ever for that matter!

    I love this site, love the people, and love losing weight

  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    StillKristi - Thank you for your post and sharing how you were doing. It helped me, I was feeling quite bummed and well you are right its in the past, today is a new day!
    Lulu that peep show was cute but who knew a picture of peeps could be so naughty, geez. It does look like the one is pole dancing, thats crazy!
    Li4g - glad you made it to florida safely.
    CM - love the start to the thread :smile:
    Great job on weight loss this week everyone!
    Adopt4 & Indianagranny - do you guys track your sodium on the food tab? Should I be tracking mine?
    Hope everyone is having a great day! Its raining here and I was thinking about not going to the gym but I am going (thanks to kristi's post!).
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 247.3/loss 1 pound
    indianagranny - SW/GW/CW 214/160/196 0 lbs lost for the week
    Yari - SW: 192/MGW:173/CW:190= 1.5 LOST
    Jamie - SW: 195/ GW: 155/ CW: 187.8 / 0lbs
    nitag - SW:220/GW 145/ CW 195 - = 1 lb lost
    lulubar-SW205/GW145/CW190-1lb lost
    beahurey-SW 208/GW 140/ CW202 - 5 lbs GAINED
    healthymom - SW 208/GW 150/ CW 191 - 0 lbs
    Eric - SW:260lbs./Goal???/ CW 252.5lbs = 8 lbs total lost
    Kristi - SW: 461/GW: 195/CW: 445 = 5 lbs GAINED
    Sheila SW 327/ GW 150/ CW 297 = 0 lost 0 gained
    ( but I have lost more inches this week)

    Starting Inches - Arms 15 1/2 Right Now - Arms 14
    Chest 57 Chest 54
    Midriff 52 Midfiff 48 1/2
    Waist 58 Waist 52 1/2
    Abdomen 62 Abdomen 58
    Hipps 58 hipps 54
    Thighs 27 1/2 Thighs 26
    Calf 18 calf 15
    neck 17 Neck 16 1/2

    So This is were I stand as of Now..

    welcome Eric I think you will love this team everyone is soooo Great... and congrates on your weight loss so far.. that is a great way to start

    Have a salf trip Li4g

    Jamie you will do fine next weeks sometimes we have to changes things to confuse our body's so they dont get use to one thing..

    I loved the pep show my self I was ROLF I had to show my sister and my hubbys they were both laughing myself :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    anyway dont have to long to chat I am cooking dinner tomorrow for 35 people and trying to get things orginized and get to the grocery store to finish my shoping.. so Have a HAPPY EASTER TEAM see you prob Monday when it isnt so confusing...

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks for the support team. Margolis, glat do meet you finally! You are seriously in for it buddy! Your public permission for a flogging is no doubt going to come back to you! Good luck! :wink:

    Tayner, good job. Sorry about the ahem, personal problems! :wink: Good luck getting that regulated.

    And, a special thanks to CM, who has been so encouraging and supportive! She has even moved to Utah - I think to be helpful, because as we all know, its all about me, right? :happy: :happy:

    Again, thanks everyone. I couldn't do it without you, but with you, I can do it -- we cal all do it!
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    CM, Yari, & other couch to 5K-ers!
    Remember when I said about the app on itunes that you could run to your own music? Well turns out you have to have an iphone or ipod touch (I didn't read it all that well) :ohwell:
    So after some searching I found some music/podcasts! YEA!
    I was not feeling the DJ Steve Boy and the other guy, Robert I think. The techno was not working for me. Not sure what kind of music you guys like but heres what I found.....



    Both are hip-hop mixs with the whole 5 4 3 2 1 0 thing to cue you to switch from running to walking or vice versa. The Nicole on has 2 for each week. Both sites list the songs so you can check them out before you download the mix. I am pretty sure it works for mp3 players as well. I have an ipod and all good there. Just wanted to share my find, I am excited about the change in pace! :wink:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Afternoon, ya'll. Just got back from the gym. Helped hubby move his office downstairs to the playroom (aptly named, since he'll be playing with his computers while the boys are playing with their toys) which gives us a spare bedroom finally, to be filled later by a girl we adopt...

    I downloaded the techno thing but didn't do it right so I didn't get to do it yesterday. I plan on doing that MWF to increase my stamina to run. So have to wait till Monday to start.

    Got a HRM!! I'm currently tracking my heart rate to see what it is as I do my daily thing. I'm pretty excited to feel like i have confidence in my numbers I'm entering. My only fear is it is also a Timex and I'm hoping mine and LI4G's won't interfere with each other... I got it on sale at Fred Meyers, 25% off Timex watches and then a coupon for 15% off accessories, and they call this a watch. So cool! I did check out GI Joes which is going out of business but the only thing they had that tracked calories was a Polar 6 or 11... and they were only 25% off, so a lot more than this one. Although they had one in pink, which was cute... but I got a "guy" looking one so hubby can use it too.

    Going to hang out for a few hours and watch my heart rate, etc. to see what it is after it goes back to normal... it was so funny, I passed a cop who'd pulled someone over and my heart rate jumped 20 beats per minute... I was laughing at myself, I wasn't doing anything wrong, but still, that fear of getting pulled over (although hubby's the one who gets pulled over all the time and gets tickets!).

    I personally am thrilled Morgolis and LI4G are not moving to Fla, although it would have been nice to have someplace to vacation, LOL.

    N is doing better today, although we're keeping him low key, he seems to be over the flu. No one else seems to get it. Z's allergy stuff seems to be working... had speech eval for A and it came back with comprehension at above his believed age, and expressive language at a moderate to severe delay. So I feel a bit vindicated that the early intervention people who blew me off said he was fine when they thought he was a year older than he actually is... So he'll start speech therapy now. Hurray! Well, actually, it sucks for me, having to drive into the city every week... but good for him!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member

    Thanks, Jamie! I'll check it out! Not much of a techno fan myself, but I love hip-hop. COOOOLLLL.

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Going to hang out for a few hours and watch my heart rate

    Ya got some excitement going there, my friend! boring.gif I was thinking about watching the grass grow in the back yard, but then it started to rain..... :wink:

    Actually I am pretty jealous! jealouse.gif My trainer (that wretched sister of mine!) said I really don't need one until I get in a little better shape. Ok, a lot better shape! Thats very cool for you!

    I have rearranged my office today, and am kind of bored. And it really is raining.

    Hmmmmm... I sound like a spoiled teenager. Ok, perhaps I should go exercise!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member

    Thanks, Jamie! I'll check it out! Not much of a techno fan myself, but I love hip-hop. COOOOLLLL.


    techno makes me feel like this:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member

    Buy one anyway. You might not need it, but if you WANT it and you can afford it, why not? It's got a lot of features you could use. Like it's a watch with an alarm, so you can remind yourself to eat (I use mine for that, very Pavlovian).

    I think you would like it! You would get instant measureable data. Who listens to sisters???

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member

    Buy one anyway. You might not need it, but if you WANT it and you can afford it, why not? It's got a lot of features you could use. Like it's a watch with an alarm, so you can remind yourself to eat (I use mine for that, very Pavlovian).

    I think you would like it! You would get instant measureable data. Who listens to sisters???


    Can't really afford it until after taxes anyway. :ohwell: But you're right, I really do want it! :bigsmile: