T.H.E. Team April 10-16 Week 10



  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Yes, I weighed myself today and logged it... I couldn't help it! It dropped! I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    Just back from the gym. Did 30 on the elliptical, got bored, so did 15 mins of wogging with that techno beat. The first time it made you run I thought I was gonna die, but the second time I made it thru, the third time was easier... but my face was beet red (it always gets that way) and so I stopped for today. Maybe Wed I'll do just that and no elliptical. That's the longest time I"ve run so far at one time... Waiting to see how my hips do and see if I knocked anything out of place, but so far so good.

    I"m pretty excited to feel like I've officially joined the woggers!!! Something I thought I'd never do!

    I still need to stretch some more and do my 120+ situps... man those kill... it gives you a minimum and I can only usually do 1 more than the minimum... if it gets much harder I"ll have to repeat a week. But that's ok. It's good muscle building.

    I sent a pic of me and one of my sons to my mom via email and she wrote back' YOU LOOK GREAT in all big letters... that was nice... she said she can really see the weight loss in my face and neck. That was pretty cool. I don't know how much I weighed last time I saw her (2 yrs ago this summer) but I'm sure it was more than my starting weight here... I think it's time to take pics again and see if I see changes... I didn't too much between the first 2, but maybe I will now. I HOPE.

    Have a good day, ya'll!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Yes, I weighed myself today and logged it... I couldn't help it! It dropped! I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    EXCUSE ME???? Could you say that again, please?

    Please sit down and write that sentence 100 times. That is allnotetoself.gif
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Hello Team! Sorry for lagging on posting. Between the holiday and work I haven't had time be on other to log food quick and log off. It looks like I have some catching up on reading to do!
    Easter was ok, I did my couch to 5K that day and walked the dog (my gym was closed). I still ended up going over in cals by 110. I had a small bit of fudge but turned down the cheesecake and other yummy desserts so I am proud of myself there. I kind of anticipated that though. My goal this week is to make up for those calories.
    Today is my first day on week 2. I downloaded those podcasts I posted about and they are much better than techno! I finished out week one with one from Nicole and then today I start with one from the lady named Suz.
    I'm getting bored with my food choices. What do you guys eat during the day? Snacks, meals, etc. I need to shake it up a little :glasses:
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Hi everyone! How was your Easter? I had a lovely time. Went to Mom and Dad's we had ham, mashed potatoes, broccoli, green salad and candided yams. I love those candied yams, and :grumble: I didn't have any. :happy: I had about 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes, lots of broccoli and salad and a pretty good sized slice of ham. My sister made a trifle for desert with sugar free jello, sugar free jello pudding and low-fat whipped topping. Very nice of her! I also had a very small portion of the trifle. I am quite proud of myself for my restraint.

    StillKristi WTG on restraint on Easter! Whooo! You did great! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    cm's rule below. ( And it's not a very good one, so if you can - don't use it. )

    .........................................."Holidays don't count." :ohwell: ......................................................

    I had no intention of ignoring the food yesterday. I don't know why exactly, I guess I just wanted sugar. Since I never buy it for my house, and I was going to someone else's, I just knew there would be candy of every kind. You don't want to know . . . . really.

    Yari and Jamie, Week Two Day Two for me on Cto5K, you too?

    CM....I like your rule! :laugh:

    Yep I am on Week two but day 1 is today. Have you tried the new music podcasts?
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    WOW! You guys have been busy posting! Hopefully I am not missing anything....

    Lulu - Good luck on the interview! I know its a little late. How did it go?
    Li4g - Seems like you guys are having a blast! Thanks for keeping us updated!
    get_fit - did the snow stop yet? I can't believe you have snow, though today is the second day of rain here!
    Adopt4 - Yea you are a wogger! Wait...2lbs already this week! :noway: WTG!
    Nitag - Good job and working out! I think if I continue to be tired all week I may need to borrow that kick in the butt!
    Sending a big hello to everyone else! Have a great rest of your day! :smile:
    Back to work for me....

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Yes, I weighed myself today and logged it... I couldn't help it! It dropped! I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    EXCUSE ME???? Could you say that again, please?

    Please sit down and write that sentence 100 times. That is allnotetoself.gif

    (hand over heart) I promise not to weigh myself again till Friday. (head bowed in shame)
  • Mette
    Mette Posts: 29
    Arhhhh you guyyys !! :smile: Thank you for missing me so much - it is so nice to get a mail, when someone is missing you. I love you all. :heart:

    I have hurt my shoulder and is off from work for 6 weeks - but that just means that I can concentrate on my eating and can take long walks every day. I started today and will get in 5 walks this week.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Yes, I weighed myself today and logged it... I couldn't help it! It dropped! I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    EXCUSE ME???? Could you say that again, please?

    Please sit down and write that sentence 100 times. That is allnotetoself.gif

    (hand over heart) I promise not to weigh myself again till Friday. (head bowed in shame)

    THIS is the part that I meant!
    I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    Seems like a JC_idea.gif moment to me!

    Wanning, Good to see you, sorry you are on the injured list. Keep up the good work.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    THIS is the part that I meant!
    I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    Seems like a JC_idea.gif moment to me!

    I did a test today and wore my HRM when I was watching some tv, doing some stuff around the house, and noted how many calories I burned, so that I can take that off my cals burned at the gym... gives me a better number and now I feel much more confident in those numbers. I went back and did reports for "net calories" over the past month and was like, ohhhh.... i was under 1200 most of the time.

    I exercise so that I can eat, because on days i don't, the 1500 cals MFP gives me just ain't enough! Now it makes me wonder what my maintenance cals would look like... hmmmm
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Yes, I weighed myself today and logged it... I couldn't help it! It dropped! I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    EXCUSE ME???? Could you say that again, please?

    Please sit down and write that sentence 100 times. That is allnotetoself.gif

    (hand over heart) I promise not to weigh myself again till Friday. (head bowed in shame)

    See, I tol' you! :laugh: :laugh:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Arhhhh you guyyys !! :smile: Thank you for missing me so much - it is so nice to get a mail, when someone is missing you. I love you all. :heart:

    I have hurt my shoulder and is off from work for 6 weeks - but that just means that I can concentrate on my eating and can take long walks every day. I started today and will get in 5 walks this week.

    Hi, good to have you back!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    THIS is the part that I meant!
    I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    Seems like a JC_idea.gif moment to me!

    I did a test today and wore my HRM when I was watching some tv, doing some stuff around the house, and noted how many calories I burned, so that I can take that off my cals burned at the gym... gives me a better number and now I feel much more confident in those numbers. I went back and did reports for "net calories" over the past month and was like, ohhhh.... i was under 1200 most of the time.

    I exercise so that I can eat, because on days i don't, the 1500 cals MFP gives me just ain't enough! Now it makes me wonder what my maintenance cals would look like... hmmmm

  • prayerfulmom
    I exercise so that I can eat, because on days i don't, the 1500 cals MFP gives me just ain't enough! Now it makes me wonder what my maintenance cals would look like... hmmmm

    It will look wonderful because you won't be working on a deficit. You figure right now if your set at a 2lb per week deficit then you could eat 2500 to maintain. So of course it will be less because you'll weight less but probably about 2000 a day. Nice incentive ehhh???
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    THIS is the part that I meant!
    I'm still so nervous about eating so much but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as it seems the pounds are dropping again...

    Seems like a JC_idea.gif moment to me!

    I did a test today and wore my HRM when I was watching some tv, doing some stuff around the house, and noted how many calories I burned, so that I can take that off my cals burned at the gym... gives me a better number and now I feel much more confident in those numbers. I went back and did reports for "net calories" over the past month and was like, ohhhh.... i was under 1200 most of the time.

    I exercise so that I can eat, because on days i don't, the 1500 cals MFP gives me just ain't enough! Now it makes me wonder what my maintenance cals would look like... hmmmm


    *scratches her head, feeling kinda sheepish* Why "argh" Master Po?
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Heyyyyy all!! Wow, read through all the posts and feeling all "in the loop" - you are all soooooo great and I just don't know what it would be like to not have you around! Thanks for the kicks in the boo-tay - I really needed that. So YES, I'm back on the sit up challenge - repeat (again)week three.... did my Leslie Sansone dvd the a.m. and then went to my interview - afterwards ran into an attorney I used to do some work with at the courthouse and then he called me at home this afternoon and asked if I could do some work for him for a couple of weeks - I said heck yeah, big boy!!!! So I'm starting tomorrow morning!! YAAAAAYYYYYY! In the meantime, I also talked to one of the judges I used to work with and found out about another opportunity that I'm very interested in soooooo, the ball is rolling, I'll be making some cash in the meantime and (big sigh) I feel much less stressed:smile:

    So, sounds like everybody here is keeping their poop in a group and doing what they're supposed to as far as working out, eating right - or getting back on track.

    There is a scripture in Psalms (I think it's ch. 32 but can't think of the verse# right now) that says "And as you walk the path, whether you fall to the left or right, there will be a voice behind you saying 'Walk this way.'" With a team like this, we have like 15 voices saying "walk this way"!! You guys are soo great. Thanks for being you and for being such a safe place to be me.

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    YAY Lulu!! Glad you are back on track and that things are looking up for you in the job department. What a major relief!

    Adopt4- I'll have to flog you when I get home... :laugh: STAY OFF THAT SCALE!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi gang! Alright, get_fit, your rain has leaked over onto Salt Lake. It started earlier today and when I got home a little while ago, it was about done, but had been raining steadily most of the day. So, I was walking into the house and I glanced down at my shoe. I don't know why, it hadn't said anything, but anyway, I looked down and while looking down, I managed to bump a RAIN SOAKED branch with my head. It dumped about 40 gallons of water down my back. Ice cold water.

    I hope I don't get sick. sneezeemoticon.gif

    Well, I think I may go to bed. :yawn: See you all tomorrow.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member

    According to Wikipedia

    An ace-high straight flush such as A♠ K♠ Q♠ J♠ 10♠ is known as a royal flush, and is the highest ranking standard poker hand.


    I was a Blackjack dealer at Harrah's in Lake Tahoe. Do not argue with one who can count to 21 real fast.
  • renayeb
    renayeb Posts: 79 Member
    Hello TEAM. I AM BACK (I think).

    This is gonna be SOOOO difficult. My muscles have been terrible since we moved in with my father and his spare bed SUCKS!!!!!!! I feel like every night the matress gets up and beats the hell out of me from head to toe literally. I must find a good pillowtop or something.

    Anyway I am glad to be back on here doing something constructive than just coming home watching tv or playing a video game. I need some major TLC and motivation right now. I need to finally crack this first 20 lbs that I should have lost a month ago. At 19 so far.

    I think Im going to the Oasis tonight - its this hottub place that like $20 an hour and you get to pic out what every kind of room you like, so cool. This should make it easier to start back huh?. :laugh: