Why is it when people ask u? "How did u lose weight?"



  • Mera_Mera
    People suck at times. I've tried to tell my sisters and other people, but I get shut down before I can explain how to use MFP and calorie counting. I'm not a negative person, but there are times that I just - Ugh!

    Although, I'm truly happy that mostly everyone - of my friend list - is doing good on their new lifestyle. I commend anyone that didn't stick to the easy path and have endured adversities and have overcome such hardships. You are all victorious in my book. I raise my apple and water glass to y'all!
  • awdhemi
    awdhemi Posts: 99 Member
    I know what you mean! So many people have asked me how I lost 65 lbs. They always ask "what diet are you doing?" I try to explain to them that I'm not on a fad diet and that I just watch what I eat and work out, and they have this stunned look on their face. It's like they are expecting me to say "I hop around one one foot while chanting a magical weight loss spell at 6:34 exactly every morning". People would probably be more prone to try that than to use MFP and exercise!!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I am also finding that people act dissapointed when I tell them, I eat right, excercise and use MFP. I get responses such as," I don't want to think about what I eat" "I don't like to workout" "Why should I log what I am eating" "I don't want to give up _____". I explain that I do not lack for anything, that I plan my meals and my treats,and have moderation. People lose interest really fast when there is not a quick fix.
  • misrical
    misrical Posts: 66 Member
    Most people hear exercise and they have visions of 3 hour gym marathons, they dont understand that you just need to adjust your intake of food and move alittle and you will see results.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    My story is always the same;

    - eat clean
    - workout
    - count every calorie.

    I show them MFP and they say, "but I hate counting calories. ugh!". Or they take interest for about a day or week and then give up once they forget to log something.

    For me it was something I needed to do just for me. I think when people realize they are ultimately responsible for their own bodies, they start to genuinely take an interest.
  • darylinny
    It all depends on who I tell. Once I found the site I told everyone about it...my gym friends (the serious ones anyway) jumped right on the band wagon. Others, who were hoping for a 5 hour solution looked at me like I'd lost my mind....log food? log exercise? I'm to busy to do that....but we can chat about the biggest loser for 15 minutes, or you can watch TV commercials and comment...:noway:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    The question for me is "What diet are you on?" I haven't quite gotten to the "How did you lose...."

    I've gotten to the point where I answer that question with "The hard way".

    Many people are looking for that QUICK fix, and to waste my time trying to explain to them what MFP is...it just that.

    Maybe 2 out of the 10 people I talk to are truly looking for real information, so I do explain to them, but to most like i said, a waste of time.

    Yes, there's a girl that I work with that has been trying to lose 10 lbs (roughly), I had told her about MFP in the past, but she'd rather do her "juicing" diet.

    Oh but she lost 9 lbs last week.... :noway:

    She'll probably gain it all back, plus 5 lbs by May. Unless she plans on drinking juice & eating yogurt for the rest of her life. lol
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I've told some people that I know want to lose weight. After, I realized my mistake. They wanted to TALK about wanting to lose weight. A couple of those people joined MFP, and they are losing weight, but generally by slashing calories to nothing, eating the wrong foods (still), and NOT exercising. Anyhoo....I figure its better to just NOT talk about it anymore.
  • Rags2Righteous
    Rags2Righteous Posts: 200 Member
    I've also told a few people about this site, and they usually respond with excitement. Then they never log in or use it! I've heard the following excuses: "I want to lose weight, but I'm not ready to start an intense diet". First of all, MFP is not a diet. Second of all, I have not really lost much weight on here, but this site has helped me consistently log my food and become more aware about what I have put into my body. This is the key to long-term health and fitness. Unfortunately, a lot of people are just too lazy and just want to wish the jiggle and food addictions away.
  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    I have to admit, I WAS one of those people at first! My sister in-law told me about MPF and I was interested, but the food logging sounded so tedious! Two weeks later I got serious and have lost 12lbs!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I have told a few people, one stuck with it. When I told one lady I was using a web site she asked me if I was buying tape worm!
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I just say: started eating clean and working out. MFP helped.

    I feel like ppl are turned off by this as well. Especially when i ask them if they'd like to work out with me.

    They just...shut down.

    Everybody wants instant gratification.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Why is it when people ask you...."How did you lose so much weight?" And you tell them about MFP they lose interest right away? WTF? It never fails. Or they sign up just to humor you but never log in.

    I think they want us to say that it was some MAGIC pill or SURGERY...I don't know.

    Please share your story on what you encounter when people ask you...I'm interested to know.

    It dosen't matter what you say to them they either are on the band wagon or not. People ask me all the time what I do and how I am doing it and they are like that is so cool and are intrested for awhile then lose intrests
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I was doing WW when I lost my weight and now MFP to maintain.

    But, when I was on WW, I just told folks that I was eating less and moving more. A few didn't want to hear that answer ;)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well, I lost most of my weight before knowing this site existed so my answer is always Zumba. Because that's what caused me to lose weight. I do sometimes mention this site if they are dieting though, because it is a great tool for keeping track of your diet. I've never had anyone say anything negative when I suggest this site, but to my knowledge none of them have begun using it either.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I was asked just a few weeks ago, and as soon as I said eating right and working out you can just see in the face of the person the disappointment LOL.. I normally just laugh after the fact...
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I have a friend that just had lipo and a tummy tuck.
    When I asked her why she was doing it, she said "I can't do what you are doing". But you can get cut open? How is that a better option?
    Then she pointed out that I was always skinny before I had a baby anyway so I am not a naturally large person and no wonder is was so 'easy' for me to lose the baby weight.
    Yeah before I had a baby I had time to surf, play beach volleyball and still ate healthy. :huh:
  • kpar0214
    I know your pain. When I had put on a lot of weight and then started to lose a lot of weight, people asked me the same thing. All I said was "excercise and watched what I ate" and people would be completely shocked. People who aren't ready to put in the commitment don't want to hear that it takes hard work.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I know what you mean! So many people have asked me how I lost 65 lbs. They always ask "what diet are you doing?" I try to explain to them that I'm not on a fad diet and that I just watch what I eat and work out, and they have this stunned look on their face. It's like they are expecting me to say "I hop around one one foot while chanting a magical weight loss spell at 6:34 exactly every morning". People would probably be more prone to try that than to use MFP and exercise!!

    Maybe you should tell them about the magical chant and see how many people try. :laugh:

    At least it'd get them up and moving!
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    it seems the majority want to hear you discovered a miracle cure, hard work and discipline seems so boring. I am blessed with a smart mouth, so I will start by joking around and tell them I discovered an exercise that works great.. It is called "Table Push Away's". you start seated at a table, and push the plate away after eating a small portion. I have had a couple of people that wanted to know the answers, as they reached the point of desperation that I did, and NEEDED to make a change. I "knew the answers" before I got on the ball, and I still LOVE when people who are clearly out of shape will respond with other concepts that will work when I tell them what I have done successfully..

    A sample of the dialog.
    (me) well, i track my intake using MyFitnessPal.com and I found a great local trainer.
    (them.. gasping for a breath after their second order of fries).. well.. you know you can still eat what you want but you gotta get in the cardio. I know a guy who has a friend that just started running and lost 100lbs in like 2 weeks and he still eats 12,000 calories a day, but switched to diet coke.
    (me) well. im more conservative, just sensible eating and I am happy with my workouts. I enjoy my gym, its functional training gym where we do lots of Olympic lifting and interval training.
    (them..) mmm. this milkshake is good. oh. yeah. track your food. I guess you "could" do that, but I think I might do the gastric bypass, or this supplement I just read about that is made from the liver enzymes taken from hibernating frogs in the amazon.
    (me.) gee. sounds risky. whats wrong with just reducing what you take in and increasing physical activity?
    (them) that's too old school for me sonny boy.. its the 21st century! before you know it we will have hovering skateboards, so I dont have time for something that primitive.
