Why is it when people ask u? "How did u lose weight?"



  • chardondave
    It's kind of funny, but also a little sad; the people I have shown MFP always have some excuse as to why it wouldnt work for them.

    Most of the people around me who give lip service to health and weight seem to want to find a way to lose weight while eating cheeseburgers and cheesecake everyday. It takes discipline and commitment.

    Just last week we were at a staff meeting in which the group ordered pizza. They made fun of me for only eating salad and putting anchovies on it from a can I kept in my desk (I love that!). After they devoured about 4-5 pieces each someone broke out some chocolate saying it was good for you since it raises your metabolism. I laughed and pointed out they pretty much negated any potential health benefits of the chocolate by using it as a pizza-chaser. Quite seriously some of them got upset and began quoting Dr. Oz at me and asked if I was a world-famous surgeon (or whatever he is). They've seen me go from a tight 40 waist to a comfortable 36 but still dont want to hear what all is involved.

    Sigh...only in America do we think of more eating as being a "cure" for eating.
  • FOOD logging is scary because then people are actually held accountable for what they are eating and lose the excuse of "but I feel like I didn't that much today", when actually they ate the backside of a horse.

    Normally when I say something about MFP, people look at me like I'm CRAZY!!!!!:noway:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    It's kind of funny, but also a little sad; the people I have shown MFP always have some excuse as to why it wouldnt work for them.

    Yep, this one burns me up. A lot.

    I've been told I'm lucky that calorie counting works for me. That's all it is. Luck. 9 months of getting up at 5am to hit the gym and tracking everything I eat.. luck.

    "Counting calories doesn't work for me. Seriously I can eat a salad and gain 3 pounds." STFU. No, you can't. I don't give a damn what you think about how your metabolism works you can't gain more weight than you ingest. It's a physical impossibility.

    "I just hate exercise." Well do you enjoy heart attacks?

    If they don't want to that's fine, I sure didn't for a very long time. But don't try to minimize my hard work to make your fat *kitten* feel better about eating lard on the couch.
  • Sandy2658
    Sandy2658 Posts: 20 Member
    For some reason that questions bothers me because it's so obvious...I don't eat as much and I move more. It's not
    rocket science...ok, I'm better now.

    I do tell everyone about MFP and I hear .. oh, it's like Weight Watcher's. No...I've been on Weight Watcher's...this is much better. You have the nutritional value to almost any food you can think of right at your fingertips. You have calories burned to every exercise you could ever put your body through right here. You can track your weight along with your food to see where you might be messing up or doing well. But more important than any of that, you develop friendships, people either going through or have been through exactly what you're going through now. People that will be there to cheer when you do well and motivate you when you feel like giving up.

    I must admit, when my friend told me about MFP, I thought...great, another social network thing that will take up my time. It took me about 2 weeks before I finally signed on. I am so glad that I did. I am now 84 pounds lighter (1.4 to go to goal) and I have made new friends from all over the world.

    All we can do is tell them. They have to do it on their own.
  • clairebearmcgill
    clairebearmcgill Posts: 29 Member
    This is also my secret - I don't want anyone else knowing how I lost nearly two stone!!! I say 'a bit of exercise'.......it's my secret and it's staying that way!
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    you look great, no one wants to hear you busted your butt and had to stay committed to something everyone wants you to say "oh i hate two pills a day and sat on my butt."
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    A friend of mine from work just asked me this, and when I told her, she said she couldn't be on a 'slow diet'. But she's doing some weird diet where she only eats apples and chicken for two weeks?

  • Cris725
    ShayCarl (of the ShayTards on YouTube) has said several times "the secrets to success are hidden behind the word cliche". I have to agree. When people ask me, I just say "a lot of a** kicking workouts, eating right, and will power". Nothing more, nothing less. People act like I'm using some fairy dust or some cr*p. No. I'm just working hard.
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    I've lost 12 lbs and my friend saw me for the first time in a month and says "I'll give you 500 dollars if you make me lose 50 lbs by June!" and I just stared at her and was like "Literally all I did was count my calories and exercise, I used myfitnesspal and bodyrock.tv and treadmill" and she said to me "No, like plan my meals, make sure I get the right amount of calories and make me exercise"

    uhhhhh, so you want me to be your personal trainer and nutritionist with a 50 lb weight loss in 4 months..... for $500? :laugh:

    If you aren't willing to put in the work and really LEARN about food and exercise, then you'll gain all your weight back without me holding your hand. I don't understand why people can't just make a tiny effort.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    They are looking for an effortless cure as if being overweight is a disease. As soon as any sort of effort Is mentioned they lose interest.
  • DeanDMac
    DeanDMac Posts: 8 Member
    A friend from work told me, but she was also doing this pure foods thing and I didn't really connect at first. Then I saw that there were two other friends on there with her and looked at the application on the iPhone and thought it was worth a spin. Now we are all on it in the office and you can see us all logging in at lunch trying to figure out what the measurements of our portions are together - it is really neat and helps the accountability so far. Ten days in and going great!!!
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    when i first heard about MFP, i honestly was just thinking, "oh, another weightloss app, woopdee."
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I am new to MFP and haven't told anyone I know about it. However, when people have asked me how I lost the weight I tell them "ummm ate less, exercised more" ... They kind of seem a little confused by that. Funny really. :laugh:

    I lost most of my weight prior to joining MFP, but am using MFP to help push me that last little bit to my goal weight because it's been slow going. Just want to get there already!!!
  • 30yearssincebikini

    Laughing about eating till the cows come home - my quote thingy didn't work!
  • kbogati
    kbogati Posts: 39 Member
    I was one of those people who wasn't interested when i heard about this site. I was exercising and trying to be better about eating, switching to fat free foods, that kind of thing, but calorie counting seemed like too much work. I lost 33 lbs on my own, but then I got stuck. That's when I decided to join. I'm only on my 1st day here, but doesnt seem bad so far.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    If I get asked "how did you lose so much weight?!", I will say "it's a secret", or "I can't tell you my method", or maybe "oh, it wouldn't work for you". And leave it at that.
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    I like messing with people. I'll say something like I eat 1 raw onion everyday and 2 alka-selzers before bed. They become intrigued.

    Finally, when I tell them I'm joking and that I just exercise and eat right they completely lose interest.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Honestly, I haven't told anyone (well, my hubby knows) I'm using this site. I've had a few co-workers ask what I'm doing and I just say, "protion control and exercise" and really that is correct. :smile: I think after I get more weight off I'll share the MFP secret, but I really don't want to be any of my co-workers friends on here since I'm on this site while at work. :laugh:

    ME TOO!!! LOL!!!! Don't want to get caught!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's not just non-MFPers who want the magic wand. People on here, who have full access to everything someone eats and how they exercise, still want to know what the trick is. :laugh:

    Or "what did you do to get your [insert body part here] to look like that?" It's not ONE thing that did it. It's everything. Maybe I should do like the magazines and tv shows do and just pull one random thingie I do and say that's the miracle solution.

    Eat pizza to reduce cellulite. I ate pizza. I have less cellulite. It must be the pizza.

    Not the running, not the biking, not weight training, not the calorie deficit and other good foods I eat. It's the pizza.
  • jrrflr
    jrrflr Posts: 109
    I didn't know of MFP in 2010 when I set out to lose weight. People would ask me what I did to lose weight and I would always tell them that I cut out red meat, fried foods, sweets, and soda and worked out for up to 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. That was all true. I busted my rear end to make the change. I would hear from time to time, that people I knew were telling others that I was sick or that I had surgery. My mother-in-law even told people I was doing Nutrisystem. I wasn't looking for validation from anyone, but it is surprising how little credit people seem to want to give when you do it the "old-fashioned way".