Why is it when people ask u? "How did u lose weight?"



  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    When people ask me how I've done it, I simply say "I eat less and exercise more." At that point, most people lose interest. But if they don't and want to know more, I am happy to tell them about counting calories, using MFP, and anything else they want to know. I've found that most people don't want to do the work to lose the weight. But those who are serious are willing to listen, and I love to share. MFP is not for everyone. It's just a tool like everything else. My parents are not interested in MFP, but they have started an exercise program. My dad has lost 80 pounds, and my step-mom has lost over 60! I like to think my success has inspired them towards their success. :)
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    I tell everyone about MFP.
    Several people have said they would look into it but so far the only people that are using besides my husband are my Pastor and his wife. They were told by someone else and perhaps seeing my hubby and I actually making progress has been inspirational for them to give it a try.
    My Pastor has been using it for 2 weeks and has already lost 6lbs!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Besides.. you cant beat FREE!
  • Karoline01
    Karoline01 Posts: 41 Member
    I haven't lost enough weight for people to ask how I did it, This is my second month tracking all my calories and working out, but I have told people about it and none of them have signed up yet with the exception of my sister who is also following up her calorie intake and stuff.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I haven't been asked, but if and when one of my guy friends ask, I'll tell them they couldn't handle it and change the topic. :bigsmile:
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I get mixed responses when I tell people about MFP. A few have followed me to MFP and stayed and few tried for a bit and quit. I think people who don't stick with MFP (or any program) want the quick fix. There is not a magic pill and surgery would just not be an option for me because I like food and I like to eat. I tell people that I am trying to prove that it CAN be done and that it can be done with pills, without shots, without gimmicks, and without surgery; but it takes commitment, will power, determination, and just plain ol' hard work.
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    I tell everyone about this site, because it truely is awesome. I also managed to get my mother and 2 aunts to join weight watchers, they use mfp to track their food. I love to see other people bettering their lives.
  • zakismom
    zakismom Posts: 15 Member
    I guess I was lucky, I had posted on FB that I was going to try a different site and several people said no, try this one. I gave the other a try for almost 2 weeks but found MFP much easier to use. My running (and healthy) friends get it, but 2 of my coworkers asked so I showed them the site, how easy it is to just scan food, etc... and I got the deer in the headlights look from both of them. They also know that I always bring my food with me to work and sometimes will see what I am eating and always say, "gee I should try that," as they walk by with carryout. I have started putting half of what I used to spend eating out toward a nice treat for myself, like a new road bike.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Honestly, I haven't told anyone (well, my hubby knows) I'm using this site. I've had a few co-workers ask what I'm doing and I just say, "protion control and exercise" and really that is correct. :smile: I think after I get more weight off I'll share the MFP secret, but I really don't want to be any of my co-workers friends on here since I'm on this site while at work. :laugh:

    Haha! So true! I want this to be my secret.....because I am on here a lot during the day :tongue:
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I think you have to be really ready to lose the weight so when you tell them about the site they just aren't there yet. I can't even count how many times I said I was going to lose weight but I just wasn't serious about it or else I would have done it.
  • kaydensmom12
    Whenever I tell people that I measure and log everything that I eat and do into a food diary they also say "well I don't want to live like that". Yet they tell me that they eat 1000 calories a day and do not eat after exercising regardless of feeling starved. One told me that she found this diet pill that will help you lose weight fast, but it is not safe or legal but she wants to take it so she can lose it fast! Many people I talk to think that you have to starve yourself and do not measure thinking that they have to lose lbs on the scale to be considered weight loss.
    They ask how long it took me to lose weight and I told them almost a year. They act like its eternity, they think that there is an easy way out. I told them that my skin is going back to normal and I do not feel deprived at all, and I feel so healthy.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    HAHA! I love this question. I like to say "Diet & Exercise! Who knew!!"

    Edit: I forgot - I wanted to add that this is similar to paying off bills/debt. Everyone always wants the easy way - but there isn't one. It is keeping your eyes on the prize and working towards a goal. Simple, but not EASY.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I just say: started eating clean and working out. MFP helped.

    I feel like ppl are turned off by this as well. Especially when i ask them if they'd like to work out with me.

    They just...shut down.

    Everybody wants instant gratification.

    Heck, I want instant gratification. Now, actually.
    Even though it's been 18 months since I made my account, and I've been holding fairly steady for most of the past 9 months at a healthy weight...
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    I just tell them that ( Rick James voice)" crack is one heck of a drug"..lol
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    As soon as I say," I'm just trying to eat healthier, count calories and get some light exercise in"... everyone loses intrest. The first thing they ask is if Im seeing a dr to lose weight or a nutritionist and when I say no they seem super surprised. But then when they hear they actually would have to take accountibility for what they put in their mouths and chart it, they all lose interest. But, hey, you have to really want to be healthier, no one can make them if they're not ready. But ya its kinda irritating, because, why bother asking if its not sincere?
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I've had one friend take it seriously and if I can help just one person. That's wonderful to me. I have told several people and had a few log on one time and forget about it. I don;t delete them because they may one day decide to join and stick it out and I want to be here when they do. If they only knew how easy it really is and the rewards you reap are not just in appearance.

    Just try to be supportive if or when they do decide to do somethinjg good for them. Most people subconsciously believe that they do not deserve better.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I think from now on I'm going to tell people that I ordered a special pill that allows me to eat whatever I want, sit on the couch and the pounds just fall off by themselves! Maybe they'll buy into that.
  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    I have had quite a few people I have talked about sign up after and are sticking with it. I have also found that there are more people out there using it that I didn't realize and now we have been able to become a support system for each other as well... It is amazing ow much more conscious you are of what goes in your body knowing you are going to have to log it later.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    MFP is my "MAGIC PILL" and I refuse to share, especially with spiteful coworkers and friends! :devil: In my experience, people are not as thrilled as you are that you are losing weight. They say things such as, I'll gain it back, I'm on the pill, or I'm starving myself. With that being said, I rather keep MFP my little secret! (don't judge me..lol)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I agree or as soon as I tell them the exercise part I watch them go dead in the eyes. It makes me want to shake them and say WELL DID YOU REALLY THINK I SAT AROUND AND ATE WHAT I WANTED? I mean come on!