30 pounds to lose...anyone else want to join for support?



  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I think my biggest challenge is that when I do not have either my body or brain in motion, I get bored and want to eat. I have tried to combat that with Gum. I have about 6 different flavors and try that before I reach for food. Doesn't always work, but it does at least 70% of the time...

    That's a great idea! Thanks!
  • castufari
    castufari Posts: 14 Member
    Sure, count me in too.

    I help with the water issue I used to carry a water bottle with me that held 40oz. My goal was to finish it off each day.
  • Good Morning from Colorado! I have 2 big challenges that are right up there together. One is being really AWARE of the what, when and how much I'm eating. Two is motivation to go work out. My job is almost 40 miles from where I live (my gym is just 2 miles from my house) so that gives me about 45 minutes of interstate driving on the way home to talk myself OUT of going to the gym. One thing that helps me, tho, is that I take my gym clothes to work and change from my scrubs before I even leave the office. Since really starting to track my calories here, it has really made me pay attention to my eating habits. It takes awhile to get into new habits.... the key for me is to keep the momentum going. Once I stop, its so hard to get going again. Have a happy Sunday everyone! ~Naomi
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Good Morning from Colorado! I have 2 big challenges that are right up there together. One is being really AWARE of the what, when and how much I'm eating. Two is motivation to go work out. My job is almost 40 miles from where I live (my gym is just 2 miles from my house) so that gives me about 45 minutes of interstate driving on the way home to talk myself OUT of going to the gym. One thing that helps me, tho, is that I take my gym clothes to work and change from my scrubs before I even leave the office. Since really starting to track my calories here, it has really made me pay attention to my eating habits. It takes awhile to get into new habits.... the key for me is to keep the momentum going. Once I stop, its so hard to get going again. Have a happy Sunday everyone! ~Naomi

    Great way to stay motivated! I haven't started working out yet, but I will. I'm waiting two weeks to get the food changes down pat. Then I will kick my butt into gear. Thank you for sharing your challenges. I'm sure you're not alone in those!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Sure, count me in too.

    I help with the water issue I used to carry a water bottle with me that held 40oz. My goal was to finish it off each day.

    I will have to get strong with myself and just do it! My excuses are wearing on even me! Thank you!
  • me too!
  • evolisa
    evolisa Posts: 3 Member
    me too!
  • count me in. turning 43 this year - son graduates from high school in June - I want to look great in the pictures! I want to lose over 30 pounds....
  • I have 40 more to go! I lost 35 and have just maintained it for 5 months.... Now I need to finish. I love to cook and have a catering and wedding cake business, In thew summer we have a hotdog cart soooo I am around food all day! My brother is a chef on a yaht and has been here visiting for 2 weeks, The first two weeks since I found this site, But I got through and loost 1 lb. I love the support and am a good cheerleader!!! Please feel free to friend me .... one and all. Tamie:flowerforyou:
  • saxnviolin
    saxnviolin Posts: 129 Member
    I'm almost 5'3 and I have at least 30lbs to lose- first goal and a bit more for 2nd goal. I'd like to support and be motivated as well.
    I'm exercising 3x a week with cardio/martial arts and I walk at least 5x a week. Since Jan. 1,2012 , I've just lost 7 pounds. It's tough to stay on track but I'm trying. My biggest challenge is staying away from junk food and snacks.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Just ate Marie Calender's three cheese tortelleni for lunch, man was it good!!! Of course, could have ate more, but that's one of my challenges I am trying hard to overcome! Thank you for all of your support everyone!

    One day at a time has become my motto.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I'm almost 5'3 and I have at least 30lbs to lose- first goal and a bit more for 2nd goal. I'd like to support and be motivated as well.
    I'm exercising 3x a week with cardio/martial arts and I walk at least 5x a week. Since Jan. 1,2012 , I've just lost 7 pounds. It's tough to stay on track but I'm trying. My biggest challenge is staying away from junk food and snacks.

    Junk food is one of my loves too! Doritoes, choclate, salty goodies! I have to tell myself "moderation, moderation , moderation" but right now they are stricly OFF LIMITS for me until I get the food changes down. Glad to see you join in !
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I have 40 more to go! I lost 35 and have just maintained it for 5 months.... Now I need to finish. I love to cook and have a catering and wedding cake business, In thew summer we have a hotdog cart soooo I am around food all day! My brother is a chef on a yaht and has been here visiting for 2 weeks, The first two weeks since I found this site, But I got through and loost 1 lb. I love the support and am a good cheerleader!!! Please feel free to friend me .... one and all. Tamie:flowerforyou:

    Happy to see you join, I for one, can use all the good cheerleaders I can get!! Welcome, and congrats on your weight loss!
  • im in we all need motivation,everyday isnt the same & everyday you progress to getting closere to your goals
  • Hey there! I've lost 30 pounds so far and have about another 30 to lose as well!
  • Count me in as well because I am in the same boat. Hang in there.
  • Add me. I'm trying to lose another 30 also!
  • erilynbmore
    erilynbmore Posts: 42 Member
    Add me. I have 30 more to lose.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Im in too :smokin:
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I need to lose 30 more. Is there a group or are we just all friending eachother? Either way, add me. I have to go out now but I'll come back and send a few requests <3