Does anyone else dislike the "ripped" look?



  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    Maybe its a double standard but my opinon is that men look amazing ripped but I think women look better a little rounder with hips and boobs. Kind of 80's supermodel style (i.e. Cindy Crawford or Anna Nicole from Guess ads).
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    I hate the ripped look. It give off a sense of ego. I like my men to have some meat on them and not lanky. Christina Applegate and Kelly Clarkson are two women who have nice builds. Fit, but not ripped.
  • bwalters82
    Genetics determine a lot of how you look, so it really depends. Women will never get extremely muscular without taking steroids. Personally, I prefer the Jamie Eason and Nicole Wilkins off-season look.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I would like to get to the ripped look but I know it's just not in my cards, with my body type I can get toned and big but probably never that ripped and I'm cool with that. my wife is not a fan of the ripped look, funny thing is she has a 6 pack and she hates it. she didn't work for it, it just happened. lucky girl but she would rather have the soft flat stomach look. So I agree that it's a look that is in most cases genetic.

    just my opinion
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    What's Sexy?
    I'm in my mid 40's, and been happily married to an obese fellow for 15 years. But I find him very sexy since he is thoughtful, a great dad to our kids and works hard to be the best at his job. When he's staring at me, and I notice he's attracted... regardless of my physical flaws.... he makes me feel sexy, and that's a turn on to any woman. I can probably bench more than he can, I know I can out-run, out-bike, out-swim and out-last him in any cardio... but he is still pretty sexy to me. I certainly wouldn't trade him for one of the guys I see in the gym staring at himself and/or the other women around. If that were my husband, I'd gladly trade in those muscles for a guy who thinks I hang to moon.

    You can have ripped muscles below the surface:
    The amount of subcutaneous fat one has (right below the skin) determines a lot of what muscles can be seen as defined. Fat can be hidden in organs and even in bone marrow. To look ripped, however, one has to lower body fat all over. Being ripped is a "sign" of good health, so I wouldn't mind it, but it's not my goal. But, ab muscles are very helpful in creating good posture, which is important to me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What's Sexy?
    I'm in my mid 40's, and been happily married to an obese fellow for 15 years. But I find him very sexy since he is thoughtful, a great dad to our kids and works hard to be the best at his job. When he's staring at me, and I notice he's attracted... regardless of my physical flaws.... he makes me feel sexy, and that's a turn on to any woman. I can probably bench more than he can, I know I can out-run, out-bike, out-swim and out-last him in any cardio... but he is still pretty sexy to me. I certainly wouldn't trade him for one of the guys I see in the gym staring at himself and/or the other women around. If that were my husband, I'd gladly trade in those muscles for a guy who thinks I hang to moon.

    Except we're just a couple years younger and married a couple years less, you and your husband sound exactly like me and mine! :heart: I know I can't out-bench him, but I'm definitely more fit than he is. Don't care. I want him to be healthier so he'll be around longer, but whether or not he has a belly doesn't matter to me at all.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    **** why wouldn't you want to be ripped. My goal is too look like wolf guy from True blood.


    Lovely! Thanks for posting that! :tongue:

    I happen to love the ripped look, my other half does body building. He is not a dumb gym rat, he is a teacher and owns his own business. :love:

    I find people that take pride in, and work on their their appearance attractive, they don't have to be ripped for me to find them attractive, but since dating my boyfriend I find I am leaning to the more ripped look. I have massive respect for what it takes for people to achieve it, having seen what my other half has to do I appreciate even more the commitment it takes.

    I think really it's about what you want for your body and what your prepared to do to get it.

    Good post.

    Simple fact it is different strokes for different folks and calling someone vain or ugly or the like for having a good body would be as small minded as me same as me saying I hate fat people, all saggy and lazy and smell a bit funny (not that I think that).
  • If you don't like the "ripped" look...then hand over all your lean body mass to me...I'll put it to good use :p lol
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Simple fact it is different strokes for different folks and calling someone vain or ugly or the like for having a good body would be as small minded as me same as me saying I hate fat people, all saggy and lazy and smell a bit funny (not that I think that).

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I admire those who achieve the ripped look because of the amount of dedication and self-discipline one has to have in order to achieve that status.

    Dedication and self-discipline driven by vanity...
    When I was single I remember the muscular gym rat guys as being sort of self-absorbed, to put it mildly. I'd take an intelligent and kind man over one who was merely "ripped" any day!

    What an unbelievably ignorant thing to say.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I admire those who achieve the ripped look because of the amount of dedication and self-discipline one has to have in order to achieve that status.

    Dedication and self-discipline driven by vanity...
    When I was single I remember the muscular gym rat guys as being sort of self-absorbed, to put it mildly. I'd take an intelligent and kind man over one who was merely "ripped" any day!

    What an unbelievably ignorant thing to say.

    Simple fact it is different strokes for different folks and calling someone vain or ugly or the like for having a good body would be as small minded as me same as me saying I hate fat people, all saggy and lazy and smell a bit funny (not that I think that).

    Yes, this.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If I see someone who is 'ripped' I currently think 'damn they worked hard for that' not 'ew I don't like that look'. Whether I like the way they look is kind of irrelevant. If they are happy and healthy, that's what's important. There are so many different opinions on what is beautiful/sexy/whatever that my opinion on anyone really isn't important. For every quality that I like, there's someone else out there that does not like it, and vice versa.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I admire those who achieve the ripped look because of the amount of dedication and self-discipline one has to have in order to achieve that status.

    Dedication and self-discipline driven by vanity...
    When I was single I remember the muscular gym rat guys as being sort of self-absorbed, to put it mildly. I'd take an intelligent and kind man over one who was merely "ripped" any day!

    What an unbelievably ignorant thing to say.

    I agree. I'm on my way to "ripped' while I finish my college DEGREE yea muscles must have made me a dumbass.

    Boyfriend is the same. Semipro hockey and will be getting a full ride scholarship to a great university.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    It's pretty difficult for a woman to get "buff" and most truly buff women look sort of odd to me, but having visible muscle tone is nice. I like being strong and healthy and every time a new muscle pops up, I am like "WOOHOO!!!"
    Of course, I still have plenty of softness left, and I'd like to keep it that way, but visible muscle tone looks good on almost everyone - male or female.
    That being said, a little softness can be attractive, too.

    Mostly, I just think HEALTHY (in whatever shape/size that comes in) looks good.
    THIS. Couldn't have put it better. :)

    AMEN. For me, and MY body, I would prefer to still maintain *some* of my softness and curves, while having some muscle tone. Like a body ffat % of somewhere between 20%-22%. But that's my preference for my body. As long as someone is happy with their body and they are HEALTHY then that is attractive. Not everyone finds the same thing attractive. But I think we can pretty much all agree that somebody who is confident and healthy is extremely attractive!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I admire those who achieve the ripped look because of the amount of dedication and self-discipline one has to have in order to achieve that status.

    Dedication and self-discipline driven by vanity...
    When I was single I remember the muscular gym rat guys as being sort of self-absorbed, to put it mildly. I'd take an intelligent and kind man over one who was merely "ripped" any day!

    What an unbelievably ignorant thing to say.

    I agree. I'm on my way to "ripped' while I finish my college DEGREE yea muscles must have made me a dumbass.

    Boyfriend is the same. Semipro hockey and will be getting a full ride scholarship to a great university.

    Yeah... If your ideal body is ripped and you attain that goal, that's no worse than someone who's ideal body is not ripped and attains that goal. Wanting to keep your curves or look softer is just as "driven by vanity."

    I've known a lot of intellectuals who were incredibly self-absorbed and vain. Just about different things.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    **** why wouldn't you want to be ripped. My goal is too look like wolf guy from True blood.

    mmmmmmm i <3 joe manganiello *drools*
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    **** why wouldn't you want to be ripped. My goal is too look like wolf guy from True blood.


    Oh...hello there
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I don't want to be ripped. I like the tone look. I don't want a six or even eight pack. As for a man, I like the lean look. I don't care for all those muscles.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I love the ripped look on men and women, and I don't much care about other peoples' opinions of it.