The real key to losing weight is Metabolism!!



  • CoachVakaNERD
    It's weird...I've noticed since I've started exercising that my mood has become very positive. But I'm noticing that is not the case for many others haha. Goodness, so much negativity. I thought the post was wonderful!
  • sandimack
    sandimack Posts: 158 Member
  • bek416
    bek416 Posts: 9 Member
    I can't wait to see Acg tear this apart...

    yes, who is ACG?
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    This is not an HCG thread... please no hijacking.

    With Respect,
    MFP Forum Moderator

    (BTW - my post here has nothing to do with the reference to ACG in the post immediately above this one.... in case anyone is doing a quick read and got confused! )
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't know why people are being so mean about what the OP wrote. Nothing he put out there is harmful. All he said was what was working for him. He's not promoting unhealthy weight loss. Who cares if the "science" is correct or incorrect. I'd LOVE for the people arguing with the OP to give scientific reasoning of how eating breakfast, drinking more water and exercising is unhealthy? Please point out to me what the OP wrote that will harm someone who follows his advice.

    If someone doesn't eat breakfast, and isn't comfortable eating breakfast, reads the original post, and believes that in order to lose weight they must force themselves to eat breakfast, struggle with it, feel terrible doing it, and ultimately give up completely, I'd say that's a pretty good example of eating breakfast being unhealthy for that individual.

    Also, someone running a marathon drinking more water without replacing electrolytes, that's also fatally unhealthy.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    but the rate of metabolizing that food is very different. That is why when a diabetic person has a low blood sugar, you give them something without fat to bring their blood sugar up---juice is usually the preferred because of this fact. You would not give a diabetic a piece of steak to treat a low blood sugar, right? My point wasn't so much that as it is you need to eat healthy first and you shouldn't sacrifice the healthy foods otherwise you could spend all of your calories on junk and still be within your calorie range but not be meeting your fitness goals.

    This professor of nutrition ate all junk food and met his fitness and health goals. He basically did it to prove a point, that what you choose to eat is less important than how much you eat. Losing excess body fat will do much more for your overall health and well being than eating any particular type of food.

    He proved that somebody with HIS genetics and HIS prior health could eat whatever they want and meet their fitness and health goals over a VERY SHORT period of time. To me its a very useless study that proves absolutely nothing other than merely that a calorie is a calorie when you look at the simplest of cases.

    Try putting the entire American population on the twinkie diet and tell me what happens over the next 2 years.
  • tubbstattsyrup
    tubbstattsyrup Posts: 89 Member
    Stop arguing. We are all fortunate to have the choice to eat at all.
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    That was great to read, thanks for taking the time to get that out there. I found ot not only informative, but highly useful.Much appreciated!!!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    The plan I outlined is solid and works for people all the time. Does it work for everyone...I doubt it; however, it's worked very very well for me. I simply provided information for people to consider trying. I personally think weight loss is a very very simple formula...and there is nothing complicated about it. Getting fit, muscular & lean is a very very simple formula...nothing complicated about it; however, people spend billions of $$/year buying supplements, diet pills, weight loss programs, etc.

    If you don't like what I have's unnecessary to be mean about it.

    Good luck to you whatever your weight loss/fitness goals are.

    I think had you read through this, you'd see the contention is not with what you were advocating, but the basis on which you were advocating it on. For instance there's nothing wrong with suggesting to eat breakfast, but holding calories and macros constant it makes no difference if you eat breakfast or not. And there's no need to throw in the discounted food combination theory or metabolic advantage to meal frequency, it's completely unnecessary

    I think eating breakfast is important if you are a carb addict. The longer you go withour your carb fix, the worse you will feel. The same can't be said about someone eating a low-carb diet. :)
  • ACG??
    I can't wait to see Acg tear this apart...

    yes, who is ACG?

    It's the dude with the abs who actually understands what statistically significant means.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Bump. Great info and summary OP.
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member

    But most people dont want to experiment and see what fits them best.

    This very true and very sad.
  • tedrussell
    I didnt read one mean post in this thread. seems like all this "encouraging" etc has turned people into a bunch of "yes (wo)men" instead of paying attention to the basics of weight loss.

    on a side note, i have spent the last 10 minutes reading this forum with grass clippings in my pants....i havent lost any weight yet, but will report back soon!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Grass clippings are too slow, you wanna go with a 50/50 mix of mulch and dried twigs.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    new evidence suggests that these twigs need to be changed out every 3 hours or you lose the effect.
  • TexNut
    TexNut Posts: 53
    Grass clippings are too slow, you wanna go with a 50/50 mix of mulch and dried twigs.

    What?! That's ridiculous!!! If you really want to lose weight, put 1-2 rabid squirrels in your pocket. Works like a charm.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    No hijacking of the thread, please. If all we are going to be talking about now is grass and twigs in a slightly veiled attempt at making fun of other posts in the thread, it may indicate that this topic has run its course....

    Thanks for understanding.

    MFP Forum Moderator
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    If you disagree with the poster don't send us to sites that want us to subscribe and seem to be oriented to the fitness elite. The topic was losing weight not body recomposition whether related or not. Recently I read an abstract of a study suggesting that HIIT did have benefits over sustained cardio for people like me who need to lose weight and are of my sex and age and weight category. I am trying some of the things suggested here because I need to know if they will work for me. I really don't want to change when I eat so I was interested to see if there was support for or against. The links provided by one who disagreed with the OP weren't that helpful to me but then I am not subscribing to them and I do not claim to be in the category of fitness elite.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Truth lies in actual peer reviewed clinical studies. While what the OP has posted sounds really good, it's still important to find out if it's just hearsay or if it's actually been studied and verified. If people believe that eating after 7pm piles on weight because someone told them so, wouldn't it make sense to have a clinical study on why rather than just take word on it because it sounds like it makes sense?
    I totally changed a lot of the broscience I was fed and now use actual science with clients. Result is that they are getting great results without the issues of weight regain and having to change their lifestyles too much.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you disagree with the poster don't send us to sites that want us to subscribe and seem to be oriented to the fitness elite. The topic was losing weight not body recomposition whether related or not. Recently I read an abstract of a study suggesting that HIIT did have benefits over sustained cardio for people like me who need to lose weight and are of my sex and age and weight category. I am trying some of the things suggested here because I need to know if they will work for me. I really don't want to change when I eat so I was interested to see if there was support for or against. The links provided by one who disagreed with the OP weren't that helpful to me but then I am not subscribing to them and I do not claim to be in the category of fitness elite.
    HIIT is effective, but only short term. HIIT is actually more like strength training and weight lifting than it is cardio. As such, your body adapts well to it, but once your body adapts to it, there's no real advantage to doing it anymore. So it's great for a few weeks, but once your body adapts to it, progress stops, as there is really no way to increase the resistance, so to speak. It's a great add-on to a workout program to fill in or as a substitute once in a while, but it's not that great an idea to base an entire work out routine around.