The real key to losing weight is Metabolism!!



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    but the rate of metabolizing that food is very different. That is why when a diabetic person has a low blood sugar, you give them something without fat to bring their blood sugar up---juice is usually the preferred because of this fact. You would not give a diabetic a piece of steak to treat a low blood sugar, right? My point wasn't so much that as it is you need to eat healthy first and you shouldn't sacrifice the healthy foods otherwise you could spend all of your calories on junk and still be within your calorie range but not be meeting your fitness goals.

    This professor of nutrition ate all junk food and met his fitness and health goals. He basically did it to prove a point, that what you choose to eat is less important than how much you eat. Losing excess body fat will do much more for your overall health and well being than eating any particular type of food.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Thank you for replying. But if thats true why am I lighter today then I was yesterday after eating over 1000 calories more then normal?

    Because weight gain/loss takes time and because water weight fluctuates very rapidly. Eat at 1000 calories over your TDEE for two months and you will see a different result.
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    I have been a member of MFP for a long time. I am considering finding somewhere else that is a lot more positive. With all this negativity, it is no wonder people are struggling with their weight loss. Positive attitude goes a long way...I can say this from experience since I have battled cancer more than once and used my positive attitude to get me through the tough stuff. If you don't care for someone's opinion, you don't have to tear it apart....simply state your opinion. Unless you are a doctor then I don't think your opinion is any more important than any one else's. I have read more negative things on this site lately than positive. We are supposed to be here to support each other, not rip each other apart.

    I for one think the original post was very informative and if I didn't, I would still appreciate the fact that the advice was based on trying to help.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    Thank you for the post on what works for you, great suggestions. I am not sure why people get so serious on these post, when its just suggestions geez!

    The information the OP gave is great information. However, when speaking in absolutes, as he is doing, it needs to be backed up by scientific evidence not "broscience". I have read the entire thread. Most of the people, including myself, who disagree with PARTS of the post aren't saying that some of the methods aren't successful. The disagreement is in the absolutes he suggests them.

    There is no scientific evidence stating that eating breakfast jump starts metabolism. There is no scientific evidence stating that eating frequently keeps the fire burning, so to speak.

    These are from psychological accomplishments that people have had that keep them from over-eating at later times.

    The truth still lies in calories in/calories out and exercise.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I understand that you're trying to help people but you should really update your nutritional information. Most of what you've written isn't correct and while none of what you said will be harmful, you're suggesting that people do a lot of things that really won't do anything towards helping them with their goals. See below.
    1.) Breakfast IS Important:

    Why is breakfast soooo important? Your body is naturally programmed to conserve as much fat (energy) as possible when it is not being fed trying to protect vital organs and lean muscle tissue.

    Metabolic slowdown doesn't occur intra-day and doesn't even occur after 24 hours. 48-72h fasting might start to show metabolic issues but certainly intra-day periods of not-eating are not going to cause ANY metabolic issues whatsoever. Please see for research to back this up.

    When you are sleeping at night, so is your metabolism. Starting your metabolism as soon as you wake-up is vastly important.

    Rubbish. Your metabolism doesn't slow down during the night and you will continue to digest food. Sure, you aren't active so you aren't running around burning calories through any activity thermogensis but you're still burning calories. Secondarily and MOST importantly, you're trying to narrow your scope to acute processes when the big picture is key. Your only goal when trying to slim down is to have lipolysis exceed lipogenesis and if you're in a calorie deficit, this happens by itself over time REGARDLESS of the short term effects.

    Furthermore, after you eat your metabolism increases due to something called the thermic effect of food. Thermogenesis is the process of how your body increases heat to burn calories.

    Thermic effect of food is based on macronutrient content and total calories consumed. It is not based on frequency of feeding. For example, if you eat 5 meals per day at 400 calories each, TEF would dictate that, for example, you'd burn 10% of that each time you eat (I'm using 10% for simplicity). 10% x 400 = 40 and you do this 5 times and burn a total fo 200 calories per day via TEF. If I eat 2000 calories all at once for 1 meal I will burn 10% x 2000 = 200 and we arrive at the same place.

    2.) Frequency of Eating:

    Pretty much everything you wrote in this section was false, at least the metabolic portions. See above for an explanation of TEF. But, there's part of what you said that I'd like to comment on additionally:

    An added benefit of eating every three hours is that you don't get hungry. By never getting hungry, you reduce the chances of overeating, or grabbing something quick and unhealthy just because it's there.

    This is personal preference and some people DO feel less hungry eating smaller, frequent meals. However, there's adequate research suggesting otherwise and you can also find that at

    In short, Ghrelin is a hunger signaling hormone that adapts itself to behavior in that if you employ a specific feeding schedule, Ghrelin will adapt to this and the end result is (for some people) that you "feel" hungry around your feeding times. The bonus to this effect is that if you choose an intermittent style of eating (for example, when I cut weight I only eat between about 2pm and 9pm and it works wonders for me) it can be easier to go longer periods without food.

    and more important, when you eat after “starving,” you body will immediately convert the consumed calories to fat. Not good.

    This is just physiologically incorrect, entirely.

    a.) Regular cardio raises your metabolism while you're doing it, but once your finished the exercise, your metabolism immediately returns to its regular rate. On the other hand, doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio raises your metabolism for hours afterward.

    EPOC or Excess PostExercise Oxygen Consumption is quite overstated with HIIT. While this is from 2006, it's from one of the best sources you'll find and I'd speculate that if this were out of date, it would be removed from his site. I'll link you the information for your reading and also copy the summary here:

    Summary -- This is a direct quote from Alan Aragon:

    : • In acute trials, fat oxidation during exercise tends to be higher in low-intensity treatments, but postexercise fat oxidation and/or energy expenditure tends to be higher in high-intensity treatments.
    • Fed subjects consistently experience a greater thermic effect postexercise in both intensity ranges.
    • In 24-hr trials, there is no difference in fat oxidation between the 2 types, pointing to a delayed rise in fat oxidation in the high-intensity groups which evens out the field.
    • In long-term studies, both linear high-intensity and HIIT training is superior to lower intensities on the whole for maintaining and/or increasing cardiovascular fitness & lean mass, and are at least as effective, and according to some research, far better at reducing bodyfat.

    A few final thoughts:
    1.) Nutrition is vastly complicated and I do not pretend to know a fraction of what a nutritionist knows, I'm just sharing what works for me.

    And a few final thoughts from me too sir: Despite me not agreeing with you, please understand that there's a lot of misinformation out there regarding fitness and nutrition. I'm not attacking you personally, I just find your information to be quite out of date and I'm posting so that you don't continue to misinform people. If I spew any misinformation I expect to be corrected and when done so I'll absolutely look into opposing arguments and change my stance when it calls for it.

    To use an analogy, if I were to tell someone they could eat at a deficit, lift weights, wear a red hat, and consume adequate macro and micronutrients and in doing so they would successfully improve body composition and health markers, I would be correct and I could say that this worked for me. But they don't need the red hat, and they might not like wearing it.

    Multiply that logic x 1000 and you end up with people doing all sorts of crap they don't have to do. It's complicated enough as is so it's best to get people straightened out, at least to some degree.

    3.) Try not to combine fats & complex carbs. Both are turned into energy (fat) by your body and the combination will pack on the pounds. A perfect example is a PB&J sandwich…which is considered to be one of the worse sandwiches in the world…same with Mac & Cheese…both high fat and high carbs.

    Food combination is completely bogus and has no scientific backing whatsoever. It literally makes no difference how you combine your macronutrients.

    Here are some good sources for you:

    These are reliable sources that use science as the foundation for their statements, not dietary myths. These people are either top-in-their-field nutritionists and/or people who train others for a living but the commonality you'll see here is that they do their research and don't rely on anecdote or "what's in the magazines" to fuel their knowledge of nutrition.

    Quoting this as it seems no one is reading the thread, just the OP, and getting misinformation.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    Thank you for replying. But if thats true why am I lighter today then I was yesterday after eating over 1000 calories more then normal?

    Because weight gain/loss takes time and because water weight fluctuates very rapidly. Eat at 1000 calories over your TDEE for two months and you will see a different result.

    Basically this, your body doesn't pay attention to days, or weeks, or months, it just runs constantly. What you weigh today may have no relevance on what you ate yesterday, or even the day before.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    The people "arguing" are actually refuting incorrect information. There's a difference. They are trying to help.

    The trouble with these posts is that new people will read them, take them as the gospel and then struggle with keeping up with the various rules they think they need to follow in order to be successful. This can lead to failure.

    Sidesteal, HMonsterX and Tigersword are three of the most knowledgeable posters on this site with regards to fitness and nutrition. They take a lot of time on a regular basis to help people understand not only what works, but WHY it works. I would urge people to listen.
  • km47
    km47 Posts: 34
    good luck maintaining that
    Again, it seems like a bizarre argument. There are plenty of unhealthy skinny people out there who die of heart disease and diabetes. But we are talking about health here, not just a number. Just like BMIs are one number but don't tell you whether you are healthy. My son who is 11 and weighs 82 pounds and is 4'8" has a high BMI but is solid muscle. My daughters who are 5'3 and weigh 103 pounds have a normal BMI but are no way as in good shape. But on paper, they look better. I have learned and am still learning, that the goals to lasting weight and fitness have to do with balance, not necessarily numbers
  • jiggly7
    jiggly7 Posts: 6 Member
    Everything you say makes complete sense and I have read everything and anything that has to do with diet and exercise for over many years (decades as a matter of fact).
    You actually are saying exactly what Micheal Thurman says (about the 5-6 small meals a day) and everytime I do his program, even for a few days, the weight just falls off. The only difference is you are not saying to stay away from dairy and M.T. does not let you touch any kind of dairy in the weight loss process of the diet. It is common sense eating, eating food that is in its most natural form and not processed (the Zone diet).
    You are right, it is a life style change in the way you eat and exercise.
    I think all of your suggestions are great and I am switching up my regular walking and I will be doing strength training as well.
    Thank you for putting this all down as a guideline. I am going to copy and paste this into an e-mail and send it to my husband and children (who are grown):smile: Thank you again!
    About the water debate....I think you should get at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day along with the "experts". Drinking a gallon of water a day sounds like a bit much and hard to do. Staying hydrated is the most important message, especially before and after a work out. Some "experts" say, take your body weight and divide it in half and that is the amount of water in fluid ounces you are to drink everyday!
  • gollyitsmolly
    I think a dialogue is important to any issue of contention. There are many strong points of view in this thread. Nonetheless I agree wholeheartedly with the intentions of OP. Metabolism is important especially in long term lifestyle modifications. I have met a handful of people who do not eat this way and look great and I have met A TON of people who do and look great. Best of luck to everyone in achieving their goals.
  • The real key to losing weight is Metabolism!!

    definition: Metabolism is the process that converts the food you eat into energy to support life.

    There are diets and then there are “diets.” But the real key to LASTING weight loss is making a lifestyle change and doing smart things to speed up how effective your body is in burning off calories AND to keep that calorie burning machine operating at full capacity for as many hours per day as possible.

    Here are some easy ways to do it naturally:

    1.) Breakfast IS Important:

    Why is breakfast soooo important? Your body is naturally programmed to conserve as much fat (energy) as possible when it is not being fed trying to protect vital organs and lean muscle tissue. When you are sleeping at night, so is your metabolism. Starting your metabolism as soon as you wake-up is vastly important. If you are like most Americans, you wake-up, brush your teeth and hit the coffee pot...with food no more than an after-thought a few hours later. Doing this can keeps your metabolism running slow for 10-12hrs/day. Subsequently, eating that first meal is crucial.

    - Minimum: grab a small handful of Nuts and have w/ your coffee; a Boiled egg; a small Low-fat/Low-sugar Yogurt; small piece of Fruit; etc.
    - Ideal: Egg whites; Oatmeal (not instant); high fiber cereal;

    Furthermore, after you eat your metabolism increases due to something called the thermic effect of food. Thermogenesis is the process of how your body increases heat to burn calories.

    2.) Frequency of Eating:

    The typical American diet is to skip breakfast, grab a decent lunch, over-eat at supper and snack at night. BAD IDEA!! To promote your body's metabolism, you should eat 5-6-7 times small meals per day. The effect on your body/metabolism by eating often keeps your metabolism running in high-gear. If you're lucky, it will never get into a "preservation" mood and start storing fat unless you are simply over-eating. Combined with moderate exercise, you will burn-off the calories you are consuming.

    Frequent eating will raise your metabolism naturally...BUT DO NOT go super-size your meals! As mentioned, digesting food takes energy (i.e., burning calories). So, eating several meals per day, as opposed to 3-squares, raises your metabolism 5 to 6 times a day. Remember...when your body doesn't get food, your metabolism slows down. This is because our bodies are ingeniously programmed to protect against starvation...when your body senses that another meal may not be coming (even though food in our modern world is in abundance) it holds onto your body fat to use as energy.

    Of course, to lose weight you will need to make smart choices of what you eat...which means...if you want Cupcakes, have a Cupcake...if you want a Hardee's Six Dollar Burger...have a Six Dollar Burger. But the key here is "Portion Control." For example, just have one cupcake and the burger, cut it in half, eat 1/2 now and the other half 3-4hrs later. Easy!!

    An added benefit of eating every three hours is that you don't get hungry. By never getting hungry, you reduce the chances of overeating, or grabbing something quick and unhealthy just because it's there. If you get to the point of “starving”…then you’ve waited too late. You metabolism has slowed down conserving as much fat as possible…and more important, when you eat after “starving,” you body will immediately convert the consumed calories to fat. Not good.

    Suggestion: Prepare your meals in advance…this helps you think through your food choices without being tempted to make bad choices.

    3.) Exercise:

    a.) Regular cardio raises your metabolism while you're doing it, but once your finished the exercise, your metabolism immediately returns to its regular rate. On the other hand, doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio raises your metabolism for hours afterward.

    HIIT is performed by alternating highly intense bursts of exercise for 30 seconds to a minute ("highly intense" - not less than 85% of your maximum heart rate) with slow recovery for one to two minutes. I personally like the “Sprint 8” HIIT work-out. I do wind sprints for 80-meters and walk (rest) back to the starting line and do the next one until I get to eight. You can do the HIIT work-out on any regular cardio machine such as a treadmill, stairmaster, elliptical, etc. The key here is that sudden burst of energy raising your heart rate to 85% capacity and letting it fall back down. The perk of the HIIT program is it doesn’t take much time. With warm-up and cool-down, you can easily do the whole work-out in 20-minutes…as opposed to 45-60minutes on a treadmill.

    b.) Like HIIT, lifting weights raises your metabolism long after you're finished...experts’ estimate that your metabolism stays elevated for up to 39 hours! And again like HIIT, your weight lifting program can and should be completed in no more than 45-minutes. Remember, the key word here is INTENSE, that means no 1-2 minute breaks between sets or exercises. My personal goal is a 15-second break between sets and no more than a 45-second break between exercises. Moreover, exercise physiologists have proven the first 45-minutes of exercise your body uses testosterone to fuel itself; whereas, after 45-minutes, it fuels itself with adrenaline. Testosterone builds muscle and increases metabolism; adrenaline does neither.

    It is VERY IMPORTANT to understand...muscles consume calories naturally; therefore, the more muscle you have, the more calories you are going to burn even while resting. Fat does nothing to burn calories.

    4.) Drink Lots of H2O:

    I can't emphasize this enough, water is very important to your overall fitness, health and weight-loss quest. There are so many benefits to drinking lots of water I won't even attempt to mention them here. I will say that you should be drinking at least 4-liters/day. Plus, it will make you feel full.

    A few final thoughts:
    1.) Nutrition is vastly complicated and I do not pretend to know a fraction of what a nutritionist knows, I'm just sharing what works for me.

    2.) Not all calories are equal…well sorta. Calories from Carbs is different from calories from protein which are different from calories from fat. I suggest determining how many of each group (Protein, Carbs, Fat) you need to consume per day to support your goal.

    3.) Try not to combine fats & complex carbs. Both are turned into energy (fat) by your body and the combination will pack on the pounds. A perfect example is a PB&J sandwich…which is considered to be one of the worse sandwiches in the world…same with Mac & Cheese…both high fat and high carbs.

    4.) Good fats such as Olive Oil are not processed the same as bad fats like butter, margarine.

    5.) My personal fav suggestion is, “eat as close to the food sources as possible whenever possible.” A great example are Deli Cut meats…they are “processed” meat with something holding them together to make them look like meat. Same w/ butter…if you want butter have butter but DO NOT eat margarine which is little more than a chemical concoction made to sorta taste like butter…same with American cheese…it is cheese in name only.


    * Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
    * Tuna (Water Packed)
    * Fish (Salmon, Sea Bass, Halibut)
    * Shrimp
    * Extra Lean Ground Beef
    * Protein Powder
    * Egg Whites or Eggs
    * Rib-Eye Steaks Or Roast
    * Top Round Steaks Or Roast
    * Top Sirloin
    * Beef Tenderloin
    * Top Loin
    * Flank Steak
    * Eye of Round
    * Ground Turkey, Turkey Breast Slices Or Cutlets (Fresh Meat, Not Deli Cuts)

    Complex Carbs
    * Oatmeal
    * Sweet Potatoes Or Yams
    * Beans (Pinto, Black, Kidney)
    * Oat Bran Cereal
    * Brown Rice
    * Farina (Cream of Wheat)
    * Multigrain Hot Cereal (Oat Bran #1)
    * Whole Wheat Pasta
    * Rice (Brown, Jasmine, Basmati, Arborio, Wild)
    * Potatoes (Red, Baking, New)

    Fibrous Carbs
    * Green Leafy Lettuce (Green Leaf, Red, Leaf, Romaine)
    * Broccoli (best)
    * Asparagus
    * String Beans
    * Spinach
    * Bell Peppers
    * Brussels Sprouts
    * Cauliflower
    * Celery

    Other Produce & Fruits
    * Cucumber
    * Green Or Red Pepper
    * Onions
    * Garlic
    * Tomatoes
    * Zucchini
    * Fruit (If acceptable on diet: Bananas, Apples, Grapefruit, Peaches, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries)
    * Lemons or Limes

    Healthy Fats
    * Natural Style Peanut Butter (home made is easy too) Or Almond Butter
    * Extra Virgin Olive Oil (BEST), Olive Oil (better) Sunflower Oil, Almond Oil (good), Flaxseed Oil (good)
    * Nuts (Peanuts, Almonds, Walnut)
    * Canola, and Peanut - Monounsaturated Oils
    * Sunflower, Corn, Soybean, and Cottonseed - Polyunsaturated Oils
    * Omega-6
    * Omega-3
    * Fatty Coldwater Fish (Mackerel, Salmon, Bluefish, Mullet, Sablefish) - EPA and DHA
    * More fish (Menhaden, Anchovy, Herring, Lake Trout, Sardines, Tuna) - EPA and DHA

    Dairy & Eggs
    * Low-Fat Cottage Cheese
    * Eggs
    * Low Or Non-Fat Milk

    * 4 Liters/day

    Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day. It is important to be drinking water not only during training, but before and after. Water helps flush out toxins in the body and will keep your body and organs functioning properly. I recommend taking in at least 1 gallon of water a day.

    Good luck!!


    THANK YOU for this information!
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    The biggest "breakfast is important" study was funded by Kelloggs...HMMM. We lived in northern Italy for several years where people drink a cup of espresso and kids get a glass of milk for breakfast. The prevailing wisdom there is that eating early makes you sluggish. BTW we almost never saw a seriously overweight Italian. Of course they walk to work, school and the market and that helps. Lunch is the big meal and dinner is snack sized. Even the "big meal" is small by American standards. A little pasta, a little salad, a small cutlet and a piece of fruit.
    I think the "don't eat at night "thing is another diet myth.. As I nurse I worked the night shift for years so my meals were at odd times
    The only suggestions I would make from my experience of losing 150 pounds, is eat when you are physically hungry and not because the clock says lunch time.. Eat a sensible portion and use a measuring cup if you need help figuring out what that means. Severely limit empty calories such as concentrated sweets, sodas, etc. And get an hour of exercise at least 5 days a week. I hope that helps someone. Good luck
  • xxcatyxx555
    uhm one note: after you exercise your body is still burning 30 minutes. just sayin.......
  • ryajak
    ryajak Posts: 7 Member
    Great post. A lot of good information here to people who follow this kind of diet philosophy. I take away from it that you are "planning to succeed" every day. Love your advice on the treadmill workouts - need to give that a try.
  • tubbstattsyrup
    tubbstattsyrup Posts: 89 Member
    I have been a member of MFP for a long time. I am considering finding somewhere else that is a lot more positive. With all this negativity, it is no wonder people are struggling with their weight loss. Positive attitude goes a long way...I can say this from experience since I have battled cancer more than once and used my positive attitude to get me through the tough stuff. If you don't care for someone's opinion, you don't have to tear it apart....simply state your opinion. Unless you are a doctor then I don't think your opinion is any more important than any one else's. I have read more negative things on this site lately than positive. We are supposed to be here to support each other, not rip each other apart.

    I for one think the original post was very informative and if I didn't, I would still appreciate the fact that the advice was based on trying to help.

    Well said.
  • livingaloha
    thanks for lots of good advice. Some things I have already found on my own, and some new information- thanks for taking the time to post this! Im ready to incorperate the new informaiton.
    As an add note: Wow! Can I just say how I am noticing so much negativity being posted in replys to posts lately. Not only is it down right hurtful at times, it serves no purpose and helps no one. If you dont agree, you dont need to post a reply, especially if you feel the need to do it in a toxic, or angry way. Arent we all suppossed to be here to support each other, instead of looking for the first opportunity to tear each other down? I just dont get it! While its true that there is no one way that will work for all of us, take what you can use and leave the rest, and leave the negativity to yourself. Maybe having to show such negative behavior is just a reflection of how you are feeling about yourself, or your life. What is working for me is to make positive changes/choices everyday, and to speak with kindness not only to myself but to others. Show the respect you would expect someone to show you.:smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Lots of it IS NOT supported by science. Doing actual research, I've found a lot of the OP's statements to not be true.
    At one time I used to believe it, then got schooled by someone who had a master's in metabolism and worked for the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    thanks, i have been following most of these guidelines for about 3 years now...they're all pretty much true to me
  • Ironyb
    Ironyb Posts: 30
    Everybody has a theory on what you should and shouldn't do. The simple answer is there is no simple answer :). Our body is nothing but a chain of complex reactions. And anybody with any chemistry knowledge knows that there are many things that influence reactions. The reason why some things work (or work faster) for some and not others is because our bodies are not the same nor are our environments. So don't criticize what people find to work for them, just respect that its not what works for your particular lifestyle.