The real key to losing weight is Metabolism!!



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I can honestly say that everything stated by the OP has helped me on my "journey".

    I'm a firm believer in drinking lots of water to not only stay hydrated, but more full as well.

    And the breakfast "myth"?
    When I was in school each class was polled to see who ate breakfast. Sure enough, EVERY obese kid in the school neve ate breakfast, whereas my parents wouldn't let me (the bean pole in my class) ever leave the house in the morning without a decent meal in my belly.

    And I used to eat breakfast every morning and was incredibly pudgy. Now I get up at 6 am and don't eat until 2pm and very lean. WHOA!! I should be obese by what you say then??

    Just blew your mind I know. lol xD

    You were pudgy because you weren't active

    I lifted weights and played volleyball.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Guess i like broscience then. Call me old fashioned, show me a six pack, tell me how you got it. Good enough for me.


    It was a dark and stormy evening and my car battery had just died. I managed to pull over alongside the highway where, in the pouring rain, I walked for miles on end -- just looking for civilization. After several hours, with mud covering my sneakers and matted down hair, I finally saw light in the distance. I got closer and closer and realized it was some sort of diner.

    Finally I arrived. The smell of greasy meat hit me in the face when I opened the door and I immediately sat down on one of the old, beaten stools. A curly-haired lady in her 50's took my order.

    "I'd like a bacon cheeseburger with a side of french fries".

    No sooner did the word "fries" escape my mouth when a shadow was cast over my body. A man was now standing over me. A big, big burly man. He had to be 6'10 and covered in hair, with a bone in his nose and a large club. He looked rather caveman-like.

    In a gruff voice, he muttered:

    "OOGA OOGA. Potato NO PALEO"

    And I've had a six pack ever since.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Greatest story ever.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Guess i like broscience then. Call me old fashioned, show me a six pack, tell me how you got it. Good enough for me.


    It was a dark and stormy evening and my car battery had just died. I managed to pull over alongside the highway where, in the pouring rain, I walked for miles on end -- just looking for civilization. After several hours, with mud covering my sneakers and matted down hair, I finally saw light in the distance. I got closer and closer and realized it was some sort of diner.

    Finally I arrived. The smell of greasy meat hit me in the face when I opened the door and I immediately sat down on one of the old, beaten stools. A curly-haired lady in her 50's took my order.

    "I'd like a bacon cheeseburger with a side of french fries".

    No sooner did the word "fries" escape my mouth when a shadow was cast over my body. A man was now standing over me. A big, big burly man. He had to be 6'10 and covered in hair, with a bone in his nose and a large club. He looked rather caveman-like.

    In a gruff voice, he muttered:

    "OOGA OOGA. Potato NO PALEO"

    And I've had a six pack ever since.

  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Guess i like broscience then. Call me old fashioned, show me a six pack, tell me how you got it. Good enough for me.


    It was a dark and stormy evening and my car battery had just died. I managed to pull over alongside the highway where, in the pouring rain, I walked for miles on end -- just looking for civilization. After several hours, with mud covering my sneakers and matted down hair, I finally saw light in the distance. I got closer and closer and realized it was some sort of diner.

    Finally I arrived. The smell of greasy meat hit me in the face when I opened the door and I immediately sat down on one of the old, beaten stools. A curly-haired lady in her 50's took my order.

    "I'd like a bacon cheeseburger with a side of french fries".

    No sooner did the word "fries" escape my mouth when a shadow was cast over my body. A man was now standing over me. A big, big burly man. He had to be 6'10 and covered in hair, with a bone in his nose and a large club. He looked rather caveman-like.

    In a gruff voice, he muttered:

    "OOGA OOGA. Potato NO PALEO"

    And I've had a six pack ever since.

  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Guess i like broscience then. Call me old fashioned, show me a six pack, tell me how you got it. Good enough for me.


    It was a dark and stormy evening and my car battery had just died. I managed to pull over alongside the highway where, in the pouring rain, I walked for miles on end -- just looking for civilization. After several hours, with mud covering my sneakers and matted down hair, I finally saw light in the distance. I got closer and closer and realized it was some sort of diner.

    Finally I arrived. The smell of greasy meat hit me in the face when I opened the door and I immediately sat down on one of the old, beaten stools. A curly-haired lady in her 50's took my order.

    "I'd like a bacon cheeseburger with a side of french fries".

    No sooner did the word "fries" escape my mouth when a shadow was cast over my body. A man was now standing over me. A big, big burly man. He had to be 6'10 and covered in hair, with a bone in his nose and a large club. He looked rather caveman-like.

    In a gruff voice, he muttered:

    "OOGA OOGA. Potato NO PALEO"

    And I've had a six pack ever since.

  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Thanks for sharing! It looks correct to me. :wink:
  • DL121004
    DL121004 Posts: 214 Member
    ...that you can always find a study to support the theory you believe to be true.

    This is especially true of epidemiology studies and that is part of the problem. Many people look to these studies as definitive, and by design, they are not. A hard scientific study, on the other hand, may be -- if properly designed.

    You know all those stories about how "this is bad for you" and then ten years later they say, "oops, maybe it's good for you"? Those typically are the result of misinterpreted epidemiological studies -- drawing a conclusion where none should be drawn.

    I've pointed out (IIRC) four studies refuting the point. I have yet to see a study (non-epidemiological) supporting the OP's contention. If anyone would post one I'd be happy to look at it.


    Here's a thought experiment.

    Imagine consuming 2400 Calories in a day equally in 3 meals -- 800 Cals/meal.

    Now, imagine eating those same Calories over 6 meals -- 400 Cals/meal.

    The hypothetical is that the 6 400 Cal meals boosts metabolism more than the 3 800 Cals/meal.

    Now, imagine eating 24 100 Cal meals.

    Take it to the extreme: imagine being on an IV drip putting a steady stream of 1.666 Cals/minute into your body.

    Does anyone think that doing this will be hugely more beneficial to the metabolism than eating 3 meals a day? If 6 is better than three, wouldn't continuous feeding boost the metabolism immensely? If the former is true but the latter is not, why not?
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    Your metabolism is a 24 hour machine. It doesn't shut off just because its 10pm.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    Guess i like broscience then. Call me old fashioned, show me a six pack, tell me how you got it. Good enough for me.


    It was a dark and stormy evening and my car battery had just died. I managed to pull over alongside the highway where, in the pouring rain, I walked for miles on end -- just looking for civilization. After several hours, with mud covering my sneakers and matted down hair, I finally saw light in the distance. I got closer and closer and realized it was some sort of diner.

    Finally I arrived. The smell of greasy meat hit me in the face when I opened the door and I immediately sat down on one of the old, beaten stools. A curly-haired lady in her 50's took my order.

    "I'd like a bacon cheeseburger with a side of french fries".

    No sooner did the word "fries" escape my mouth when a shadow was cast over my body. A man was now standing over me. A big, big burly man. He had to be 6'10 and covered in hair, with a bone in his nose and a large club. He looked rather caveman-like.

    In a gruff voice, he muttered:

    "OOGA OOGA. Potato NO PALEO"

    And I've had a six pack ever since.
    love this story^.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    bump to read later
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    ...that you can always find a study to support the theory you believe to be true.

    This is especially true of epidemiology studies and that is part of the problem. Many people look to these studies as definitive, and by design, they are not. A hard scientific study, on the other hand, may be -- if properly designed.

    You know all those stories about how "this is bad for you" and then ten years later they say, "oops, maybe it's good for you"? Those typically are the result of misinterpreted epidemiological studies -- drawing a conclusion where none should be drawn.

    I've pointed out (IIRC) four studies refuting the point. I have yet to see a study (non-epidemiological) supporting the OP's contention. If anyone would post one I'd be happy to look at it.


    Here's a thought experiment.

    Imagine consuming 2400 Calories in a day equally in 3 meals -- 800 Cals/meal.

    Now, imagine eating those same Calories over 6 meals -- 400 Cals/meal.

    The hypothetical is that the 6 400 Cal meals boosts metabolism more than the 3 800 Cals/meal.

    Now, imagine eating 24 100 Cal meals.

    Take it to the extreme: imagine being on an IV drip putting a steady stream of 1.666 Cals/minute into your body.

    Does anyone think that doing this will be hugely more beneficial to the metabolism than eating 3 meals a day? If 6 is better than three, wouldn't continuous feeding boost the metabolism immensely? If the former is true but the latter is not, why not?

    Love the thought experiment. I like to take a different approach on what I like to call the "wackiness" of the idea of constantly eating every couple hours while trying to burn fat. The human body ALWAYS burns food for energy when there is food to be digested, and then burns fat during fasting periods. If you eat constantly throughout the day, your body is always burning food for fuel all throughout the day, and never burns any fat. Isn't the entire point of trying to lose weight to burn fat? So why do people continuously force feed themselves constant, small meals that never allow their body to enter fat burning mode?

    It just doesn't make logical sense to me. I want my body to be in fat burning mode as often as possible, which means eating fewer meals, spaced much farther apart, to allow the shift into fat burning mode. Keeping yourself constantly fed does the exact opposite.

    And yes, I know the body burns fat throughout the night, but don't you want it to burn even more fat during the day, also?
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    bumppity bump bump
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    Wow! You look great in your picture! So healthy! You are obviously doing what works for you.

    Thanks for taking the time to post your suggestion. I try to learn as much as I can about weight loss and use what I think will work for me. It is interesting that the same thing does not work for every human body.

    For me... I found drinking lots of water does help to curb my hunger.
    For me...I found eating small frequent meals isn't as helpful as eating large portions of low calorie foods 3-4ish x a day.
    For me...I found not eating breakfast but instead having coffee with real heavy cream works better ...for me.
    For me...I found pre-planning meals is crucial to my weight loss.

    I read the entire thread and appreciated both sides of the discussion. I don't think posters were especially rude. Just a difference of opinion.

    BTW...mfp has been amazing for my weight loss. I love this site!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Thank you for sharing this, yea I was way to dehadrated before I started drinking more and I feel so much better, my head no longer feels swolon my skin is soft and so many other things, I think people just like to be agumenitive,
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Wow! I'm shocked at all the negative posts! This is consistant with all the doctors, nutritionists and physical trainers that I have ever discussed it with. This is how I've lost my weight and how I will continue to live my life.

    Thank you for posting - I'm sure there are SOME open minded people that are looking for suggestions.

    This! I'd love to know how many of all the "there really is no starvation mode"-posters are actually doctors or scientists...

    By this logic, I guess I ought to be Thomas Edison or Henry Woodward in order to flick on my light switch....

    Scientific journal articles are published and the general public can benefit from them.

    Also, open-minded people are generally the ones not desperately clinging to conventional wisdom in order to preserve status quo.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Thank you for the post on what works for you, great suggestions. I am not sure why people get so serious on these post, when its just suggestions geez!

    Some people get "serious" here because they would like to know what actually works and what doesn't. Not all suggestions are good, or accurate. Spewing nonsense is fine for those who want to bumble their way through life... some of us are actually wanting to use the time we have on earth efficiently.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Guess i like broscience then. Call me old fashioned, show me a six pack, tell me how you got it. Good enough for me.


    It was a dark and stormy evening and my car battery had just died. I managed to pull over alongside the highway where, in the pouring rain, I walked for miles on end -- just looking for civilization. After several hours, with mud covering my sneakers and matted down hair, I finally saw light in the distance. I got closer and closer and realized it was some sort of diner.

    Finally I arrived. The smell of greasy meat hit me in the face when I opened the door and I immediately sat down on one of the old, beaten stools. A curly-haired lady in her 50's took my order.

    "I'd like a bacon cheeseburger with a side of french fries".

    No sooner did the word "fries" escape my mouth when a shadow was cast over my body. A man was now standing over me. A big, big burly man. He had to be 6'10 and covered in hair, with a bone in his nose and a large club. He looked rather caveman-like.

    In a gruff voice, he muttered:

    "OOGA OOGA. Potato NO PALEO"

    And I've had a six pack ever since.

  • EmilyLStuart
    I changed my life style 2 years ago and most of the changes I did are listed here. I've lost almost 80 pounds. That's enough proof to me that this stuff works.

    Maybe not all of it works for everybody. But all of us have to find what's best for us and make it happen for ourselves.

    Good tips dude.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I get why people are trying to do here but these ideas can be helpful to people. The idea that people will not benefit or be harmed by eating breakfast, drinking more water or any of the other advice doesn't make sense to me.

    You don't have to follow this advice to lose weight. But it won't hurt you and might help some people.