Any Calories you don't count??



  • Joniboloney
    Joniboloney Posts: 127 Member
    I don't count my coffee with flavored creamer, tic-tacs, or leafy green veggies.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I count most of the calories, but I've given up weighing every single onion, stalk of celery, tomato, etc. Too much in the way of head games for me to bother weighing things that don't change all that much per serve. A 'usual' onion weighs 100grams on average. If the next one is 112 grams, and the one after is 84, it balances out. Enough tomato to cover a sandwich is...about 60gm.
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    i dont count spices or fresh herbs. i dont count the single mouthful of milk/apple juice/diet softdrink i grab when i go to the fridge. i guesstimate my leafy green veg weight, i mean, 100gr of spinach is a LOT of spinach..
  • gagesmom314
    gagesmom314 Posts: 101 Member
    I don't count the iced tea I drink all day. I don't add anything to it. I don't log gum. Everything else has a home on my food diary.
  • nono91
    I chew gum only at nights, and i don't count mine either.
  • 2Phat1
    2Phat1 Posts: 74 Member
    I don't count the very small quantities of homemade salad dressings, stocks, etc that I use in meals. I have an occasional licorice drop or two during the day and I can't resist having 3 or 4 cheese corn chips if I'm at a party/BBQ but that's also only occasional.

    To address these sins of ommision I have developed the habit of adding 100 quick add calories a day to my snacks total. Some days I might be a little over and others I would be well under so over a week normally it would mean my numbers show higher than my actual consumption and I see the outcome in my weekly weigh in.
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    I don't count gum, I don't count pickles when I occasionally have one (I don't care much about my sodium because I'm usually way under anyway), I don't count spices, and I don't count the green or blue fruit snacks I eat from my kid's pouch (the poor child only gets the red and oranges one because the others are MINE! hehe). I have started counting my calcium gummies because they are 25 calories a day.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    If the nutrition facts on the packaging of the product I'm eating say zero calories, then I won't log it. That being said, understand that I'm only counting calories, not nutrients; most of the foods I gravitate towards are "okay" in other nutritional areas. Everything else gets logged, to the best of my ability.
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    I don't count diet mt. dew, gum, mints, or the occasional nibbles of food. I try to log only half of my exercise calories to balance it out.
  • MrzMensy
    I add everything that way I can go back if anything and look.