Whats your FAVORITE snack that isn't a veggie or fruit?

Just trying to get some new ideas.
My current favs are:

Extra crunchy PB on a spoon (1 TBSP)
Laughing Cow cheese wedges w/ Special K whole wheat crackers (SO good, wedge 35 cals, crackers 120 cals for 24)
String cheese
Jello Temptations Chocolate Mouse (In freezer, taste like chocolate ice cream 60 cals)
Chiobani Greek yogurt 2%


  • Megabot
    Megabot Posts: 173 Member
    what comes to mind first is a cup of milk, it's definitely food with protein so you stay full longer. :)
    definitely also peanut butter or a handful of nuts. try a tbsp of nutella for a chocolate nutty treat!!
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    Milk is my FAVORITE beverage. Now, Nutella... gotta stay away form it. It's too addictive.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    String cheese

    1 tbls PB on a rice cake

    hard boiled egg (eat these often... love em)

    1 measured serving of nuts

    1 counted serving of Kellogg's All-Bran crackers
  • Southpaw3612
    Definitely a handful of almonds. However, the laughing cow and crackers sound delicious for so few calories.
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    Babybel cheese!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    mixed nuts, yogurt, gum or hot chai tea depending on how many calories I want to spend.
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
    warburton thins! only 100cals stuff it full of salad... yum!
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    SF Jello,


    garlic-stuffed olives,

    raisins (I guess that's a fruit...nevermind).
  • monicakinder09
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    a handful of raw cacao beans (they make me feel great)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Dark chocolate. My current fave is green&blacks with hazelnut & currants.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Up to 5 olives (technically a fruit but not really ;) ). <3
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    Up to 5 olives (technically a fruit but not really ;) ). <3

    you mean the pickled kind ? i just got a jar of the m a week ago .. wasnt sure if i can just eat it by it self ..
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    My favorites right now....

    String cheese
    Hardboiled egg
    Hummus and pita chips...is hummus a vegetable?

    And my biggest favorite right now that I'm recommending to all those chocolate people out there. One envelope of diet hot cocoa mix(or reg depending where you're at for calories) and some vanilla protein powder(I use 1/3 a scoop) and then 12 oz of water. Just mix the hot cocoa mix and protein powder first, I found the protein powder dissolves better that way. It's sooo delicious and filling at the same time. It's good mixed in coffee too!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    earl grey tea
    almonds and dried pomegranite (sorry the last is a fruit, but i eat the 2 together)
    hot choco

    @tinkermom i'm going to have to try putting protein powder in my hot cocoa. how i've been making my cocoa is
    tablespoon of trader joe's unsweetened cocoa powder, cup of rice milk, 2 teaspoons brown sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and a dash of cayenne pepper for cheek. i bet protein powder would taste awesome in that
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Up to 5 olives (technically a fruit but not really ;) ). <3

    you mean the pickled kind ? i just got a jar of the m a week ago .. wasnt sure if i can just eat it by it self ..

    Yeah, and I just eat them by themselves, so much flavor for so few calories! If they're too strong they can be a bit of an acquired taste, though, in which case you might just use them to cook with.
  • nickyrobinson
    nickyrobinson Posts: 161 Member
    If I want something sweet, See's Cafe Latte Krispys. They are individually wrapped, so I can eat just one. 38 calories apiece.
  • daniivdean
    daniivdean Posts: 105 Member
    everyone should eat NAKD bars- 100% raw :) sooooooooo delicious
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Habanero bbq or salt & vinegar almonds, cheese and beef jerky (which i don't eat as much as i would like due to the sodium).
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Just trying to get some new ideas.
    My current favs are:

    Extra crunchy PB on a spoon (1 TBSP)
    Laughing Cow cheese wedges w/ Special K whole wheat crackers (SO good, wedge 35 cals, crackers 120 cals for 24)
    String cheese
    Jello Temptations Chocolate Mouse (In freezer, taste like chocolate ice cream 60 cals)
    Chiobani Greek yogurt 2%

    Cliff bars (especially the white chocolate)
    Organic almond milk
    Hummus on sprouted grain bagel, or toast
    Toast with raw honey & cinnamon
    Raw granola
    "Cheese" popcorn -Plain popcorn tossed in melted Earths Balance and nutritional yeast.
    So yummy!