Questions For Married Folks (For A Class - Help Appreciated)



  • Met age 18, we are the same age. Engaged age 22, Married, a year later, age 23. Still married 25 years later.
  • How old were you when you got engaged? How long had you been together before getting engaged? How old were you when you got married? Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Doing some informal research for a class - answers appreciated!

    I was 28 when we were engaged, we knew each other for 10 years prior; but dated for 6 months before the engagement. I was 29 when we got married, he was 36. We have been married for 5 months and together for a total of 2+ years. :flowerforyou:
  • mrsgstone
    mrsgstone Posts: 115 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? 22 ( a week before turning 23...) and 28 him
    How long had you been together before getting engaged? 2 years
    How old were you when you got married? 24 me and 29 him
    Are you still together (if so, for how long)? YES! 5 years dating and 1 1/2 marriage. :0)
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I was 31 when I got engaged and married (engagement was only 7 months long). We were together 1.5 years before he proposed. We are still together. Our 6 year anniversary is in a few months.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    Met: I was 19, he was 29.
    We dated for 3 months before getting engaged.
    We were were engaged 9 months before getting married.
    I was 20 and he was 30 when we got married.
    We were married for 7 years.
    We have been divorced for 8 1/2 months.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    Met in plane geometry class in 1964.
    Went steady for 2 yrs, engaged for two more.
    Married in 1968. I was 21, she was 20.
    In June will be 44 yrs.
  • kriskaryl
    kriskaryl Posts: 120 Member
    1st marriage engaged at 16 1/2, married at 17...he was 25 yrs mother arranged it with his mother because he was still single and my mother couldn't afford to send me to college. She figured I needed a man to take care of me. Divorce at 21.

    2nd marriage I was 24, he was 29. Lasted 9 years until my tolerancce for stupidity was exhausted.

    Currently, I am 51, he is 58. We have been together 15 glorious years and getting better all the time. Not married, been engaged for most of it. Got the ring Valentines Day 2005. Not going to have a wedding, just go to the justice of the peace.
  • SuzyQq02
    SuzyQq02 Posts: 64 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? 21, MH was 23
    How long had you been together before getting engaged? About a year and 9 months, and we had known each other for 2 years prior to that
    How old were you when you got married? 23, MH was 25
    Are you still together? (If so, for how long?) Married for a bit more than 4 years now
  • How old were you when you got engaged? 19

    How long had you been together before getting engaged? 1yr

    How old were you when you got married? 21

    Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Yes! 25yrs
  • caderowansmom
    caderowansmom Posts: 3 Member
    Age when we met: I was 25, he was 21
    Dated for 6.5yrs before we got engaged
    Engaged for only 4 months
    Age when married: I was 31, he was 28
    We've been marred now for 7.5 yrs:)
  • supermom4abcd
    supermom4abcd Posts: 151 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? How long had you been together before getting engaged? How old were you when you got married? Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Doing some informal research for a class - answers appreciated!

    we met at a college party
    We dated for 3 years
    I was 21 and he was 25 when we got engaged
    I was 22 when we married.
    We are still together after 17 years and 4 kids.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    :grumble: I wanna be a part of this thread... but I'm not married yet :sad:
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    The first time I married I was 18 (he was 19). There was no official engagement. I was young and dumb and got pregnant. We were together for about 6 months before marrying and were officially divorced right before our 8th anniversary, although we separated about 2 years or so before that.

    My second marriage lasted about 9 months before separation and eventual divorce at about 19 months after the wedding. The engagement lasted about 3 months and we dated about year before that. He's a child molester (which I did NOT know until he went to jail for it... paperwork was started almost IMMEDIATELY following...

    My third (and FINAL) marriage hasn't happened yet. I've known him for 16 years, we were engaged roughly 17 months before engagement and are getting married this coming friday. I know in my heart this time is right and wish I hadn't been so stupid in high school.... Then maybe I wouldn't have had to suffer through 2 failed attempts!
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? 21
    How long had you been together before getting engaged? 4.5 years
    How old were you when you got married? 22
    Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Yes, married 10 years this year.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged?.. 26
    How long had you been together before getting engaged? 2 months
    How old were you when you got married? almost 27
    Are you still together (if so, for how long)? yes and 13 years
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged?.. 17
    How long had you been together before getting engaged? 2 years
    How old were you when you got married? 19
    Are you still together (if so, for how long)? no, separated after 27 years
  • 2dogmom
    2dogmom Posts: 14 Member
    Started dating @ 20
    Engaged @ 23
    Married @ 24

    Celebrating 14 yrs in 2012
  • Started dating when I was 21 and he was engaged 3mos later..married 1 year after that. Our 5th anniversary will be in June.. jumped in head 1st..had 2 babies in that time also. No regrets!!!!!!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Met: me 19, him 23
    Dated: 3 years
    Engaged: we didn't, and we didn't live together before getting married either
    Married: me: 22. him: 26
    How long: 46 years and still counting.
  • bharriscar
    bharriscar Posts: 91 Member
    Met: Feb. 1977 - me 27, her 32

    Married July 1977

    almost 35 years