besides water... what do you drink?????!?



  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member
    diet pepsi
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    Coffee and I am sorry, but I love juice!! Always have a glass on Dole's Orange Strawberry Banana Juice in the morning. Lots of vitamins.
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    Coffee, and sometimes hot cocoa to get my chocolate fix. Milk if I need it. But mostly water, or water with a bit of pure unsweetened cranberry juice and lemon-tastes like Koolaid to me now :)
  • Javelin3o4
    Javelin3o4 Posts: 17 Member
    Flavored water from Safeway. But wondering if thats ok. Its carbonated, and its ingredients are as follows,

    Calories: 0
    Total Fat: 0
    Sodium: 0
    Total Carbs: 0
    Sugars: 0
    Protein: 0

    Carbonated WAter, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Potassium Citrate, Aspartame, Potassium Benzoate (A preservative), Acesulfame Potassium.

    Other than that the occasional Rockstar Hydration (orange, yellow, or purple can)
  • truecaligirl
    truecaligirl Posts: 132 Member
    Green Tea
    Diet Pepsi
    Tequila ( preferred)
  • acawle00
    acawle00 Posts: 28 Member
    Green tea
    Simply Apple Juice
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    Unsweetened green or fruit tea, chocolate soy milk (no, not the healthiest, but 8 oz a day won't kill me...), Dr. Pepper 10 (Which i found I like more than Regular) and on days when I really REALLY need caffeine to survive school/work/hw Black Coffee
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    Milk! It hydrates better than water, espeically during exercise.

    Lately, when not exercising, I'm drinking hot tea often.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Besides water, I drink milk(with most of my meals) coffee and tea. Usually hot tea. I put a little honey or sugar in my tea and just count the calories. Ocassionally I will drink a vitamin water or and Arnold Palmer, but not often.
  • fastonfoot
    It always surprises me to see so many people wanting to eat healthier are drinking diet soda/pop/Coke. How many people know that Splenda (sucralose) was discovered while working on DDT, a pesticide? Not many, I am sure. Being healthy isn't about finding an alternative to the unnatural foods you currently eat, it is about replacing the fake food with the real, more nutritious stuff. The fake stuff will damage you over a lifetime.

    Anything with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), artificial flavors and artificial dyes are harmful to you and your overall health. So, that means any diet drink or regular "pop-like" drink should be eliminated. It won't be easy, but lifestyle changes never are.

    That being said, I drink coffee in the morning (just one cup with a Stevia sweetner packet). If I want something other than water, I will sometimes drink iced tea, but usually I drink Polar seltzer water that is naturally flavored. I really love the Raspberry Lime flavor. The fizz gives me the "pop" fix that I used to love, but there's not calories or sodium...or artificial anything. If want something a little stronger, I mix equal parts Pellegrino with 100% juice (it must say so on the label and the food info).
  • jlee0623
    vitamin Water Zero
  • MaryK0515
    the diet tea/lemonade that just came out. It only has 4 calories. Also tea and coffee. Mostly I just drink water but squeeze some lemon in it because it makes it exciting. :-)
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    Water all the time except one glass of milk a day and two cans of Dr. Pepper on my spike day.
  • Bourds
    Bourds Posts: 90 Member
    Besides alot of water, crystal light (or generic of) and diet pop (can't seem to kick that one).
  • meowy12
    meowy12 Posts: 25 Member
    Diet coke by the bucket load.
  • alie5612
    black tea
    black coffee
    vodka head in hands in shame haha
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    unfortunately lots and lots of black coffee but also tea and diet dr. pepper and some wine
  • bound4glory2
    bound4glory2 Posts: 29 Member
    I put a packet of Eco Drink (a daily multivitamin powder packet) into 16-20 oz of water every morning. My main staple is water but I do drink 2 cups of coffee most every morning, along with an occasional glass of milk. I have a 20 oz bottle of low-calorie Gatorade G2 every day during/after my exercise workout. When I really want to treat myself I like a good glass of wine or mojito.....but that does have a lot of sugars.... :)
  • Bonnieelizabeth
    Bonnieelizabeth Posts: 68 Member
    I drink crystal lite or the kroger brand!! I also buy kool-aid and sweeten it with splenda! Hope this helps you. I also drink diet pop for the caffeine.
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    coffee, beer and wine. The coffee every morning ( 2 cups), the alcohol I *try* for only the weekend -- one day only if I'm REALLY good! {hangs head} I'm usually not THAT good!:blushing: