How bad did you used to be?



  • Danhra
    Danhra Posts: 77
    I am very new to this so my "used to be" is still pretty recent... as in like up to a couple weeks ago.

    I have always had a hard time with controlling myself when the food is there. For example, pretty much anytime I have ever bought a cheesecake I have eaten the entire cake in one sitting. Or a few weeks ago I bought a box of 24 ice cream sandwiches for my family and ate them all within 24 hours (myself). Fast food has always been terrible fo me (particularly when I worked in the industry lol) I used to get 1/2 pounder meals with upsized fries and pop almost every day when I worked at DQ.... oh and of course icecream to top it off. I get really bad cravings too. I used to get such terrible sweets cravings when I was a teenager and not in control of the groceries that I would scour the cupboards for something sweet and when I couldn't find something I would open up a package of instant pudding, mix it with milk and eat the whole thing.... I don't know why I have such a compulsion. My solution thus far is to just keep stuff out of the house bc otherwise I know I will break.
    Re-reading this it really sounds like I had a major eating problem growing up :/. Thank god I was really active and involved in tons of sports
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    I wasn't super bad, but bad enough. I would eat out at restaurants and have an appetizer, entree and dessert. I would eat fried foods, not all the time but enough. I think for me, it was really my lack of exercise. I did not work out at all and I think that is important for me and will continue to be important when I reach maintenance phase.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I've always been capable of eating large amounts of food... for a time, though, I just never wanted to. I went to a buffet with friends when I was in recovery for anorexia (oh, the irony) and I ate five full plates of food, plus two smaller plates of dessert, just to prove that I could. No, I'm not kidding. But even though I physically could eat that much, I was completely satisfied with much smaller portions...

    Now, though, I'm really having a hard time with bingeing. I've been eating 2400 calories a day several times a week for the past week or two, including today. Once I start to binge, I tend to just write off the entire day as ruined, and so I eat more... and then it's like I'm never full, or I just don't know when/how to stop eating. It's scary. I'm giving up a lot of trigger foods for Lent, though, and I'm hoping that I'll get out of this cycle.

    But anyway, today, I ate half a loaf of homemade French bread and 12 ounces of yogurt, and then came back later for about twenty or thirty crackers, a rice cake, a couple of tablespoons of almond butter, an apple, and four squares of chocolate, on top of two regular meals. 2400 calories right there. Yeah, today was not a good day. It's kind of scary, though, how much I can consume in one sitting without feeling full.
  • megannicolex33
    Oh, I was awful! I would go to Outback and get a bloomin onion, a cup of clam chowder, a steak, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. And I would eat ALL OF IT. It's insane to think about that now! But I mostly just ate things because they were in front of me. If I ordered a pizza, I couldn't just eat a slice or two.. I had to eat 5 slices until I felt like I was going to explode. And downing an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream was a nightly thing for me.

    Gosh.. all I can say is I'm really glad I caught myself early. I gained 50 pounds in the past 3 years eating that way.. so it's a good thing I didn't keep it up any longer. Now I can't imagine going back to my old habits!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    how about eating 6 serving bowls of porridge, few packets of durian fruits (it's awesome)... lol i was horrible!!

    drinking bubbletea every day when i was working in a bubble tea shop.
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    I use to eat a full XL pasty, with a large drink, chips and then eat desert as well.... yesterday I couldn't even get through my medium one!

    A pasty? I wonder if they're the same kind I'm thinking of. If so, then I'll be surprised.
  • kcharles22
    kcharles22 Posts: 13 Member
    1/4 of a lasagne that's meant for 6, 4/5 BBQ wings, rice, coleslaw, and desert.

    Sometimes 12 hotwings in one go.

    I've had about 12 oatmeal cookies in the last 2 weeks, but I had a really bad craving that not even fresh fruits can satisfy, did burn them off in extra workouts though. Need to control my portion size and ill be set. But a 45g recommended serving servo just doesn't help.
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    when I worked at the mall I would get a large Orange Julius drink and then walk over to New York fries and get a large fries with cheese sause and then walk over to either KFC for 3 pieces of chicken or A&W for a burger. I would eat all that on my lunch break and then grab a family size bag of peanut M&Ms and a family bag of wine gums to eat back at work in the afternoon.
    If I went to McDonalds I would order a Big Mac meal with super size fries and Coke and an extra 10 piece chicken nugget as well!
    Food Courts still give me goose bumps!!
  • harriet_tubman
    so bad that it made me weigh over 360 pounds!

    i think my worst were the days i'd eat at least half a pizza WITH a bacon cheese burger and fries and chinese food. how disgusting lol
  • Prefessa
    My biggest problem was that I didn't eat...All Day! No Breakfast, Work though lunch. Late afternoon granola bar n coffee, then get home late at night and eat a big dinner, and dessert and a snack before bed...then went to bed on a full stomach....That is a essentially the training diet for Japanese Sumo Wrestlers!!

    And I didn't exercise at all!!! in 2009 I hit the wall....generally people change when the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same.
  • sparklefly74
    sparklefly74 Posts: 40 Member
    Way back in the day, when I was working at a convenience store, I would drink at least the equivalent of 2 2Liters of Mt Dew a night (free fountain drinks). For break, I would eat a 6 inch sub, a grab bag of chips and a king sized candy bar (because it was more economical to buy the king over the regular size). I ended up getting mono and I didn't eat for several days, and when I started eating again, I could barely eat anything before I was full. My doctor didn't understand why I had lost so much weight, but obviously he didn't realize how much I was eating before I got sick.
  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    I literally just ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it with no thought to the consequences. If I had eaten out at lunch id still eat out for dinner and not care. I had snacks like cake, crisps, chocolate inbetween meals and then I wondered why I was piling on the pounds! disgusting I cant even eat as much in one sitting as I used to be able to!

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  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    My bad days were BAD.

    I would order chinese food and this is what I'd ask for: A large wonton soup, crab rangoon, a large chicken fried rice, a large chicken lo mein.

    Then I'd eat half the wonton soup, all the crab rangoons and either the whole fried rice or the whole lo mein depending on my mood.

    Later that day, I'd eat the rest of it for 'dinner'.

    Then there were the days when I was craving something sweet and I could eat a whole ben & jerrys pint.

    Or when I'd go to Mcdonald's for a quick meal and order three or four mcdoubles, a large fry, a medium coke and a mcflurry. Sometimes to 'fool' the cashier into thinking that I had someone at home to eat some of that I'd order four mcdoubles and two small fries and two drinks. But it was all for me.
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    Where to begin...I once ate an entire large pizza in one sitting. I had a taco (homemade) eating contest with my dad, and I won with 16 tacos with all the trimmings. I could make a pot roast dinner, with yorkshire pudding, potatoes and gravy, fill the plate full, and go back an hour later for another plate full. I could eat an entire bag of Doritos in one day, not to mention 2-3 32oz Pepsis to go along with the chips. Yikes....the list goes on.
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    I used to be obsessed with Wawa chocolate milk shakes...I know now that each one is like 800 calories, lol.
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    Hello. Hi.

    May I order double cheeseburger meal with root beer AND
    2 double cheeseburgers
    and 2 junior chicken please AND also please rolo icecream. Thanks alot. Debit please.

    Edit: i dont even... want to think how many calories was that. that was my dinner meal when i was 250lbs.

    I hear ya, it was a quarter pounder meal, large size please with a sweet tea and 2 apple pies! Then I would eat the apple pies before I got home so no one would see. **SHUDDERS** Or of course I could eat a bag of chips in a day. Or I would just eat and eat and eat because I was bored and emotional and miserable.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    so bad that it made me weigh over 360 pounds!

    i think my worst were the days i'd eat at least half a pizza WITH a bacon cheese burger and fries and chinese food. how disgusting lol

    I was there at one point too, A whole pizza was no big deal and some ice cream to wash it all down.. Of course some sides of bread-sticks too..
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My bad wasn't really my eating, although it's certainly improved. My bad was eating like I was very active without being active. :blushing:
  • sschmidt24
    sschmidt24 Posts: 2 Member
    I ate a whole box of Entenmens chocolate glazed donuts once. Okay maybe twice. :-)
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    2 worst binges years apart but memorable will never do again. I'm a stress eater so on one occasion when the Krispy Kreme doughnuts were much larger then they are now I ate 6 chocolate glazed donuts in one setting I think each doughnut was 500 calories a pop. Another occasion months ago I was stressed and went to the bakery and bought 4 cupcakes 2 brownies and a bottle of red wine because if you're gonna eat bad it's gotta be good! That was my dinner, the morning after was of course buyers remorse.