This is horrifying...



  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    But more horrifying than the current situation?
    You decide...
    How else are you going to feed a population of 6 billion and counting?
    so we should just torture animals as long as we are kept fed. no wonder there are so many cases of animal cruelty on farms.
  • mikeandfox
    it's interesting how we can't give the world enough food to eat meanwhile billions are trying to loose weight, they've developed a surgical technic to reduce weight for millions that are morbidly obese, and there are TV programs like "my 600 lb life" or "the biggest loser" highlighting a health crisis in many parts of the world.

    IMHO; it boils down to more production = more money. doesn't matter if the meat is rotting on a shelf or being consumed by humans who need to consume less. we are excessively buying and using it, and someone is getting rich off it.

    where I live; As long as I have money, there is food to be had by the tons. if a person can't earn the money, there are food banks and government checks to supplement.

    Why doesn't this excess in food go where it's needed? it's not profitable.

    Also, this is 100% accurate.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I.Love.Meat (& Milk)!

    For those of you who think we are awful because we have food go to waste when others around the world are to foreign governments. Doesn't matter how much supply there is, starving people are easier to control which is why many foreign governments refuse to allow other countries to help feed their people.
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 98 Member
    Very horrifying. It reminds me of that Atwood book, "Oryx & Crake". :sick: :noway:
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I think the solution would be to eat poor people.

    I believe this because-
    1. There are so many of them.
    2. They don't contribute to society.
    3. Most of them are very stupid, and/or ugly.
    4. They are made from meat.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member


    this is why i'm a vegetarian.. facts are, we dont feed 6billion (the number is closer to 7billion btw) people of the world. nearly 15% of the population is considered starving. i am not sure how many are considered mal nourished..there is a difference. many people in the US are malnourished yet overweight. facts are, animal farms, feed lots etc contribute to much of our pollution, clear cutting forests, erosion problems, poor soil quality. Facts are, a vegetarian diet is more sustainable for populations as well as the Earth. humans dont NEED meat to survive. in fact, vegetarian diets (if properly done) are overall healthier than one that incorporates meat.
    6 billion, 7 billion, 8 billion, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that huge population requires protein and yes the best protein comes from meat. It took millions of evolution that involved us being primarily meat eaters. Show me one study stating that "vegetarian diets (if properly done) are overall healthier than one that incorporates meat."

    I will wait.

    Watch the documentary "Forks over Knives". Tons of studies in there that show eating a vegan (Or vegetarian with very very low dairy) diet is much healthier.

    I'll Wait...

    Forks over Knives is nothing but propaganda and scare tactics. Pssshhhhh, puleazeeeee.
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    Now we'll never know why the chicken crossed the road.

    Because the electricity went out and they didn't want to spoil?
  • clocklady
    clocklady Posts: 111 Member
    But more horrifying than the current situation?
    You decide...
    How else are you going to feed a population of 6 billion and counting?

    Vegetables, grains, and legumes. Produce much more per acre and cost far less.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    This is disgusting, that is what it is.

    I am all for meat consumption, but it has to be from local farm raised sources. There is NO way in hell that I will ever eat chicken that has been massed produced like some boxed macaroni and cheese. And there is NO way that I will ever eat that cloned meat they are working on right now.

    Cloned ground beef is supposed to be released in October or some time this year.


    Do you drink milk? Milk from cloned milk cows was approved by the FDA on January 8, 2008. Many of the large dairy farms have numerous "genetic twins, triplets, quads, quints, etc." (and many more) producing for them.

    No, I don't drink milk and if I use cream or butter I buy it straight from local Amish people who live in my area. Raw dairy, straight from GRASS fed cows.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    I think the solution would be to eat poor people.

    I believe this because-
    1. There are so many of them.
    2. They don't contribute to society.
    3. Most of them are very stupid, and/or ugly.
    4. They are made from meat.

    AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!! :laugh:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    This is disgusting, that is what it is.

    I am all for meat consumption, but it has to be from local farm raised sources. There is NO way in hell that I will ever eat chicken that has been massed produced like some boxed macaroni and cheese. And there is NO way that I will ever eat that cloned meat they are working on right now.

    Cloned ground beef is supposed to be released in October or some time this year.


    Do you drink milk? Milk from cloned milk cows was approved by the FDA on January 8, 2008. Many of the large dairy farms have numerous "genetic twins, triplets, quads, quints, etc." (and many more) producing for them.

    Completely off topic from the OP's post, but I think it's really weird that people drink milk (I don't drink it, don't like it). We are the only species on EARTH that drink's another animal's milk. Milk is meant for nursing young...why are we drinking it from a cow? We're not baby cows...

    But dammit I do love cheese. I try to shop only organic and eat cheese sparingly, but it's delicious.

    There is a very long list of things humans do that no other species does. If we start living out lives based on that, well, you wouldn't be on this message board right now, would you?

    Well obviously, but I'm not talking about abilities and problem solving skills humans have as opposed to animals, I just think it's really weird that people drink cow's milk...I mean, we don't drink other people's breast milk...
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member


    this is why i'm a vegetarian.. facts are, we dont feed 6billion (the number is closer to 7billion btw) people of the world. nearly 15% of the population is considered starving. i am not sure how many are considered mal nourished..there is a difference. many people in the US are malnourished yet overweight. facts are, animal farms, feed lots etc contribute to much of our pollution, clear cutting forests, erosion problems, poor soil quality. Facts are, a vegetarian diet is more sustainable for populations as well as the Earth. humans dont NEED meat to survive. in fact, vegetarian diets (if properly done) are overall healthier than one that incorporates meat.
    6 billion, 7 billion, 8 billion, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that huge population requires protein and yes the best protein comes from meat. It took millions of evolution that involved us being primarily meat eaters. Show me one study stating that "vegetarian diets (if properly done) are overall healthier than one that incorporates meat."

    I will wait.

    Watch the documentary "Forks over Knives". Tons of studies in there that show eating a vegan (Or vegetarian with very very low dairy) diet is much healthier.

    I'll Wait...

    Forks over Knives is nothing but propaganda and scare tactics. Pssshhhhh, puleazeeeee.

    AMEN. Anybody can have a healthy diet if they choose to regardless of if they eat meat and animal products or not. If you search hard enough, you can find a study to justify pretty much every eating/diet trend out there. Just be mindful of what you eat and how it got to your plate.
  • caramelbaloney
    Ha ha, yes, especially since there has never been a vegan or vegetarian society.......................However, there are societies that live almost completely off of animal sources because vegetation does not grow.

    Most vegetarians and vegans are so misguided. SMH

    Also, another thing to add is that growing all this subsidized corn, wheat, soy is what causes poor soil quality, not animals.

    And who do you think eats all that subsidized grain? Hint: not people.

    Some omnivores are so misguided.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Noooo the cerebral cortex was one of my favorite parts of the chicke to eat.. Nothing like bbq chicken cerberal cortex. haha Now I am going to have to re invest my stocks into chicken CC's just because they are going to be so expensive and hard to get if that happens.
    Ok all you natural farm eaters this is for you, my grandma owns a natural farm and if they do that "inhuman" matix thing to the chickens then its going to take all the fun out of chopping off the chickens heads and watching it run in circles until it finally stops. Some how this in some peoples minds is better than uhhhh the matrix inhuman thing how again........:huh: ? Too many people are spoiled. I think just because you can goto the store and the meat is all pre fresh, pre plucked, cut up and packaged all nice and neat, people just dont understand the value of food.. Grow up!! I think if your belly gets hungry enough and you have to do it your self you will appreciate lifes food that much more or just understand what it takes and be thankful for the variety of lifes food.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    The saddest part of this story is thinking about the chickens that might have had a life-long dream to grow up delicious. Now they'll never know.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Fascinating twists and turns this thread took. :drinker:

    The reason I posted the story is because it intrigues me that there's no simple solution. Everyone here has valid points.

    I'm a meat eater and I only buy chicken marked "cage free" and "humanely raised" but what exactly does that mean anyway? I've honestly never tracked down the legal regulations that this kind of marketing language is required to abide by (if they exist). I've not done any extensive research into the efficiency of whatever agencies try to reinforce it either. Have you?

    The story "horrifies" me in the sense that it hits on some kind of dystopian sci-fi unease that I can't quite put my finger on. The idea that humanity has grown and spread so rampantly that we now need to grow "crops" of sense-free animal matter to harvest for a sustainable future is a shocking reminder of the imbalances we cause.

    I think the practices mentioned in the story will inevitably happen. They'll have to. And after them something even more unusual and potentially abhorrent will replace them. I wonder if they'll be as out-of-sight, out-of-mind as present day practices? My guess is yes.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    The saddest part of this story is thinking about the chickens that might have had a life-long dream to grow up delicious. Now they'll never know.

    its ok because I know they will live on through me! I dont have biceps those are chickenceps... :happy:
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Fascinating twists and turns this thread took. :drinker:

    The reason I posted the story is because it intrigues me that there's no simple solution. Everyone here has valid points.

    I'm a meat eater and I only buy chicken marked "cage free" and "humanely raised" but what exactly does that mean anyway? I've honestly never tracked down the legal regulations that this kind of marketing language is required to abide by (if they exist). I've not done any extensive research into the efficiency of whatever agencies try to reinforce it either. Have you?

    The story "horrifies" me in the sense that it hits on some kind of dystopian sci-fi unease that I can't quite put my finger on. The idea that humanity has grown and spread so rampantly that we now need to grow "crops" of sense-free animal matter to harvest for a sustainable future is a shocking reminder of the imbalances we cause.

    I think the practices mentioned in the story will inevitably happen. They'll have to. And after them something even more unusual and potentially abhorrent will replace them. I wonder if they'll be as out-of-sight, out-of-mind as present day practices? My guess is yes.

    Humanely raised but they still have to die to be eaten and how do you think they get that way?....Unless you eat live chickens? Now thats inhuman and not "fascinating" at all but sick to me!
    Its not horrifing its reality bud. Heres some fascinating sci fi. for you.....Think of you being a human thousands of years ago and some one telling you the earth will be so over populated full of people that they will have to raise mass chicken in farms steriod or steriod free reguardless for human consumption. We will have to crop thousands of acres of crops which will pollute the earth. We wont live forever because we are consumers. We will eventually run out of natural resources and the sun will eventually burn out.

    IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO MISTREAT ANIMALS.. So eat and be happy and thankful your not starving! Put that in your facinating cup and drink that lol
  • Samanthasteinagle26
    I just got done eating chicken. Now, I feel all gross inside.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    This is disgusting, that is what it is.

    I am all for meat consumption, but it has to be from local farm raised sources. There is NO way in hell that I will ever eat chicken that has been massed produced like some boxed macaroni and cheese. And there is NO way that I will ever eat that cloned meat they are working on right now.

    Cloned ground beef is supposed to be released in October or some time this year.


    Do you drink milk? Milk from cloned milk cows was approved by the FDA on January 8, 2008. Many of the large dairy farms have numerous "genetic twins, triplets, quads, quints, etc." (and many more) producing for them.

    Completely off topic from the OP's post, but I think it's really weird that people drink milk (I don't drink it, don't like it). We are the only species on EARTH that drink's another animal's milk. Milk is meant for nursing young...why are we drinking it from a cow? We're not baby cows...

    But dammit I do love cheese. I try to shop only organic and eat cheese sparingly, but it's delicious.

    There is a very long list of things humans do that no other species does. If we start living out lives based on that, well, you wouldn't be on this message board right now, would you?

    Well obviously, but I'm not talking about abilities and problem solving skills humans have as opposed to animals, I just think it's really weird that people drink cow's milk...I mean, we don't drink other people's breast milk...

    Yes, I have made this very point in many a topic. Adults are not supposed to drink baby food!

    What I'm saying is; those strongly opposed to eating anything from a cloned animal don't realize they eat cloned or biologically engineered stuff all the time; even vegans. Nearly all commercially raised produce is tweaked in one way or another. One example is corn.. almost all commercially raised corn is BE in one way or another. It could be to resist a particular mold that causes it to spoil on the stalk or to resist a particular bug.. or to be immune to weed killers. (like the soy beans that are resistant to RoundUp weed killer scandal)