Real Butter vs. Fake Butter



  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I do all the cooking at home. If I need to add butter, it's organic unsalted, and I use it sparingly.

    For cooking in pans, extra virgin olive oil...a little goes a long way!

    Because "they" put meat in everything, and I'm pescetarian, I am a habitual label-reader. If there are words in something I can't pronounce or I don't know what it is, I don't use it in our food.

    Some of the artificial versions of food frighten me a little. Probably silly, I know...but it worries me about what unknowns I'm getting along with the benefits of reduced fat!

    So I use the full fat, but in moderation, measured and counted on MFP. :happy:
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    Real Butter!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,023 Member
    It's either butter of olive oil in my house. A tsp. of butter = 33 calories and tastes fantastic.
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    When I have to use butter for something, I use real butter. I just don't like the fake stuff and, like you, had heard negative feedback about it.
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    Fat is Fat, so it makes very little difference calorie wise, but butter has more cholesterol, so if that is a problem, then you have to consider that. On the other side of the coin is margarine and all that terrible crap, which contains synthetic fats and are mostly unhealthy fats. So choose your poison.

    If you exercise regularly, cholesterol should not be a problem. If you take prescription medicine like Crestor, you should be alarmed, most of the prescription stuff damages your liver, without a healthy liver, you die. Niacin is an alternative to Crestor, get the non flush kind. There are also herbal preparations which are good non dangerous alternatives, see a naturopathic practitioner. There are other causes of high blood pressure and cholesterol, such as sleep apnea, sleep deprivation. If you have symptoms, see your doctor for a sleep study.

    When I consume butter, I choose the real thing. Land-O-Lakes makes a butter which is part olive oil. I do not use canola oil, so that option is off my table.

    Are you saying consuming cholesterol raises your cholesterol?
  • Dammitviv
    I like the taste of unsalted sweet cream butter best, so I use that. It also bakes much better than margerine. Just be mindful of the amount of calories you add with it.
  • Debbsoc
    Debbsoc Posts: 8 Member
    Buy a good oil mister and a good brand of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Spray your pan and cook your eggs. You will end up using about 1/8 tsp olive oil and your eggs won't stick :)

    Yep, Costco sells them stainless steel and very high end. Now they come in colors too. I use it every day, spray on vegies too
  • Debbsoc
    Debbsoc Posts: 8 Member
    It's either butter of olive oil in my house. A tsp. of butter = 33 calories and tastes fantastic.

    I just need to find something low-cal to put the butter on :)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Fat is Fat, so it makes very little difference calorie wise, but butter has more cholesterol, so if that is a problem, then you have to consider that. On the other side of the coin is margarine and all that terrible crap, which contains synthetic fats and are mostly unhealthy fats. So choose your poison.

    If you exercise regularly, cholesterol should not be a problem. If you take prescription medicine like Crestor, you should be alarmed, most of the prescription stuff damages your liver, without a healthy liver, you die. Niacin is an alternative to Crestor, get the non flush kind. There are also herbal preparations which are good non dangerous alternatives, see a naturopathic practitioner. There are other causes of high blood pressure and cholesterol, such as sleep apnea, sleep deprivation. If you have symptoms, see your doctor for a sleep study.

    When I consume butter, I choose the real thing. Land-O-Lakes makes a butter which is part olive oil. I do not use canola oil, so that option is off my table.

    Are you saying consuming cholesterol raises your cholesterol?

    I can't answer for him but I think that's what he is saying. There is research as I stated in my post on the 2nd page that this is not true. There in no direct relationship of dietary cholesterol to serum cholesterol. This is a myth that has been perpetuated for years!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Use LARD..........


    I like butter. I use it regularly. My dietician was in favor of that.

    A little bit goes a long way..................

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    I try to always use real butter. even though it's higher in stuff, your body processes it easier and fake butter from what I have heard over the years, it's only one molecule away from being a plastic...kinda scary. It's very processed, and it's not as good for your body.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm allergic to dairy, so I use margarine or whatnot when I'm really craving that buttery taste. Mostly though, I've swapped it for EVOO.

    Are you lactose intolerant or just allergic to all forms of dairy? Cream, butter and some cheeses are lactose free. Cabot cheeses are mostly lactose free, it says so on the label. Cabot Cheese comes from the beautiful state of Vermont.

    Actually allergic to dairy. It used to be so bad I'd get welts if milk touched my skin. Thankfully, it's simmered down a bit.
  • Mamaincali
    Mamaincali Posts: 65 Member
    If I use butter at all, I just use real butter. Same goes for stuff like ice cream, chocolate...go big or go home. I'd rather know what I'm eating and have to make room for some calories and fat than be eating chemicals that I can't pronounce :)

    Exactly. I've had friends tell me they prefer the taste of plastic margarine over real butter. Gross!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I try to always use real butter. even though it's higher in stuff, your body processes it easier and fake butter from what I have heard over the years, it's only one molecule away from being a plastic...kinda scary. It's very processed, and it's not as good for your body.

    All fats, even naturally occurring ones, are nearly identical to plastic on a molecular level. That's why it's so hard to scrub a plastic bowl clean that had oil or grease of some type in it, they are so close molecularly that they attach to each other. There are a lot of reasons to not use margarine, but the "it's almost plastic" reason is bogus, as you could say the same thing about butter, olive oil, egg yolks, bacon fat, etc.