Did I shave my legs for this?



  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Oh God. I forget about it all the time.

    I'm get my nails done every week like a religion, yet I completely skip on shaving my legs. It happens maybe, twice a week. ]:
  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    I hate shaving my legs, I think it's a chore, and honestly, I only do it when I'm going to wear a dress.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Omg.. I LOVE shaving my legs!! :) I never thought that was weird until now.................... huh.
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    I should prob do it a bit more than i do at the min but its always so cold in Ireland :cry: But if we have any kind of nice/hot weather i will always make sure they are done in case i need to put on a skirt. :smile:
  • themurph8910
    I feel the same way you do! I think I will try what you are doing too, my goal starting tomorrow is one full week of doing my hair, putting on a little make up, shaving my legs, and making an effort to not wear my pajamas all day just because I can. I always feel better when I take the time to put myself together and my confidence can certainly use a boost! thanks for the idea :)

    I need to do this..I am always in my PJ's and when I actually get dressed and do my makeup my husband always says how good I look...I htink I am going to start this today.
  • FireMama_24
    FireMama_24 Posts: 169 Member
    Just whenever I deem it necessary :laugh:
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    Oh goodness, I hate shaving my legs! I only shave my legs when I'm going to wear shorts, dresses, etc. or if I'll be with my boyfriend for the day. During summer I shave them every day, but during the colder seasons much less. As of now, I shave them about 3-5 times a week. Sometimes less and they're super stubbly hehe.
  • poledance
    i shave mine whenever, my boyfriend (of 9+ years) is a T5 paraplegic, and he does not mind since he can't feel them rubbing up on his legs (cause he can't feel his legs due to being a T5) when we are in bed. but i do try for at least twice a week! but sometimes i get lazy, more so in the winter, always in jeans. but in the summer, almost everyday.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I'm horrible about it in the winter time. Maybe once a month or if I'm gonna wear shorts to the gym, like yesterday. In the summer its usually once a week, or more often if I'm going swimming. I live in jeans though so its not like anyone sees. :)
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    i get mine waxed..... found the more i got it done the less often i had to get them waxed... now need to only get them done about once a month :)
  • daniivdean
    daniivdean Posts: 105 Member
    I don't shave at all. The only hair removal I do is my eyebrows. Like to keep as natural as possible but i'm not that hairy anyway.
    Plus all the effort that goes into shaving- must be a little lazy haha
  • RockChick1984
    i hate hair, it totally grosses me out... especially to see it on women... although, too much on men is just as bad... can you have a hair phobia? (think i have one) :laugh: *gags*.. so i shave most mornings in shower or bath at night... and yes i feel so much better when i have done this, made my hair nice, put on a sexy matchin set of undies, scooshed my perfume, on some heels n out the door... as apposed to trackies n trainers... but needs must at times... as longs i got the sexy undies though i feel fantastic... gran always said *u'd never build a house without a decent foundation* :laugh:
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    haven't shaved since January 19th and only reason i remember that is it was the day I got spray tanned for my BFF's wedding.

    hubby doesn't seem to mind and its long enough now that its super soft! Now don't get me wrong if my legs were going to be exposed in public i'd shave them. But i'm thinking I might try waxing. Never tried it before and there's suppose to be "growth" for the wax to adhere to right...

    any waxing recommendations??
  • nickispence
    I don't shave, I wax. And that only once or twice a year.:blushing:

    I NEVER get my legs out, so don't see the need. Plus I've got very sensitive skin & any kind of hair removal causes a nastly itchy rash.

    Just a tip on the itchy rash- I'm a beauty therapist and we sometimes have clients who react the way you describe when we wax them, and we've discovered that in some cases it's a reaction to the pine rosin in the wax. We have a store of synthetic wax on hand now to use on these clients- it's more expensive for us to get in but TOTALLY worth it for the reduction in discomfort we see in these clients! A really good way to figure out if you might be allergic to standard waxes is to think about what happens if you touch a pine tree at Christmas- if you get itchy, you're probably going to need the synthetic wax at the spa!
  • hotRN17
    I told myself I was going to do that as well but since I work nights I always give in to just taking a shower and throwing my hair up. I'm getting it cut tomorrow so hopefully that will changes things. As for shaving my legs, I also find it a chore especially with a 6 1/2 month old I don't always feel like I have time plus it seems that even before the day is over the hair has grown back. I've been doing it about once a week lately.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    You think you guys have it tough? I represent a nutrition brand and always have to look in shape and de-fuzzed. I'm a bloke and I'm like a monkey in term of my natural hair growth and my hair regrows massively quick within a week (since I eat very clean foods, hair, nails etc grow back QUICK and very thick). Entire body shaving 3-4x a month.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Woe is me. Oh, woe, woe is me.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Lol. Every few days. Hate doing it.
  • JourneyToTheOldMe
    JourneyToTheOldMe Posts: 31 Member
    Just curious how many other people are like me.

    I have always hated shaving my legs, which my husband finds annoying.

    This is me all over lol

    Such a mission... Especially since having our daughter. It's like "why bother" I am not going anywhere lol
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    You think you guys have it tough? I represent a nutrition brand and always have to look in shape and de-fuzzed. I'm a bloke and I'm like a monkey in term of my natural hair growth and my hair regrows massively quick within a week (since I eat very clean foods, hair, nails etc grow back QUICK and very thick). Entire body shaving 3-4x a month.
    I am not sponsored but I pretty much follow the same guidelines. Body hair is not aesthetic.