who here worries about getting older?



  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    25 was the worst to turn. It's a quarter century!! I'm now on my 7th anniversary of my 29th birthday.

    But in all seriousness, I take really good care of my skin. I don't smoke, I drink just socially, I get regular facials and treatments. I can pass for a lot younger than I am.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    You have two choices in this life;

    1. Get older.

    2. Die.

    I'll take door number 1!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I refuse to age pass 25. Therefore I have 2 more years to find an anti-aging potion. THE SEARCH IS ON!
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    I turn 30 in September of this year... not looking forward to it. I too see differences in my skin which i'm not happy about my husband says i dont have wrinkles but i'm pretty sure i see them especially around the eyes and mouth blahh no fun!!! But we all have to do it i play on celebrating 30 and have fun with it :)
  • dollienj
    "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. "- Abraham Lincoln

    Age is just a number. If we spend our time worrying about our future, we waste our present. You can do anything at any age - your limits may change, your goals may change, but never feel that your life stops at a certain age. It took me a while to learn this, but the older I get, the truer it rings.

    I have doubts and regrets, of course, like everyone else. Paths I had wanted to taken and didn't, choices I shouldn't have made but did, etc. But if those things hadn't happened like they did, I would be a completely different person than who I am now - and who knows, that person may have turned out not to be so fabulous? :wink:
  • scubaruby
    scubaruby Posts: 36 Member
    "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. "- Abraham Lincoln

    Age is just a number. If we spend our time worrying about our future, we waste our present. You can do anything at any age - your limits may change, your goals may change, but never feel that your life stops at a certain age. It took me a while to learn this, but the older I get, the truer it rings.

    I have doubts and regrets, of course, like everyone else. Paths I had wanted to taken and didn't, choices I shouldn't have made but did, etc. But if those things hadn't happened like they did, I would be a completely different person than who I am now - and who knows, that person may have turned out not to be so fabulous? :wink:

    What she said. This thread is making me kind of sad..all you young people worrying so much. From the vantage point of my 55 years, I'd say just figure out, eventually, what makes you happy, whether it's a job, family, hobbies, pets. It won't all be perfect, but it will, eventually, be pretty darned satisfying.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    im getting grey beard hairs. horrible
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    Don't resent growing old....many are denied the chance.
  • trooper605
    trooper605 Posts: 31 Member
    Getting older….It’s not that bad. Sure, I would love to be 25 again…but I can’t go backwards. This is only a technicality….LOL. What I have found so far is that you have to live your life as if each day is your last. (Yes…I know, those are also song lyrics) If you don’t like the direction your life is going….then change direction. If you spend each day worrying about a wrinkle no one else notices…then you’re missing out on the things other things that are truly important….

    We all get older….and eventually we all die…..It’s how you live that defines you. If you sit there worrying about tomorrow….then you’re not living today. Hopefully you will learn this before tomorrow passes you by………:wink: