Do people even look at diaries before they comment?



  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I do!!! I'm not into drive by, generic WTG's or Good Jobs...... I always check out diaries and comment on something particular - mmmmm dinner was yummy or you didn't eat breakfast?- I want the person to know that I took the time to check it out.
  • alyssaanagram
    I delete people who have low cals. For some reason girls who eat 600 and under seem to flock to me, I don't understand it!

    As for myself, I generally leave about 200 per day spare because I have trouble eating that much. I need to find new snacks I think. My diary is private though because, lol, when it was public a few days I hit the "finish logging" button on my phone by accident and people commented saying WAY TO GO!!!!! AWESOME DAY!!!! YUM!!!! Yet my diary was empty? And had nothing in it? What was yum... the air I apparently consumed? Oy vey.

    I HATE when I accidentally hit "finish logging" - I always make sure I hit at least 1200 cals (even though most days I'm up to 1300). I feel so dumb when I do that and there is only 500 or so cals logged in.

    But I always check diaries - I'm so curious as to what every one eats/looking for new healthy ideas. I guess I'm the only one?
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    I look at people's diaries, and I comment, because I think that is what we are networking for. Otherwise i wouldn't have friends for support, you know?. I will on rare occasions say something "important" rather than "cheerleading".

    I'm on Paleo, so I see a lot op people with 250 carbs in their day and I wince. But, I say Way to Go! If they are meeting their own goals, not mine.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I look at those who I can view. I will go in every so many days and see what they are eating and offer support where need but I am not as harsh as to delete them if they keep doing what they are doing. I will offer what support I can and suggest or offer them some ideas. Or give them positive feedback in a good way so it motivates them to do well.
    I am not nasty about it I cannot twist there arm to my way of thinking and everyone is different and just because I do things one way doesn’t mean what I do is right for that person. All we can do is support one another and sooner or later that person will come around with the support and advice from there MFP Friends.
  • MeStephy
    MeStephy Posts: 39 Member
    I agree that eating too few cals is unhealthy. My mom and sister are both nurses and my mom is constantly after me not to eat too few cals.

    I have noticed though that even if I eat my 1200 cals a day and I have (Extra) cals from my workout that it still says that I was under my cal goal. I try to eat only my 1200 cals and let the ones I burn off stay off.

    My diary is public, but I have it that way so if I'm not eating good enough, one of my friends will say something about it to help me get back on track.

    Just my opinion :smile:
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Of course. Why give praise to someone when they ate **** all day or ate way under their calories goals. I like looking at them any ways. Give me healthy ideas!
  • samandlucysmum
    I often comment on my own diary when i am under calories but with not very good choices something like could have made better choices today!

    Having said that people rarely comment on my diary anyway

    Same here, I leave a comment about how well I have/have not done that day.
  • samandlucysmum
    I delete people that have continually unhealthy diaries (low calories).

    May sound harsh but I have a limited amount of time and energy to help others. Most of the 800 calorie people - you can't change their minds anyway.

    I do kind of hate the way MFP seems to "celebrate" being under your calorie goal by posting it on your wall. I kind of wish it just said "Suzie finished her food log for today". Then you could look at it to see how the person did. Personally I think undereating by 900 calories is a lot worse than overeating by 25 calories.

    I've also had days where I've eaten CRAP and gotten a lot of well done, wtg, etc. I'm like NO IT WASN'T!!!

    I totally agree with you, when I 1st started MFP I accepted all friend requests, but got sickened with those who ate hardly anything, I did look at their diaries, and was shocked, some were only eating 500 cals a day, and exercising!!

    I read that it is unhealthy and not recommmended for women to eat less than 1200 calories a day, they recommend a deficit of 500 cals to lose steadily.
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I don't read every diary. Mostly I read it for ideas on how to eat if they are under their goal. I will congratulate someone on being under their calorie goals on occasion, but feel since we are all adults they will ask for my input if needed. Otherwise who am I to judge how others eat? If someone chooses to use all of their calories on "junk food" and manage to stay under calories for the day it is a good job in my book because that what THEY chose to use their calories on. If they aren't upset by it, then why should I be?
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    Well, I tend to eat my recommended 1200 calories, but I usually do not eat my work out calories back, because it doesn't work for me. Plus I'll have some low days because I don't eat if i'm not hungry and I could have had three meals and two snacks and still be under. But thats me

    same here
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    It just feels like my comments are drowned out in a sea of "well dones".

    Absolutely I wish mfp would change the display to "X is within Y% of their target net cals today". Would be a much better celebration.

    I love that idea!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Not my business what people eat or don't eat unless they specifically ask. i would hope that anyone would give me the same respect. I would be totally hurt if I was unfriended by someone based solely on my "net cals" which I have been told by my trainer, doctor, and RN not to worry about! Calories per day is what I have been advised to go by and I have my reporting set to such so I don't worry about this Net Cal thing.

    Mind you, would you really want those particular people on your buddy list anyway, I would look at it as a lucky escape :laugh:
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    It just feels like my comments are drowned out in a sea of "well dones".

    Absolutely I wish mfp would change the display to "X is within Y% of their target net cals today". Would be a much better celebration.

    I love that idea!

    So do I. Since MFP is targeting for weight loss (for most of us!) and therefore has you at a net deficit, you're still losing at 50-100 cal over your calorie goal. While that loss might be slower than you hope, it is certainly healthier than being habitually well under your target!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I try to have friends with similar weight loss strategies. I think I've had a couple with really low calories, and I deleted them. I don't comment on diaries unless I have time to actually look at them.

    But I'm never anywhere near my calorie goal because I like to have it set to "maintain" so that the number remaining at the end of the day is my deficit. So if it says I have 500 calories remaining, that means I met the 1 lb goal. I worry that people will see that and think I'm under eating. lol

    I have never had someone comment negatively on my diary but I have mine set up similar to yours. I think unless you know for a fact that a person is just really undereating for the sole purpose of losing weight fast or to maintain an unhealthy body, you shouldn't comment.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I delete people that have continually unhealthy diaries (low calories).

    May sound harsh but I have a limited amount of time and energy to help others. Most of the 800 calorie people - you can't change their minds anyway.

    I do kind of hate the way MFP seems to "celebrate" being under your calorie goal by posting it on your wall. I kind of wish it just said "Suzie finished her food log for today". Then you could look at it to see how the person did. Personally I think undereating by 900 calories is a lot worse than overeating by 25 calories.

    I've also had days where I've eaten CRAP and gotten a lot of well done, wtg, etc. I'm like NO IT WASN'T!!!

  • slayerdan
    Diaries are for personal use. Unless someone posts a diary and says "hey what do you think?" then shut up and mind your own business. Unsolicited comments from people with no education in that area is fruitless and a waste of eevryones time.

    If someone asks, well then game on.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I am an obsessive compulsive diary reader... and I let everyone know.

    Ate like crap and ended up 1000 over? I'm going to sympathize with you, and tell you to make healthier choices.

    Ate like crap and didn't hit your macros, but stayed in your calories? No comment.

    Filled your day with fruit & veg? CONGRATS, I think fruit & veg are SO important.

    Ate once, and netted 120 calories? DELETE ( if its a repeated thing )
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Diaries are for personal use. Unless someone posts a diary and says "hey what do you think?" then shut up and mind your own business. Unsolicited comments from people with no education in that area is fruitless and a waste of eevryones time.

    If someone asks, well then game on.

    I agree with this to an extent. I have seen many people commenting that this is the internet, it is public,...yada yada but people are allowed to have a private diary. They are also allowed to have an open diary. I don't think everyone is here for the support and networking. Not everyone is here to log food. Some days I don't log my food, but I am on the forums nearly everyday. It is "my" fitness pal.

    I know I have failed at two miserable diets before I found what works and that I can be healthy, happy and eat enough and still lose weight. Not everyone on here is at that point.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Those commenters may be using the app so they can't see the specifics, only that it was completed....for which they are celebrating? Just a thought.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Yeah I don't think people have read it when they reply like that. I mean I don't read everyone's diary. And some people have them for friends only so unless it was a friend I may not even be able to see everyone's diary that you can(if it to a board replies/wtgs or good jobs). I'll read some diaries but not all. I don't have time to follow and track 60+ other diaries. My own can be hard enough. lol
    I delete people that have continually unhealthy diaries (low calories).

    May sound harsh but I have a limited amount of time and energy to help others. Most of the 800 calorie people - you can't change their minds anyway.

    I do kind of hate the way MFP seems to "celebrate" being under your calorie goal by posting it on your wall. I kind of wish it just said "Suzie finished her food log for today". Then you could look at it to see how the person did. Personally I think undereating by 900 calories is a lot worse than overeating by 25 calories.

    I've also had days where I've eaten CRAP and gotten a lot of well done, wtg, etc. I'm like NO IT WASN'T!!!

    So well said on the eating over 25 calories being better than 900 calories under. I have't deleted anyone due to diary. Most of the people I delete are because they haven't posted in months.

    I also don't like the "under her goal" comment and how everyone strives for that. Its best to be right at or 10-30 over than be way under. I'm not sure I believe in the "starvation mode" either but 300-400 net calories doesn't seem healthy AT ALL. Your body requires so many just to breathe and pump your heart to keep blood circulating even if you sit on your bum all day and don't move an muscle. I think there is a starvation point where your body will hold onto fat stores but I think it would take a lot longer than a couple weeks.