Do people even look at diaries before they comment?



  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I don't ever look in my friends diaries, but I don't comment on them either. I figure they're all adults, they don't need my supervision.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Sometimes I find it hard to keep up with all of my friends so at the very minimum I will comment to those that have commented on one of my entries. If I'm using my phone I don't have the option of looking at someone's diary. Now if that's the only new post I will comment because I want them to know I'm thinking about them too. No one is perfect, a little over or a little under isn't going to kill us so I do leave positive comments. If the person is only eating like 900 cals or something I'd try to be positive and message them about it but I wouldn't comment on their diary.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I often wonder this too. It really pisses me off when I see 4 comments saying "Great job!" and "I admire your dedication" on someone netting like 600. Like you are only encouraging them to keep treating themselves this way...
  • Andie_loops
    I tend to fall short on my calorie intake part of the reason why is bc i have a little bit of a problem bc i dnt get too hungry i guess you could say. I had problems regarding my eating behavior all through high school and college, and while i know that it is unhealthy i am working on it and seeing a discouraging comment like "low calorie intake is unhealthy" would only make me feel worst, i have a psychological problem and the more ppl tell me its wrong the more i get discouraged. my SO does a great job at getting me to eat regularly by usually asking if i've eaten and what i had. I realize i'm not a child for him to be checking up on me like that but i really does help me and i feel encouraged to eat just a little bit more. That's just my thoughts.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I have mfp friends that regularly or semi-regularly log very VERY low nets cals. And I mean 600 or below, or even regularly in the 3-400s.

    If I see a diary that low and it's unusual for them fine. If someone has had a massive burn and is struggling to plan the extra cals in, I might offer support with some advice on how to plan in extra snacks etc, or say not to worry if they "overeat" the following day because the body wont reset at midnight.

    BUT if someone is regularly netting very low, even apparently successfully, with regular weight loss, I'll comment that I think cals that low are unhealthy.

    However I see lot, and I mean LOTS of "well done", "wtg", "great job" replies on these ridiculously low net diaries.

    What I dont know is, do these people think that is a good number of net cals? or do they comment without even opening the diary?

    Sadly, some people think it's good. I had a friend that was eating very low and I was hesitant to say anything but she had a "cheerleader" saying things like, "Wow! Super low calories! Good for you!" So, I felt I had to speak up and encourage her to eat more.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    It depends. One of the usability issues of MPF is that if I open a menu and it is below the 1st page, when I exit out to comment, MFP takes me back to page1 and I have to scroll back down to get to the person's menu I was looking at. The 2nd usability issue is that after each comment I have to save, wish I could add all of my comments and then submit just once.

    With that said, if I can easily review the menu I will. If not, I will give a brief commentary if they are below calories. Great idea from a previous poster to add an enhancement to have % of total calories consumed. From a selfish perspective, I like to look at my friends menu's because it gives me additional ideas.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    It depends. One of the usability issues of MPF is that if I open a menu and it is below the 1st page, when I exit out to comment, MFP takes me back to page1 and I have to scroll back down to get to the person's menu I was looking at. The 2nd usability issue is that after each comment I have to save, wish I could add all of my comments and then submit just once.

    With that said, if I can easily review the menu I will. If not, I will give a brief commentary if they are below calories. Great idea from a previous poster to add an enhancement to have % of total calories consumed. From a selfish perspective, I like to look at my friends menu's because it gives me additional ideas.

    You can get round this by opening another window. Get the mouse cursor over the link, left-click whilst holding down "ctrl", it will then open another window for you without you having to go through that palava everytime :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Ok... I never ever eat under 1200. I have 1 friend that does because she's got an eating disorder, but I congratulate her if she's eaten 3 meals and a snack as I know she's trying. U never comment without reading a diary, this does take a lot of time, but this is a big part of my life right now. My diary is open... However I do NOT net 1200 calories every day. Sometimes I net 200. Why? Because I'm under specialist weight managemebt and I've been told as long as I eat 1200 or above and eat more if I feel hungry or weak then I DON'T have to eat exercise calories back. 3 nutritionists and 2 weight consultants have agreed and given the same opninion. If you overweight like me (242lbs) your body can handle bigger deficits. Its only when you get near goal and that you have to eat them back orelse your body will eat away at the muscles around your vital organs, this won't happen if your very overweight because it will eat away the fat instead. May not be the most scientific way to explain it but one I understand. I trust my diet team fully and its got me 56lbs down the line. Your view is to eat exercise calories back, but one size does not fit all. I follow advice given to me very carefully and its not for someone on here to tell me they are wrong when it clearly works for me. Maybe your a lot slimmer than me and you need to eat most back. Just thought I'd explain so you understood. I don't need to justify myself to my friends because I only have a small group, we know each other well and all they things we've been told to follow.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I delete people who have low cals. For some reason girls who eat 600 and under seem to flock to me, I don't understand it!

    As for myself, I generally leave about 200 per day spare because I have trouble eating that much. I need to find new snacks I think. My diary is private though because, lol, when it was public a few days I hit the "finish logging" button on my phone by accident and people commented saying WAY TO GO!!!!! AWESOME DAY!!!! YUM!!!! Yet my diary was empty? And had nothing in it? What was yum... the air I apparently consumed? Oy vey.

    I HATE when I accidentally hit "finish logging" - I always make sure I hit at least 1200 cals (even though most days I'm up to 1300). I feel so dumb when I do that and there is only 500 or so cals logged in.

    But I always check diaries - I'm so curious as to what every one eats/looking for new healthy ideas. I guess I'm the only one?

    Actually, don't fret when you do that. Go to your wall, delete the posting showing you have completed for the day. Go back into your food diary, add the foods you wanted to add in the first place and then complete, it will show up on your wall correctly :)
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    you can see other peoples diaries?!
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    ... I kind of wish it just said "Suzie finished her food log for today". Then you could look at it to see how the person did. Personally I think undereating by 900 calories is a lot worse than overeating by 25 calories.


    LOVE that idea.
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    I agree. Or they eat and drink very poorly and are still congratulated (junk and alcohol). It is very hard for me not to say anything.
    By the way not only do I read the diaries, I read the many days before it to see if it's a typical habit of said person. 1 day means nothing. 10 days mean paint a much bigger picture.
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    ... I kind of wish it just said "Suzie finished her food log for today". Then you could look at it to see how the person did. Personally I think undereating by 900 calories is a lot worse than overeating by 25 calories.

  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    BUT if someone is regularly netting very low, even apparently successfully, with regular weight loss, I'll comment that I think cals that low are unhealthy.

    Unless you're asked, it's probably best to either mind your own business or delete them as a friend.

    Unsolicited advice is never a good thing.

  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    I don't comment unless I look at the diary first and if I have questions or concerns I voice them!
  • Hollyjd1019
    I look at my friends' diaries if they are open. But mostly out of curiosity to get meal or snack ideas. I don't usually comment on friends' diaries. I haven't seen any that caused me any concern yet either. I also feel like it is not up to me to point out what I might consider a bad food choice or exercise choice unless the friend mentions it. There may be something there that Im not aware of. I'm not here to judge...I'm here to support. Now if I saw someone grossly not eating or exercising like crazy with little eating depending on the situation I may comment. I don't know, I haven't been in that situation yet. I would prob advise them to check with a healthcare provider and prob delete them if it continued. I just don't feel like I'm qualified to give others advice on choices that affect their health. What works for me is not the only way and I do not usually know the whole situation.
  • sailorsiren13
    I also want to add that you don't know what someone else's struggle is and who are we to judge other people on their journey to be healthy. We all have issues with food or we wouldn't be here so who are we to judge. It's supposed to be about fitness and being healthy not fb high school stuff. I will add anyone that is just trying to be healthy because that is more important than whether you overeat or under eat.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I do. If I can't see your diary I don't typically comment.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member