Oddest reasons someone has given you for ending a relationsh



  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I had a girl break up with me because I didn't have a college education ( no ambition to better myself, she said ).
    23 years later, I'm married 11 years ( together for 21 ) 2 little boys, house, acreage, more real friends than anyone should be allowed. Oh yeah...I'm an estimator / architect...take that bee-otch!!!!!!

    LOVE THIS!!!xx
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    My fiance of 4 years left me because I got diagnosed with cancer 2 months before our wedding. His reason:
    "I'm really in love with you and want to marry you but I don't want to be with a girl that is going to lose her hair and be sick all the time. Oh...and I guess I should tell you that I've been sleeping with my coworker for the past 6 months. I'd still like to be friends and maybe once you are done with chemo we can get married?"
    That was 2 years ago and although I've moved on...that still breaks my heart what happened. I just hope and pray that there is such a thing as karma.

    He officially wins the a-hole of the year award!!
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I was walking down a street with a guy I'd gone out with for almost 2 weeks, he was talking and I decided I'd heard enough, so I stopped walking, and he carried on down the street (Grafton Street in Dublin actually, it's very busy), apparently talking away to himself and not realising I wasn't there. I turned around and walked home. I didn't call him, I took a jumper he'd left at my house to the dry cleaners and dropped it off there. He never called or texted or anything. I saw him at uni just over a month later.

    We never really spoke again after that.

    Best break up ever.

  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    I was told I was "Too nice". I didn't buy it. I'm sure there was another reason.
  • FauxNinja
    "It's not you. It's me."
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    I was told I was "Too nice". I didn't buy it. I'm sure there was another reason.

    "Too nice" is a euphemism for "Grow some balls"

    I've ending things with guys because they were just so sweet and nice and I basically owned their balls and could walk all over them. It's nice but in the end, I need a real man.
    and I did use the line "You're too nice for me"
  • kbogati
    kbogati Posts: 39 Member
    I was told I was "Too nice". I didn't buy it. I'm sure there was another reason.

    I've met guys that are "too nice". basically all they did was kiss my *kitten*. Could never get an honest opinion or preference out of them. Definitely be a nice guy, but dont be afraid to have an opinion or speak your mind. Women would rather have a partner than a puppy that follows them around.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    When I was in 1st or 2nd grade I had a boyfriend. NEVER kissed him nor hung outside of the recess playground but he was still my boyfriend. He was actually simultaneously dating me and another girl at the same time and for some reason I didn't care. It didn't really grasp in my mind what was even going on. But one day he came into my classroom and I announced to the whole class that he was my boyfriend and everyone reacted with a big, "EW!" I was horribly embarrassed by it as I had no idea it was weird but the worst part came when he dumped me by giving me a dead bumble bee in the recess line. lol! I miss being a kid sometimes.
  • shan889
    My fiance of 4 years left me because I got diagnosed with cancer 2 months before our wedding. His reason:
    "I'm really in love with you and want to marry you but I don't want to be with a girl that is going to lose her hair and be sick all the time. Oh...and I guess I should tell you that I've been sleeping with my coworker for the past 6 months. I'd still like to be friends and maybe once you are done with chemo we can get married?"
    That was 2 years ago and although I've moved on...that still breaks my heart what happened. I just hope and pray that there is such a thing as karma.

    OMG. That is terrible. This literally broke my heart when I read this. People can be so seriously SHALLOW.
    He'll get his Karma, don't worry.
  • shan889
    I have had multiple boyfriends break up with me because I was not attractive enough or I was fat.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    He stopped calling...when I finally got in touch with him and asked him why, he said "You know why."

    I didn't:laugh:

    Oh well...he's history and I'm happily married


    I once got, "We don't stick like glue."

    :indifferent: :huh:
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Wow.... that is just wow... basically saying you can have sex just don't bring her home..... Gotta love that racism ! People should be euthanized.

    More common than you think... another guy I really liked, but was reserving my heart b/c I already knew his family is bigoted (just wasn't sure how much of a pull they'd be on him) tried to broach the topic of dating a non-white with his folks after we'd been seeing each other about 4 months... did not go well... basically the same sentiment. Good enough for a quickie in the alley, but not good enough to bring home.

    I'm mixed, and I'll date someone from any race. But no matter how much I like the guy, I now refuse to get involved with someone whose family will hate me for my color. Even if he's great. We can just be good friends. A large part of the "white half" of my family still does not like us and I'll not subject my son to that same kind of treatment.

    That is a shame. My wife's family would have nothing to do with me. Refused to look at me or speak English when I was there. They even threatened to disown her. Eventually though, they realized that I actually could provide for a family and be a decent father, despite the color of my skin. If they hadn't come around it would still be their loss.
  • elfie9863
    I stayed with someone for NINE years... waiting for him to grow up and marry me. Finally, I had to just move on or live with no committment the rest of my life.

    He married someone else a few years later. Now divorced and living with his mom.

    I won't ever go back together with him, completely stay away from him and do not talk. He is still the love of my life though, always will be. Makes it hard for whoever follows, which so far no one has lasted in a serious way.

    Makes me wonder ... Second guessing is a killer.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I had a guy break up with me because I cut my hair....and he never even saw it to see if he even liked it! He just didn't want me to do it and then when I did he was highly upset....oh well!
  • mistyfit7
    mistyfit7 Posts: 7 Member
    I was in Jr high, he told his mom, his mom told my mom and my mom told me that he didn't want to date me anymore. Lol step up and say it.
    We went to the same church together.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    The conversation went something like this:

    Her: " I can't see you anymore, I need to be with my husband".

    Me: "You're not married, how can that be?"

    Her:" Yeah, I wasn't quite honest with you about something when we started dating....."
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    You dont believe in God and you aren't white. Note her family was old school close minded with some very strong believes in marrying into your own and her sister married a black man and was disowned from the family.

  • duchess_natas
    duchess_natas Posts: 72 Member
    An ex boyfriend told a lie about me and is still holding me accountable for said to this day. So sad...
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    You like being an American. I may have had an easier time understanding this if he wasn't also an American.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I need a 4.0 this quarter, and you're too much a distraction from my studies.