Hole crap guys....



  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    1000?.... it's all good... you can pull that at a starbucks these days or a "healthy smoothy place"

    don't sweat it.. all you did was peel back the curtain and look at what the "food gremlins" look like..it's good to shake it up once in a while, that's all you did, keep the body guessing a bit..

    enjoy it.. log it ... and get back to working out and living life..

    and NO.. you're not disgusting...

    you're Human... flaws, perfection, good, bad, indifferent... just Human... and no self-hazing allowed :D
  • temp666777

    That's it !
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I did that last weekend when my sister came to visit - burger, fries, onion rings! I felt bad and I STILL logged it in as a reminder how fast it all adds up....shake it off and you will be fine :)
    Can we define "binge"? This is frankly insulting. Eating a hamburger is completely unrelated to binging.

    On behalf of proud bingers, you are insulted by the idea of a single hamburger constituting binging?

    I'm sort of insulted by this too, I know a thing or two about binging and I call a burger and fries friday night dinner with my boys. binging usually entails getting out the quackes, peanut butter, chocolate chips, wine, rice works, other quakes, salsa, and then realizing that I still haven't satisfied my craving.

    My burger and fry comment was that one of my reward meals would be a triple whopper and frys that would swallow up her so called binge. My binge would be lay around the house and snack from sun up to midnight which would be who knows 5 to 8k calories or more. Lighten up people about being insulted, why would anyone be insulted about a post? "Oh because I had an eating disorder and weighed a 1000 lbs." Quit being so sensitive about crap.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member

    By Mayo Clinic staff

    Binge-eating disorder is a serious eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food. Almost everyone overeats on occasion, such as having seconds or thirds of a holiday meal. But for some people, overeating crosses the line to binge-eating disorder and it becomes a regular occurrence, shrouded in secrecy.

    When you have binge-eating disorder, you may be deeply embarrassed about gorging and vow to stop. But you feel such a compulsion that you can't resist the urges and continue binge eating.

    Although binge-eating disorder is the most common of all eating disorders, it's still not considered a distinct psychiatric condition. But if you have binge-eating disorder symptoms, treatment can help you.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    happens...........just dont do it all the time, and 1000 isn't that much of a binge...........a red robin burger and fries is like 1500........

    i was thinking this.

    then again, her caloric intake is far reduced from that of my own
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I did that last weekend when my sister came to visit - burger, fries, onion rings! I felt bad and I STILL logged it in as a reminder how fast it all adds up....shake it off and you will be fine :)
    Can we define "binge"? This is frankly insulting. Eating a hamburger is completely unrelated to binging.

    On behalf of proud bingers, you are insulted by the idea of a single hamburger constituting binging?

    I'm sort of insulted by this too, I know a thing or two about binging and I call a burger and fries friday night dinner with my boys. binging usually entails getting out the quackes, peanut butter, chocolate chips, wine, rice works, other quakes, salsa, and then realizing that I still haven't satisfied my craving.

    My burger and fry comment was that one of my reward meals would be a triple whopper and frys that would swallow up her so called binge. My binge would be lay around the house and snack from sun up to midnight which would be who knows 5 to 8k calories or more. Lighten up people about being insulted, why would anyone be insulted about a post? "Oh because I had an eating disorder and weighed a 1000 lbs." Quit being so sensitive about crap.

    I don't see reference to your burger and fry comment in any of the previously quoted text, but thanks for your .02, so totally appreciated.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Hello...:-D Hope everyone's having a good day today.

    i personally think that the number of calories (up to say, double of what they would normally eat in a day) doesn't constitute a binge. It's the feelings that compell you to look for something, anything and eat it without tasting really, how it makes you feel afterwards and whether it can tip you over the edge from control to despondency and giving up.

    1,000 calories, whatever you have to lose, is recoverable. The feelings you have for yourself are going to take a little more work unless the comment about you 'being disgusted' was just posted for emphasis and you don't really feel that way about yourself.

    You're hopefully going to in your body for a good long time; there's no benefit to hating it but everything to gain from repairing it (if it needs it), and cherishing it. If it wants a bit more to eat one day then don't be so hasty to condemn it. Listen to what your body is telling you and it won't steer you wrong.

    Many of us have a long journey, others not so long, but we're here for the same reason, NOBODY is alone here.
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    I'm a terrible "binge eater" too. Just remember that one binge doesn't wreck your whole nutrition/exercise plan. My problem is, I'll binge once and then feel like I've abandoned my whole program, which for me, leads to Haagen Dazs, cookies and pie.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I did that last weekend when my sister came to visit - burger, fries, onion rings! I felt bad and I STILL logged it in as a reminder how fast it all adds up....shake it off and you will be fine :)
    Can we define "binge"? This is frankly insulting. Eating a hamburger is completely unrelated to binging.

    On behalf of proud bingers, you are insulted by the idea of a single hamburger constituting binging?

    I'm sort of insulted by this too, I know a thing or two about binging and I call a burger and fries friday night dinner with my boys. binging usually entails getting out the quackes, peanut butter, chocolate chips, wine, rice works, other quakes, salsa, and then realizing that I still haven't satisfied my craving.

    My burger and fry comment was that one of my reward meals would be a triple whopper and frys that would swallow up her so called binge. My binge would be lay around the house and snack from sun up to midnight which would be who knows 5 to 8k calories or more. Lighten up people about being insulted, why would anyone be insulted about a post? "Oh because I had an eating disorder and weighed a 1000 lbs." Quit being so sensitive about crap.

    I don't see reference to your burger and fry comment in any of the previously quoted text, but thanks for your .02, so totally appreciated.

    I know it doesn't, but my comment is no different and you are welcome with a smile.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. It's soooooo EASY to do this! I do it myself from time to time. Tomorrow is a new day, you'll be fine. :)

    But seriously, I think this is soooo easy to do these days. I was living off of 1000s a day before i started here and had NO CLUE! Now, even though I'm more aware...I still struggle sometimes.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I think that is what people are missing. Binging is more than just eating food, it is the feelings that are associated with the binge. Most people on a true binge are just inhaling food and not really aware of what they are eating and how it tastes.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    I think that is what people are missing. Binging is more than just eating food, it is the feelings that are associated with the binge. Most people on a true binge are just inhaling food and not really aware of what they are eating and how it tastes.

    it's the same as someone having a night out of heavy drinking vs. an alcoholic who drinks an entire bottle of vodka and cries the whole time

    very different experiences and consequences, psychologically at least
  • tah6620
    tah6620 Posts: 2 Member
    your not disgusting. we all have our weak moments. just go burn off 1000 at the gym and you will feel good about yourself.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    your not disgusting. we all have our weak moments. just go burn off 1000 at the gym and you will feel good about yourself.

    you may or may not have just encouraged behaviors found in those with eating disorders
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    So has all the psychologist on here given her the test to determine if she is a true binge eater or is she just one of us people that confuse binge with slipping every now and then. Lets see I turned on a light switch today and that makes me an electrical engineer, hmmm make sense. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. C'mon laugh, quit being so serious.
  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    1) You are not disgusting
    2) It happens to the best of us even the ones that are so strict with their dieting.
    3) Your next meal or snack you can make the change, or you can wait until tomorrow. The best advice I have been given is don't wait until tomorrow or next week, if its not the end of the day you have the rest of the day to make the difference. That doesn't mean burning off the 1000 calories or not eating, but making the change right away.
    4) You are awesome, you logged it, and admitted it to all of us.

    This journey is the most challenging, it challenges your will power, your ambition, your drive...It challenges your whole self. You are doing great no matter if you think so or not. :)
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    So has all the psychologist on here given her the test to determine if she is a true binge eater or is she just one of us people that confuse binge with slipping every now and then. Lets see I turned on a light switch today and that makes me an electrical engineer, hmmm make sense. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. C'mon laugh, quit being so serious.

    I don't know if there are any psychologists on here, I'm not one, definitely - but I do know about binge eating and other disordered eating. For some people, it's difficult to find amusement in that because firstly it hurts and secondly, it can cause someone to throw in the towel when they needn't. I know that i've felt like that myself but only the poster herself knows how she feels, whether it was a slip or a binge. Whatever it was, if she needs support then I'm going to give it and not make light of her post.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    So has all the psychologist on here given her the test to determine if she is a true binge eater or is she just one of us people that confuse binge with slipping every now and then. Lets see I turned on a light switch today and that makes me an electrical engineer, hmmm make sense. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. C'mon laugh, quit being so serious.

    I don't know if there are any psychologists on here, I'm not one, definitely - but I do know about binge eating and other disordered eating. For some people, it's difficult to find amusement in that because firstly it hurts and secondly, it can cause someone to throw in the towel when they needn't. I know that i've felt like that myself but only the poster herself knows how she feels, whether it was a slip or a binge. Whatever it was, if she needs support then I'm going to give it and not make light of her post.

    Very true, we don't know. Most of us on here have no clue what this type of eating disorder is. Therefore its not fair to label her with that. She may be like the rest of us and consider a slip up a binge. I'm not making light of it and I'm not a doc., just because if I had cancer doesn't make me a doc. who can diagnose someone else either. Until you have all the facts we don't know, she hasn't said she is seeing a doctor and I wouldn't scare her into it. Its like I had it and this must be what she has too, now we're sisters. Just my honest opinion and again not make light of it but not labeling her with a disorder either. No sarcasm or humor in my comment this time.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    So has all the psychologist on here given her the test to determine if she is a true binge eater or is she just one of us people that confuse binge with slipping every now and then. Lets see I turned on a light switch today and that makes me an electrical engineer, hmmm make sense. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. C'mon laugh, quit being so serious.

    I don't know if there are any psychologists on here, I'm not one, definitely - but I do know about binge eating and other disordered eating. For some people, it's difficult to find amusement in that because firstly it hurts and secondly, it can cause someone to throw in the towel when they needn't. I know that i've felt like that myself but only the poster herself knows how she feels, whether it was a slip or a binge. Whatever it was, if she needs support then I'm going to give it and not make light of her post.

    Very true, we don't know. Most of us on here have no clue what this type of eating disorder is. Therefore its not fair to label her with that. She may be like the rest of us and consider a slip up a binge. I'm not making light of it and I'm not a doc., just because I had cancer doesn't make me a doc. who can diagnose someone else either. Until you have all the facts we don't know, she hasn't said she is seeing a doctor and I wouldn't scare her into it. Its like I had it and this must be what she has too, now we're sisters. Just my honest opinion and again not make light of it but not labeling her with a disorder either. No sarcasm or humor in my comment this time.

    I know exactly what you mean. It is dangerous to diagnose others because we can't know what they know.

    I'm envious of people who can see the lighter side of losing weight... for me it's been such a battle and this 30 days that I've been logged in for is the longest I've ever been on a properly controlled calorie count. I fret all the time that I'm going to fall and I think that colours my view somewhat. Also, I'm British and there's more than a hint of stiff upper lip there. ; )

    Awesome that you got past your cancer.. that's a heck of a battle, well fought. :smile:
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    So has all the psychologist on here given her the test to determine if she is a true binge eater or is she just one of us people that confuse binge with slipping every now and then. Lets see I turned on a light switch today and that makes me an electrical engineer, hmmm make sense. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. C'mon laugh, quit being so serious.

    I don't know if there are any psychologists on here, I'm not one, definitely - but I do know about binge eating and other disordered eating. For some people, it's difficult to find amusement in that because firstly it hurts and secondly, it can cause someone to throw in the towel when they needn't. I know that i've felt like that myself but only the poster herself knows how she feels, whether it was a slip or a binge. Whatever it was, if she needs support then I'm going to give it and not make light of her post.

    Very true, we don't know. Most of us on here have no clue what this type of eating disorder is. Therefore its not fair to label her with that. She may be like the rest of us and consider a slip up a binge. I'm not making light of it and I'm not a doc., just because I had cancer doesn't make me a doc. who can diagnose someone else either. Until you have all the facts we don't know, she hasn't said she is seeing a doctor and I wouldn't scare her into it. Its like I had it and this must be what she has too, now we're sisters. Just my honest opinion and again not make light of it but not labeling her with a disorder either. No sarcasm or humor in my comment this time.

    I know exactly what you mean. It is dangerous to diagnose others because we can't know what they know.

    I'm envious of people who can see the lighter side of losing weight... for me it's been such a battle and this 30 days that I've been logged in for is the longest I've ever been on a properly controlled calorie count. I fret all the time that I'm going to fall and I think that colours my view somewhat. Also, I'm British and there's more than a hint of stiff upper lip there. ; )

    Awesome that you got past your cancer.. that's a heck of a battle, well fought. :smile:

    Congrats for fighting as hard as you do, I wish you all the luck in your battle. I didn't mean I had cancer, I meant as an example, sorry about that. With so many diseases,syndromes and disorders in the world laughter sometimes is better than crying, in most cases its the same type of outlet. Instead of dooming somebody I would rather make them laugh or uplift them.