"Loosing" vs. "Losing" - read & save my sanity!



  • Shariet0630
    My grammar pet peeve, is people correcting grammar online. It's just online. Some people are great at other things, and grammar is just not it. But by correcting them when they are trying to just be online and share with people, I think it's just wrong and may defer them from doing it. If they are a writer and mess up, then yeah ok. But for heaven sake it's a forum. Who cares. I am an accountant, If you can't do your taxes, do I call you stupid then?
  • JVanDam77

    With all the judgmental people we deal with on a daily basis (in REAL life), why is it we must be judged on a site meant to be supportive?

    Are those of you judging others based on their grammar mistakes without flaws? Are you THAT perfect?

    Perhaps you feel so inadequate in your own lives, it makes you feel better when breaking others down?

    I find it sad people are so judgmental over something that trivial. I for one am here to lose weight, and be a support for others trying to do the same. How about we focus on THAT ... instead of grammar?

    To those of us here to be SUPPORTIVE of each other... Best of luck in your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • tina22382
    I have language pet peeves as well, such as:
    PIN number
    ATM machine
    ain't got no.......
    just to name a few!
  • Crimson_
    this one time nobody cared.....
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    When people use than and then in reverse. LIke. I like chocolate better then vanilla. Or.. I put the kids to bed, than I went to the store.

    I see this from otherwise good spellers and educated people I have worked with.
  • MissFluffyBottoms
    Oh I have wanted to say this for so long! What has happened to correct spelling! It is not about hitting the wrong key, it is about knowing how to spell the word. I haven't said this to anyone, because it doesn't matter in the scheme of things, but the people who care about spelling correctly absolutely notice it. a pet peeve of mine! I don't hold it against anyone, but still bugs me. Just sayin'!

    Right! In these informal situations, I try not to let it chafe my *kitten*...even though it does.

    That being said, in my office we get many applications and I am always stunned at the horrific displays of spelling and grammar on JOB APPLICATIONS! I don't necessarily blame the person for it, because it's only partially their fault. The bigger fault falls on the people that were supposed to teach them properly and be sure that they understood.
  • Shariet0630

    With all the judgmental people we deal with on a daily basis (in REAL life), why is it we must be judged on a site meant to be supportive?

    Are those of you judging others based on their grammar mistakes without flaws? Are you THAT perfect?

    Perhaps you feel so inadequate in your own lives, it makes you feel better when breaking others down?

    I find it sad people are so judgmental over something that trivial. I for one am here to lose weight, and be a support for others trying to do the same. How about we focus on THAT ... instead of grammar?

    To those of us here to be SUPPORTIVE of each other... Best of luck in your journey! :flowerforyou:

    very well said..
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I am a quiet grammar nazi. I rarely, if ever call people out for their grammar mishaps, but it does bother me immensely.
    Losing and loosing bothers me too
    Their, they're, there
    Your and you're
    Its and It's
    Then and than

    I also can not stand the seemingly popular trend of typing like you apparently speak knowing half the words are spelled wrong just to look cute. Example:
    (I actually got this from one of my FB friend's statuses) ".:: if you dun like what you see ..close ya MF'N eyes && don'T look Muh Way && Quit stuntin the s@#$ you ain't ::never:: gon handle* ..#worry bout yours as much As you do mines.::.. Thank you "

    When you type like this, you don't look cute, you look like an idiot.

    Oh and when people confuse quit and quiet and when they spell potato POTATOE or tomato TOMATOE

    Funny story, I once worked at a coffee shop where my manager could not spell the word coffee! I saw everything from cafee, cofee, caffe, etc written by him on various things.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    "They're", "their" and "there". Figure it out people!

    They're = they are
    their = referring to people
    there = a place
  • MissFluffyBottoms
    Something I've only come across since moving to NC is people that think "license" (as in driver's license) is plural because it ends with an "s" sound:

    "May I see your driver's license?"

    "Hold on, I'll get them."


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    The only thing that really irritates me is "txt spk" - I'm first to admit that I'm not the greatest at grammar or maybe even spelling, but I still make an effort to spell properly, instead of shortening things - I don't even use "txt" when I am sending texts.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    The only thing that really irritates me is "txt spk" - I'm first to admit that I'm not the greatest at grammar or maybe even spelling, but I still make an effort to spell properly, instead of shortening things - I don't even use "txt" when I am sending texts.

    Yes/no - I can deal with abbreviations. I often send msgs for example.

    But willful ignorance just drives me bat****.
  • Shariet0630
    I also don't get that if people have such a horrid time looking at grammar mistakes, why are they online anyways? People are not perfect like apparently you are. So why bother putting yourself in this situation of looking at the poor grammar. People have different strengths, some good at math, science and yes English. But should never be put down for using the wrong "there" on a online forum or chat area. It's pointless and makes me think people are still blind to seeing people as different and not all the same. Some may have not been able to go to the best schools and get educated for whatever reason due to upbringing and should not be punished for this. Stop judging and thinking you know "their" background on education. May not be their fault entirely.

    Yep, correcting people's huge pet peeve of mine.
  • gagesmom314
    gagesmom314 Posts: 101 Member
    "Let's eat Grandpa"
    "Let's eat, Grandpa"

    Grammar it can save lives.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    Yes, you are right. But it's evolving at the rate of the language of a society that is losing it's literacy. Using a possessive apostrophe 's' for a plural is not a good evolution (like the addition of new words--many new words have come into common usage in the last 10 years) it is just adding chaos. If you lose the ability to understand written communication from 10 years ago it is quite a loss. At times when societies have low or non-existent levels of literacy they lose their language quickly. There is a reason why slaves were not allowed to learn to read--literacy is power. Not requiring that sentences never end with a preposition, well, some of these rules could go without losing meaning, but basics should be attainable by anyone with a high school diploma. Now the level of education has really evolved by your usage of the word evolved! When my father was in school an eighth grade education was all that was expected to be needed unless you were going into a field that required 'higher' education--hence, 'high school'. My father had a sixth grade education and retired from the FAA after 20+ years of pioneering in the field of computer education in aviation. He was able to do this because his education gave him the essentials of fluent reading and math skills that he was able to take on his own and further educate himself--something that is rare these days. I think it is a shame that folks can spend 30 hours a week for 9 month terms for 4 years and consider basic grammar to be something elitist. I think I'd be pretty mad at my school system. I know I am.

    That said, every email is not a novel and rigorous proofreading should not be expected. I know I don't worry about proofreading at all if I'm just shooting everyday messages about, and I don't expect it from those to message me. Everyday notes are not thesis papers. People shouldn't be correcting other's mistakes unless those folks have asked them to do so or they are personal friends and are discreetly trying to save someone a mistake that the writer him/herself would not want to make. Like it was pretty funny when I put 'bare with me' when I intended 'bear with me', but some of my less outgoing friends might rather not make that mistake!
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Grammar: The difference between knowing your *kitten* and knowing you're *kitten*.

    bwahahahahahha!!!!! Awesome.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I am terribly annoyed with anything my younger cousin writes on Facebook. It's a combination of text speak and not knowing how to spell. Here's an example of her talking about applying for college.

    "ugh out of 5 collage choices i have narrowed it down too only 2 but wat one too choose idk any ideas? I have Camdrian and Durham those are the final 2 any ideeas wat one 2 pick i am game for both just dont no what one too pick i need help with the final decission."

    What? She says she knows how to spell, but she's too lazy to. Who knows what's true? Then there is my nephew, he's a few years younger.

    "man y do they make us take taks and all that other bull crap the call tests it has nothing to do with our learning prosses"
    After a bunch of us making fun of him, he says:
    "its for the state to see who has test angsiety lol"

    Sigh. Houston, I think we have a problem with our younger generation...

  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    ... society that is losing it's literacy. Using a possessive apostrophe 's' for a plural is not a good evolution...

    Were you trying to be ironic here?