Boob jobs...



  • DL121004
    DL121004 Posts: 214 Member
    One guy's vote ...

    as a man I DON'T LIKE breast surgery and I LOVE small breasts.


    While I am not judging those that do so, I just note that I can't get my head around why anyone would do so -- flat, small, large -- women are lovely. I understand the reasons given, they just don't resonate with me. An exception would be in the case of medical issues.
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    I'm prob an A or a very small B. As soon as I get to where I want to be and have save enough money, I'll be getting one! I just want them filled out lol. So prob like a Large B or a C. No way would I ever go bigger than a C. I don't need those things hitting me in the face when I run on the treadmill.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    The thing is, if every woman got a boob job then men would never know and/or wouldn't care so much about it...just saying
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    Just because a woman has breast augmentation does not mean she has large breasts. Maybe it is hard to understand and but I will try to help!:-) I would have never done it at a younger age-I didn't understand it either and I like small breasts too. After giving my body over to my children (and happily, I might add, I nursed for many years) and being left with damaged empty skin, and having to shop in the children's department for bras my whole life...well, at that point I was not just flat, but flat with hanging skin Just about anyone that would see my before and after pics would understand and if you don't then I wouldn't consider you a very empathetic person. I can just about gaurantee, no one would know looking at me that I wasn't born with them.

    I support women in doing what they feel they need to do to be happy and comfortable with their body.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    The thing is, if every woman got a boob job then men would never know and/or wouldn't care so much about it...just saying

    Very true!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    don't think i'd ever get implants (not that i need it, mine have always been big but have shrunk a little thanks to weight loss.). I am ok with my size now BUT they are sooooooo floppy and i swear they drag to the floor lol Luckily i own some great bras that lift them and make them look good under clothes or alone but damn, seeing them in the mirror after the shower or something is just embarressing to me. I've been considering a breast lift bc I can only imagine how much worse they would get after a kid or two.

    i used to be so against boob jobs but now i feel like a breast lift would make me feel mcuh better about them. i am very self-conscious about them now bc I feel like they are so old like :(
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    If it makes you happy, do it. I like all boobs, natural, and implants.
  • WickedMouse
    WickedMouse Posts: 343 Member
    This thread is pointless without pictures....
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Just about anyone that would see my before and after pics would understand and if you don't then I wouldn't consider you a very empathetic person. I can just about gaurantee, no one would know looking at me that I wasn't born with them.

    Judging by your profile pic, you picked a size that fits perfectly with your body proportions.

    I'm a boob guy and although they can be desirable to fill out clothes and such, majority don't look natural, either have scars or don't match. And that's just visually, I don't know any girls with them, so can't judge on feel, hut the other possibly complications would be worrying too.

    I'd say do whatever makes you happy, and obviously there are many on here who have fantastic results from it. Just do your homework.
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    I really hate the assumption that implant look fake. In regular day to day clothes and bras you'd never guess I have implants. And the whole nipple thing, mine are exactly the same as what they were before my surgery, if anything more sensitive. There are a lot of myths and half truths about it. There are many wonderful sites out there with real information! If you are interested send me a message and I'll provide you with some links for research.

    Bottom line~ It is a choice made by a woman, for herself. It should have nothing to do with what other women think, what men think, or your friends think. For every man out there that likes small there is a man that likes large; for every one that likes real, there is one that appreciates implants; and there are those that are truly honest, if it is a boob they love it.
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    I really really really want a breast lift and agumentation! My boobs are super saggy and half full. I can't imagine how bad they'll look after I lose 100lbs. This desire doesn't mean I don't accept my body (neither does losing weight). It just means I'm seeking a better me.

    Peace :flowerforyou:
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    As an A cup sized card carrying member of the ittie, bittie, tittie committee, sometimes I'm jealous of the more well endowed girls, but most of the time I'm okay with mine. I'm chicken**** of getting cut upon, so I'll just keep wearing my push up brays and such!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    There were days when I wanted one.. but I've gotten to the point where I think I'm happy with me. My boobies are cute, perky and all mine.. (small C)

    To each their own on boob jobs. I do think it's funny when a chick goes from an A cup to a D or DD... :noway: I know a chick that just did this and yowzas.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    One guy's vote ...

    as a man I DON'T LIKE breast surgery and I LOVE small breasts.

    To be blunt, women with small breasts are always more sexually responsive on a physical level (more responsive nipples) and they are simply more elegant and better-looking.

    In answer to your comment, i have NEVER been sexually responsive via my nipples, at a A cup, or my now augmented E cup.

    if you are yet to learn that not all womens bodies respond to the same thing, you have MUCH to learn.

    I had my boobs done 5 years ago, researched like crazy, went with the most expensive surgeon, no regrets at all.

    i am 5ft 9, and a natural pear, with A cup breasts i looked ludicrous.

    people would never know they arent what god gave me, unless i tell them.

    and PS. implants weigh like a pound a boob, so no danger of bad backs!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    I really hate the assumption that implant look fake. In regular day to day clothes and bras you'd never guess I have implants. And the whole nipple thing, mine are exactly the same as what they were before my surgery, if anything more sensitive. There are a lot of myths and half truths about it. There are many wonderful sites out there with real information! If you are interested send me a message and I'll provide you with some links for research.

    Bottom line~ It is a choice made by a woman, for herself. It should have nothing to do with what other women think, what men think, or your friends think. For every man out there that likes small there is a man that likes large; for every one that likes real, there is one that appreciates implants; and there are those that are truly honest, if it is a boob they love it.

    preach baby girl! x
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm on the "To each their own" bus. I've thought about getting it done when I hit my goal weight but I've lost nearly 50 lbs and haven't changed in cup at all...and I'm happy with mine :)
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    I am the President of the itty bitty titty fan club and think a women is beautiful with what she has been given and enhancements are not needed!
  • oddree80
    oddree80 Posts: 71 Member
    I would like to get one when I reach my goal but not to increase the size. I would like mine put back into place after having kids and loosing weight they just aren't the same! LOL :wink:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I would like to get one but my husband is so opposed to it. I don't have a tiny chest but I'd like to go up a cup size or two. And then I think about my sister's boob job and they were square - I kid you not. Her boobs were square! And how could I live with square boobs!? And then my friend had one and it was a nightmare and she had to get it redone because she got some infection. And I'm really not good with any sort of pain. . .

    I think I'd better learn to love my b-cups. *sigh*
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I have a very close friend that went from 240lbs to 140lbs starting with DD breasts. well, by the time she was done... it was like 2 tube socks you have been wearing all day and just took off attached to her rib cage, 2 very long loose fold of flat skin,

    She would literally roll them up almost and put them into her push up bra, or into her underwire bikini top hoping the whole time that the breasts didn't slip out from under the underwire. I used to help her keep an eye on it while we were at the beach because she wouldn't even notice them slipping down and out.

    Anyway, she finally had a boob job done and she is thrilled, she went with the tear drop style of breast instead of the round circle ball type, they look so natural it's incredible.

    When I am done my weight loss journey I am sure I will have probably the same thing she did, mine are already losing inches and very floppy.... if I do get that bad, I will get it done, I didn't work that hard to lose the weight to not be proud in a bikini !!