Running: You are doing it wrong.



  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    It's actually mostly not a muscle issue. It's your bones that need to get stronger, and this takes much longer. I made that mistake, and ended up with a metatarsal fracture. I had been trying to follow the advice that said build up slowly, but apparently I should have gone slower. It's frustrating because your muscles do get strong much faster than your bones, and you really want to do more.

    I fractured my heel running in barefoot shoes last summer (too much too soon), and it actually IS your muscles -- the problem is, once your muscles get fatigued (like from increasing your distance on a long run), the force of your landing is taken up by your BONES. And your bones are not meant to take that kind of impact without support.

    So it is true that making your foot / leg muscles stronger will help prevent injuries in these shoes. But depending on your foot (if you have high arches, etc.), long runs may be pushing it either way. My high arches will always mean more impact on my foot in general, b/c my arches are not making contact with the ground to absorb some of the shocks.

    According to the ortho who treated me, the medical journals are reporting more and more injuries from long distances in barefoot shoes -- even among uber-athletes who have been running races for eons. Don't get me wrong -- I love my Vibrams. But I have to admit, after my gigantic heel fracture and 2 months off working out on it, I'm scared to try any more than a mile or two in them again.

    wow, I didn't know that could happen. Thanks for the info! I do want to try it again, but not for long distances. And I will definitely take it VERY slowly.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    According to the ortho who treated me, the medical journals are reporting more and more injuries from long distances in barefoot shoes -- even among uber-athletes who have been running races for eons. Don't get me wrong -- I love my Vibrams. But I have to admit, after my gigantic heel fracture and 2 months off working out on it, I'm scared to try any more than a mile or two in them again.

    This is why I'm not completely sold on the vibrams or barefoot on pavement for high volumes. I think part of it is the vibrams don't give you enough feedback like barefoot running, and the fact that prehistoric humans did not run on pavement. That's why I chose a good middle ground of wearing lightweight racing shoes instead of thick-soled trainers. But I've done a small amount of barefoot running to improve form though.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    According to the ortho who treated me, the medical journals are reporting more and more injuries from long distances in barefoot shoes -- even among uber-athletes who have been running races for eons. Don't get me wrong -- I love my Vibrams. But I have to admit, after my gigantic heel fracture and 2 months off working out on it, I'm scared to try any more than a mile or two in them again.
    I got a metatarsal stress fracture from too much too soon in Vibrams last year. However, after that healed I built back up more intelligently. It is possible to run high mileage on pavement in Vibrams if you let your feet and legs adapt at their own rate during the build up. I have run 71 miles in Vibrams this week so far and am on track to reach 100 ( for the first time) by the end of the week. So far there is no sign of impending injury. I do pay very close attention to running form and try very hard to step lightly.
  • gleechick609
    I am a new runner (started the C25K program September, Finished in November, been running 3 times a week under 15 miles since) and I have just started having ankle/calf issues. I am wondering if it has something to do with my shoes...

    I currently wear Asic Gel Nimbus 12's. When I first started running, I bought a minimalist shoe to start off with (Reebok Reflex's) and when I started running, I got inflamed knees because there was no shock absorbtion (mind you, I was 200 lbs at the time and a BRAND new runner). My doctor told me to get fitted for something with more cushion and shock absorbtion. I am a mid foot striker.

    I see a podiatrist this Wednesday. Anyone else having these issues?
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I personally wouldn't run barefoot ever, but after reading about the mechanics of running, I gave it a shot at the gym today. I was surprised, it made it a lot easier to run. Normally after my warm up, I can go at a 6.3 mph pace for 10 minutes max, but today I ran at a 6.5 mph pace for almost 15 minutes, and when I focused on a mid foot strike instead of a heel strike, the pain in my knee didn't bother me. Leaning forward slightly helps with the mid foot strike & I could tell when I would revert back to a heel strike, because my knee would start barking.

    Thanks for the helpful advice.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    According to the ortho who treated me, the medical journals are reporting more and more injuries from long distances in barefoot shoes -- even among uber-athletes who have been running races for eons. Don't get me wrong -- I love my Vibrams. But I have to admit, after my gigantic heel fracture and 2 months off working out on it, I'm scared to try any more than a mile or two in them again.
    I got a metatarsal stress fracture from too much too soon in Vibrams last year. However, after that healed I built back up more intelligently. It is possible to run high mileage on pavement in Vibrams if you let your feet and legs adapt at their own rate during the build up. I have run 71 miles in Vibrams this week so far and am on track to reach 100 ( for the first time) by the end of the week. So far there is no sign of impending injury. I do pay very close attention to running form and try very hard to step lightly.

    I think running high volume in Vibrams while doable for many, requires too much due diligence for me to even bother with it myself or recommend it to others. Plus a lesser reason I don't wear them is because they would make me too self-conscious. I just don't like the way they look.
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Thanks for the post!

    I am a newb to running, only started Jan 1, 2012!

    I had heard about heel first running and barefoot running. Still trying to figure it all out!

    I will read this book.
  • mrsred79
  • DDBeard
    DDBeard Posts: 50 Member
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I agree with the last part of your message but ultimately all you're saying is that you should watch and develop your running technique for speed etc. Some people just like to run and don't care about speed as in making mega speeds/distances. Lots of technology and money has gone into footwear for heavy heel strikers which I used to be. I since did change my running style for speed as I am wanting to be competitive but have never changed to barefoot trainers. I still run in ASICS for overpronators with lots of shock absorbency. I was brought up wearing footwear and so I'm not going to shock my body now with something that provides no protection with regards to impact. I've had my fair share of compartment syndrome and shin splints as a result of cheap trainers and so I will never switch because I'm still getting faster day by day in my trainers and not suffering any injuries.
  • slynn88
    slynn88 Posts: 14 Member
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    According to the ortho who treated me, the medical journals are reporting more and more injuries from long distances in barefoot shoes -- even among uber-athletes who have been running races for eons. Don't get me wrong -- I love my Vibrams. But I have to admit, after my gigantic heel fracture and 2 months off working out on it, I'm scared to try any more than a mile or two in them again.
    I got a metatarsal stress fracture from too much too soon in Vibrams last year. However, after that healed I built back up more intelligently. It is possible to run high mileage on pavement in Vibrams if you let your feet and legs adapt at their own rate during the build up. I have run 71 miles in Vibrams this week so far and am on track to reach 100 ( for the first time) by the end of the week. So far there is no sign of impending injury. I do pay very close attention to running form and try very hard to step lightly.

    Good to know -- I may get brave enough to try to work up to a good distance again...we'll see.
    Out of curiosity, how did you pace your build-up? And do you have high arches / pronation?
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I am doing this very thing and wear Asics now but just bought some barefoot shoes.

    The best thing I read about how to change form is to walk backwards a few paces and then try to keep that same form moving forward, practice until it becomes habit.

    Thanks for the link.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    I can't wait to try this; I'm planning on starting C25K as soon as the weather gets a little nicer.
  • artvandalay
    Thanks for the suggestion. Just downloaded it to my Kindle. The book gets great reviews and it looks like a very interesting story.

    I have plantar fasciitis (I over pronate pretty badly) so I don't think I could ever run barefoot or use minimalist shoes. I need that high arch support otherwise my feet kill me.... but I find this subject really fascinating.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    According to the ortho who treated me, the medical journals are reporting more and more injuries from long distances in barefoot shoes -- even among uber-athletes who have been running races for eons. Don't get me wrong -- I love my Vibrams. But I have to admit, after my gigantic heel fracture and 2 months off working out on it, I'm scared to try any more than a mile or two in them again.
    I got a metatarsal stress fracture from too much too soon in Vibrams last year. However, after that healed I built back up more intelligently. It is possible to run high mileage on pavement in Vibrams if you let your feet and legs adapt at their own rate during the build up. I have run 71 miles in Vibrams this week so far and am on track to reach 100 ( for the first time) by the end of the week. So far there is no sign of impending injury. I do pay very close attention to running form and try very hard to step lightly.

    Good to know -- I may get brave enough to try to work up to a good distance again...we'll see.
    Out of curiosity, how did you pace your build-up? And do you have high arches / pronation?
    I have normal arches and normal pronation. The feet are supposed to pronate some during a normal foot strike.

    I built back up using a combination of the Vibrams and a pair of inov8 155 minimalists (about 50% each) My foot still hurt then and after five weeks off my initial mileage was kind of low. The numbers below were what I ran before starting a marathon taper in late Oct.

    Since the marathon I have increased my mileage to a weekly average of around 70 and have come to run mostly in the Vibrams because the inov8s are nearly worn out.
  • willafan
    willafan Posts: 101
    Loved the book-- not just for the running advice but also the anthropology and dietary info. I've started eating Chia Seeds on a daily basis! :)
    Does anyone have a recommendation for a minimalist trail shoe? I a 40 something female with a fairly high arch and wide feet. Thanks in advance!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    "I am wondering how this relates to someone who jogs in place. I notice that my natural gait for this is to land on the ball of my foot and I barely lift my foot off the floor. I am pretty out of shape, and working on building some endurence"
