Tell me One weird fact



  • jenny031477
    jenny031477 Posts: 53 Member
    My cats think they are dogs, too....they won't walk on leashes, but come to the door when I get home and love to play catch with the ring off the milk jugs! Theyre awesome!

    My cats used to do this and would come running when I opened a new gallon of milk.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I have a very strange phobia, midgets. Not sure why. If Im at a store or something and see a midget down the isle, I go the other way.
  • Rogns008
    Rogns008 Posts: 51 Member
    All my fingers are double jointed... I first noticed this when I was writing a lot when I was like fourteen and I thought I broke my pointer finger.
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    I can't spell Wednesday unless I think about marrying a nintendo.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    My place always needs to be warm but my bedroom has to be really cold when I go to bed.
  • I still have hard time in English (especially in speaking) even if I studied it for more than 10 years.

  • .

    My cat must think it's a dog too, it always has its tongue out, hates catnip, and drools way too much. Oh, Chairman Meow, you kinda rule.
    Chairman Meow? I LOVE IT! :laugh:
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    I turned down a 250 thousand dollar recording contract because they wanted me to get a bunch of plastic surgery
  • I still have hard time in English (especially in speaking) even if I studied it for more than 10 years.

    Many people's whose native language is English have a difficult time speaking English. You're doing a great job!
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    I have weird food obsessions. Like pickled Okra, pickled beets, condensed cream of mushroom soup with rice. (no water added.) taking the time to spoon out all of the cookie dough from the ice cream but leaving the ice cream. Stuff like that.
  • Some words will make me seriously squeamish. Just a few that make me quiver are: fleshy, moist and sinewy.
  • I have to have the volume and thermostat on even numbers

    I have this type of OCD as well. I even do cardio to even numbers either by cals or minutes.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I am a nurse, and have seen some really nasty things since getting my RN license 5 years ago, but I am never grossed out by anything that I have seen i.e. wounds, blood, guts, excrement ext.... the only thing that gives me the heeby jeebies are hernias. They are just nasty!!!!
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    Some words will make me seriously squeamish. Just a few that make me quiver are: fleshy, moist and sinewy.

    My buddy hates the word 'girth', so we use it as often as possible.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Due to a plate-glass window incident years ago, and having had no insurance at that time to afford the needed corrective surgery, when the little finger on my right hand gets touched, I feel the touch right below my right elbow. If that area near my elbow gets touched, I feel it in my little finger.
  • ValMcB
    ValMcB Posts: 44
    I own a hearse.
    Her name is Midnight.
  • I still have hard time in English (especially in speaking) even if I studied it for more than 10 years.

    Many people's whose native language is English have a difficult time speaking English. You're doing a great job!

    Haha! See? I wrote "people's whose" which is entirely incorrect! **distracted by Project Runway**
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    My second toe on both feet is a lot longer than my big toe. My friends use to call me Monkey Girl in high school. I still to this day use my feet to pick up stuff off of the floor all the time. Its a pain because I have to buy shoes that are 1/2 to 1 size too big just to accommodate those toes. My grandma, mom, me and my daughter all have it. My mom actually had part of the bone in hers taken out at the same time she had her bunion surgery. I have a problem with definitely too! Thank goodness for spell check!

    My 2nd toe is longer than my big toe as well. not alot but def noticeable.
  • I'd be open to the idea of getting a tattoo if I had the body I want and found something I'd be into having on me. It'd have to be a black and grey one though.
  • some people get sea sick some people get car sick but me i fell sick when i go to the cinema hmm if that aint wired then i aint da machine