Interesting info, CORN, Should we eat it?????



  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    These posts wear me down. I need to go eat some corn to feel better.

  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    "I bet I could find some kind of article or study to say we should never EVER eat broccoli because it will give us incurable diseases."

    If not disease, certainly the ability to break wind in a single swoop.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    The whole article misses the point of context, as with everything, grains are fine in moderation even with the acknowledgement of the effect of anti nutrients on mineral absorption. Interestingly enough whole grains contain a lot more anti nutrients then refined grains but supposedly they are the "good" carbs

  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I LOVE Corn anything and will never give it up.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I only eat things that are alive.

    I'm sorry, but what do you eat then?

    I'm assuming babies, mostly.

    Bahahahahahaha. The innocence makes them taste better.

    interesting. I prefer my meat rare, so ive been mostly eating unicorn... but this has my interest.
    ist there anything else I should know? Is it like grain, where you want to avoid the white ones?

    I :heart: that little boy.
    Sooo.. its more like chicken?
    in that case, I want the chinese one.... I know, I'll just be hungry an hour later, but its so good.

    Its OK... I thought you were funny.
  • CharityEaton
    Awe,poor girl! She was just passing information on and everyone has to be mean about it. The thing is you can find info to support just about any kind of "diet" out there and on the other hand you can find the exact same amount of info to totally disagree with any diet.
    I like to view it this way.....if it grows from the ground, on a plant, in a tree or is a living animal then it was probably meant for us to consume it. Are we supposed to grind, boil, beat, bake, add chemicals and other crap to it, probably not. Eating the things that come from the earth in their most natural form is by far the best way to eat and we all know that but I still like to eat my highly processed nutritionally empty foods just becuse I can!

    You can read until your head spins and what works for one person may not work for another. To each his own.

    And for the record, I hate corn. But I made homemade corn tortillas for dinner the other night! I'll keep my corn products.

    Oh and as for the corn fed beef. I raise my own beef and YES, the only purpose of feeding a cow corn is to fatten it up for butchering. We don't feed our cows corn but the general practice is to feed them corn in the winter when it is cold to help them build up some fat for the winter. A lot of farmers out here will also feed corn before taking their cow to the auctions because a fatter cow means a higher price...don't think there is really ANY nutrtional reason for feeding a cow corn except to fatten it. I'm not an expert at all, just speaking from experience. Our cows are grass/hay fed cows and they are just as big and healthy looking as the neighbors corn fed cows. what corn does to a cow does NOT mean that I think it would do the same for a human.
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    Thank you for sharing!

    I am troubled by the number of people here who bash others who are sharing information they have found. The purpose of these boards is to support and motivate. Not bash. If you disagree, use some class and do so in a civil manner.

    I agree and couldn't have said it better. She didn't tell any us to stop eating corn or grains, she simply posted an article as food for thought. I personally would like to know how she does in her trial of no grain.
  • nataliefallbach
    I don't really care if everyone eats corn or not, I found it interesting because the Mayans and others who switched to a more corn based diet, um, basically vanished, died of illness etc. We are a corn feed society and WE have many health issues as a nation, could this be related, yes? no? I don't know. I am not an expert, I posted an article from a nutrionalist with a degree, so why not read about what is out there instead of bashing it! I gave up wheat and I feel great! So, why not see how my body reacts to no corn. Why not, try it for two weeks or NOT! Whatever, I really like this site and I have enjoyed reading the forums. I posted something and get bashed for sharing because I am new, what is this high school?

    War and drought contributed more to the demise of the Mayans than corn flakes.

    Really? Like I want to know if you seriously believe the Mayans vanished because they switched to corn. There is no evidence to suggest that at all. Where you got that is crazy. They vanished to war and drought. And not all vanished there are still 100% Mayans alive today. Not debating the health aspect just stating actual facts here.

    Why did the Maya disappear is a question that has baffled historians for years. Because the Maya disappeared long ago no one will ever know for sure what happened to them. Many theories exist but none are definitely true. So, could corn causing malnurtition have been a factor? But you both are the experts, thanks for letting me know what has has baffled historians for years.

    And yes, Mayan linage still exists as due many of their cultures. Just visited some in Guatemala.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Lol why do these posts come from people who havent been on the forums but for a second.


    Didnt we evolve?


    If it works for you then hats off!

    I guess we all want to get back to our original paleolithic 25-year life span..
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Things I have learned from this post:

    1. Corn definitely killed the Mayans.
    2. Toothless black child thinks I'm a racist
    3. Corn will probably bring the apocalypse
    4. You never really own corn
    5. Our ancestors died sexy at 25, but they didn't eat corn.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Things I have learned from this post:

    1. Corn definitely killed the Mayans.
    2. Toothless black child thinks I'm a racist
    3. Corn will probably bring the apocalypse
    4. You never really own corn
    5. Our ancestors died sexy at 25, but they didn't eat corn.

    I love Cliffs Notes.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Things I have learned from this post:

    1. Corn definitely killed the Mayans.
    2. Toothless black child thinks I'm a racist
    3. Corn will probably bring the apocalypse
    4. You never really own corn
    5. Our ancestors died sexy at 25, but they didn't eat corn.

    I love Cliffs Notes.

    6. many other cultures due exist.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Things I have learned from this post:

    1. Corn definitely killed the Mayans.
    2. Toothless black child thinks I'm a racist
    3. Corn will probably bring the apocalypse
    4. You never really own corn
    5. Our ancestors died sexy at 25, but they didn't eat corn.

    I am enjoying this.
  • KaraP18
    KaraP18 Posts: 145 Member
    I f*ing love corn................................................HATER!!!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I only eat things that are alive.

    I'm sorry, but what do you eat then?

    I'm assuming babies, mostly.

  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Things I have learned from this post:

    1. Corn definitely killed the Mayans.
    2. Toothless black child thinks I'm a racist
    3. Corn will probably bring the apocalypse
    4. You never really own corn
    5. Our ancestors died sexy at 25, but they didn't eat corn.
