Am I a b*tch?



  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    For me personally any kind of surgery isn't an option. I've never been in the hospital or had any kind of surgery, so the thought of something so permanent scares me. Therefore it's a tool I don't have at my disposal. Having said that I understand the jealousy of someone losing so much weight using a tool I can't use. But it's still an accomplishment for her. As KG said above, being jealous doesn't make you a b*tch, but saying something to her would, IMO.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    A friend of mine from high school (not anyone I’m close to anymore) posted a picture of herself wearing pants much too big for her (you know, the typical weight loss pic, stretching out the waist to show the difference). Under the pic was the caption, “So, I’ve lost over a hundred pounds, what have you been up to?”
    I happen to know that my friend had lap band surgery (which she failed to mention in the caption). I feel like she’s fishing for compliments, which I would be more than happy to give out if she had worked hard and lost the weight on her own. I’m really annoyed that she’s bragging about weight loss when all she did was choose to have unnecessary and invasive elective surgery. Or maybe I’m just annoyed that I’ve been working my butt off for a few lousy pounds.
    What do you think?

    I'd never choose surgery as the route to lose weight, but the people I know who did didn't get off easy. That's why I wouldn't do it. Losing 100 pounds isn't really "easier" after lap band surgery, from what I saw, unless easy is having your dietary choices seriously limited and eating anything like a normal person will make you very ill. It seems me the fact that I can have my favorite foods occasionally, by working them in to my plan, is way easier than being forced to eat tiny portions of pureed crap for every meal. There just really is no "easy" way to lose 100 pounds.

    Do I think you're a *****? Kinda. I think you are a little bit jealous because you think she did it the easy way. Yes, she is fishing for compliments, and if she lost 100 pounds, she deserves them, no matter how she did it. Trust me, it wasn't easy.
  • angelialouise
    angelialouise Posts: 17 Member
    who cares, happy for anyone who loses the weight, not an easy way to do it, naturally or with surgery...congrats to all who make a commitment to better health
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I don't think you are a *****. I think you are uninformed.

    My doctor wants me to have weight loss surgery. I refuse because I am frightened of surgery. He wants me to do gastric bypass, but was willing to "compromise" with lap band. I'm sorry. My mom had issues after surgery. (Not weight loss surgery, but still...). The ONLY way I'm getting on a surgical table is unconscious, an emergency (appendix, etc..), or when I 'm dead (autopsy).

    As for your friend's post, it sounds like she NEEDS some affirmation. "I'm happy your healthier. I've lost ___ pounds and have ____ more to go" may have felt like you were indulging her boastfulness, but she just may not be getting compliments without fishing for them, and we all need affirmation sometimes.

    Speaking of affirmation, nice tattoo. :flowerforyou: Yes. I looked at your profile, because I wanted to say something nice to you, and was a bit stretched from reading your post. Sorry.

    ETA, it's so cute how mfp changes the word in this post to *****. I never typed that on here before and didn't know that. :bigsmile:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Rule #1 of weight loss: stop competing with everyone else and focus on you.

    This eliminates any problem you have in this situation.

    Also, yes, it is petty to be annoyed so much by it. You will always have someone who lost faster, looks better, was able to do it easier, etc. than you. It's just part of it. Your best bet is to say, "YAY congrats" and bust your butt to hit YOUR goals.

    Very well stated. Please accept this Takei Oh My as a token of my respect.

    Elizabeth's response AND TDGEE's photo FOR THE WIN! :heart:
  • csm1342
    Its been my experience when someone ask that question, they already know the answer.
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Yeah WLS is sooooooooooooo easy. *yawn* I haven't had to do anything to lose 174 pounds. It was MAGIC!


  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    With out a doubt you are a B#$ch. If you need to ask..then you already know you are.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Rule #1 of weight loss: stop competing with everyone else and focus on you.

    This eliminates any problem you have in this situation.

    Also, yes, it is petty to be annoyed so much by it. You will always have someone who lost faster, looks better, was able to do it easier, etc. than you. It's just part of it. Your best bet is to say, "YAY congrats" and bust your butt to hit YOUR goals.

    Agree. Try not to focus on others or else you will never get to your goal. Just be happy with what you have done and the progress you've made. Lap band is not easy, they can barely eat a meal without throwing up, just be happy you haven't had to resort to what she did. To be petty is to be human.
  • cal1973
    cal1973 Posts: 306 Member
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 223 Member
    just from reading the responses theres pretty much an even divide over the *****/non-***** opinion.

    personally I dont think your a 'nasty' ***** - your maybe what I call (usually myself LOL) a 'frustration' *****. you've seem someone else nearer to the finish line that you & its frustrated you. just remember you're running your own race. hers may have been longer, shorter, harder or easier than yours. focus on yourself & aim to be able to post a picture like she has! - now if that isn't motivation I dont know what is............turn your frustration towards her into inspriation and motivation for you . maybe shes actually done you a favor posting that pic? :-)

    best of luck in your journey
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don't think you're a *****. I think you are jealous.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    My sister in law had the lap band surgery. She has lost a lot of weight, but she works her tail off. She eats healthy and works out. The lap band isn't the same as the gastric by-pass. If you lose weight with the lap band, you really have to work at it.
    She may have been fishing for a compliment, but maybe she really needs it.....

    I am sorry, but your post struck a bit of a nerve with me. It is true that the lap band isn't the same as gastric bypass, but implying that you have to work at weightloss if you have the band but not if you have a bypass is ridiculous. The only additional "benefit that you get from a traditional Roux-en-y gastric bypass is that you have a malabsorptive aspect because part of your intestine is bypassed. There are also bypass procedures called the gastric sleeve, the duodenal switch, and a few others. Each one is different, and most people are better suited to one than another. None of these surgeries are an "easy way out" or a "miracle cure" for obesity. If you have surgery and you do not change your relationship with food and change your lifestyle you will experience re-gain. I am living proof. I was 388 pounds at my heaviest. I tried all kinds of diets. I had medical conditions that limited my ability to exercise. I was 24 with high blood pressure and arthritis in my knees from carrying all that weight. I was pre-diabetic. I was overwhelmed. I had gastric bypass. I lost down to 212 then had 10 pounds of excess skin removed, getting me down to 202. I did not change my mindset or my relationship with food. I gradually gained back up to 272. I had several surgeries last year and realized I really need to pay more attention to my health. I have busted my butt to lose 48 pounds so far, and I plan to keep going.

    It is not a cure all.

    And to the OP: even though I have had the bypass, I do not think you are a ***ch. I think we are human and we cannot help how we feel. The fact that you did not call her out and make a public display tells me that you are mature enough to evaluate your feelings. You reaching out on this forum will hopefully help you deal with those feelings, accept them for what they are, and move on. Best of luck to you on your journey.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    And you don't seem to be a very good "friend". :/
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    There is a LOT of work involved both before and after lap band surgery. It's not like they go in, have a rubber band tied around their stomach and suddenly they are skinny.

    Honestly, that's what I thought happened. What do they have to do before and after? (Not being sarcastic, I'm curious)

    I was banded a little over 3 weeks ago. Before I could even consider surgery I went through 3 months of diet and nutrition classes, drank nasty barium for an upper GI test, had more blood sucked from me than I thought I could hold, had a psychological evaluation to see if I understood how the band would work as a tool and to ensure that I did not think that the lapband was the easy way out. Before I even walked in the hospital door I'd lost 39 pounds, the old-fashioned way. Two weeks before surgery I started a full liquid diet that averaged about 750 cals a day. For two weeks after sugery I continued that same full liquid diet. No, it was not "easy" not eating for a month. Now, I'm up to eating pureed foods. No that still isn't "easy". Once I'm released by my doctor to eat solid food, I hope to be able to eat anything, but I understand there are certain foods that do not go down well for banders so I made the decision that although I don't know what they are today, there may be foods I will never eat again. That's not an easy decision to make. I will never be able to eat the quantity of food I once ate, and I won't be able to chug a bottle of water after a workout. I still have to exercise and make good healthy food decisions.

    I hope now that you have seen what I went through you will reassess whether you think weight loss surgery is the easy way out because I can reassure that I worked to get these 51 pounds off and I will continue to work my tool to get the next 85 pounds off.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    In fear of getting another strike, no, you are not a b*tch. Your friend isn't either.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    If you have to ask if you're a b!tch, that means you probably are a b!tch!

  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    Ok, so I was slightly annoyed at someone that was bragging about weight loss and clearly hiding the fact that she had "help"
    I didn't make a nasty remark to her about it, I didn't say anything to anyone else about it (part of the reason I posted here is because I didn't want to talk to any mutual friends about it) I don't hate her, I'm not going to dwell on it.
    I never said I was informed on the subject, I don't care to be, I don't feel that surgery is the answer.
    Maybe she had to work hard for it, but seeing as how she lost 100 lbs in a few months, she probably didn't work as hard as most people so to lose the same amount.

    So I'm a petty b*tch sometimes, who isn't? :tongue: