Bob Harper was WRONG last night about Soy



  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I can't help it...I like Bob better than Jillian...I'm not a huge TBL fan, but (no one throw stuff at me) Jillian kind of scares the hell out of me....I know I'd punch her, and then she'd beat the crap out of me. She's a little too confrontational for me. However, I saw her on Rachel Ray yesterday, and she was very cool...outside the gym.

    That is the one reason I would never even consider trying to go on the Biggest Loser. My luck I'd get her for a trainer!! Probably it's the very thing I need - but she scares the crap out of me :laugh:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I vote for moderation. People can suffer effects from excess dairy as much as they can excess soy or excess meat. All have health benefits and all have potential dangers for taking in excess.

    Eat a wide variety of foods. If more than 50% of your diet is composed of one food, you're probably gonna be bitten by the excess bug.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member

    2nd, when you go on public television and display yourself as an expert in nutrition, you open yourself up to public scrutiny, Bob has done this, people take his words for fact on the subject of nutrition, this isn't a personal attack on him as a person, it's a critisism of his methods and facts, and a questioning of his overall knowledge on the subject. I stand by every word of it.

    OH! Was it there? I thought it was another poster being flamed. LOL! Sorry!
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    I was amazed that my tuna in water contained soy. I've been debating whether to stop eating it or not since I do have a thyroid problem. But it is cheap and handy so I try to eat no more than 2 or3 cans a week. I might have to switch though.

    I just saw that today, i was reading the tuna can and it said contains soy, but it wasnt in the ingredients list. why is there soy in my tuna, what is the point of this, and is it all tuna? i had bumblebee??
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Dang Banks, do ya gotta spoil it???:wink: I just got into soy milk with my whey shakes and LOVE it. Also in my cereal. Thought I was making a health change and boom-blows up in my face.
    Actually guys, I appreciate all the info.:happy: I'll finish the carton and be done. Don't know what to eat these days...:grumble:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Dang Banks, do ya gotta spoil it???:wink: I just got into soy milk with my whey shakes and LOVE it. Also in my cereal. Thought I was making a health change and boom-blows up in my face.
    Actually guys, I appreciate all the info.:happy: I'll finish the carton and be done. Don't know what to eat these days...:grumble:

    Whey has pretty decent anti-estrogen properties ... so does broccoli, carrots, leafy greans, citrus fruits, berries, and even quite a few spices (ginger, oregano, thyme ...). So balance and moderation!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    We (the US) consume more of everything compared to other countries which is why our country is OBESE compared to other countries--

    How about people leave the dairy stuff alone you don't need it you can get your calcium from other things- People are the ONLY Mammals that continue to drink milk after being a child- We don't need it- Leave it alone-
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    7) And scariest for men who are activly trying to have children or gain muscle mass; soy contains high amounts of phytoestrogen, which acts the same way as regular estrogen in the body. This both blocks testosterone production (one of the main hormones used for building muscle), and lowers sperm count among adult males.

    This study used 56g of soy protein per day (think 8-11 cups of soy milk) ... it reduced serum testosterone levels by 4%.

    This kinda reminds me of that thread about anti-splenda research.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    7) And scariest for men who are activly trying to have children or gain muscle mass; soy contains high amounts of phytoestrogen, which acts the same way as regular estrogen in the body. This both blocks testosterone production (one of the main hormones used for building muscle), and lowers sperm count among adult males.

    This study used 56g of soy protein per day (think 8-11 cups of soy milk) ... it reduced serum testosterone levels by 4%.

    This kinda reminds me of that thread about anti-splenda research.

    you make a good point

    BUT for men...testosterone is essential to muscle repair and growth..and other things that are very important to men...

    so for men...why on earth would we take anything in any amount that may reduce our testosterone?

    for is different,,,,,

    Men....should avoid it,,,,there is no moderation argument on this one,,at least not for me
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    7) And scariest for men who are activly trying to have children or gain muscle mass; soy contains high amounts of phytoestrogen, which acts the same way as regular estrogen in the body. This both blocks testosterone production (one of the main hormones used for building muscle), and lowers sperm count among adult males.

    This study used 56g of soy protein per day (think 8-11 cups of soy milk) ... it reduced serum testosterone levels by 4%.

    This kinda reminds me of that thread about anti-splenda research.

    who honestly drinks 8-11 cups of milk a day whether it is soy or cow?
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    7) And scariest for men who are activly trying to have children or gain muscle mass; soy contains high amounts of phytoestrogen, which acts the same way as regular estrogen in the body. This both blocks testosterone production (one of the main hormones used for building muscle), and lowers sperm count among adult males.

    This study used 56g of soy protein per day (think 8-11 cups of soy milk) ... it reduced serum testosterone levels by 4%.

    This kinda reminds me of that thread about anti-splenda research.

    who honestly drinks 8-11 cups of milk a day whether it is soy or cow?

    My point exactly. Most barely have a splash with cereal.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    7) And scariest for men who are activly trying to have children or gain muscle mass; soy contains high amounts of phytoestrogen, which acts the same way as regular estrogen in the body. This both blocks testosterone production (one of the main hormones used for building muscle), and lowers sperm count among adult males.

    This study used 56g of soy protein per day (think 8-11 cups of soy milk) ... it reduced serum testosterone levels by 4%.

    This kinda reminds me of that thread about anti-splenda research.

    What study? I didn't even mention a specific study.
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    And this is why I stick with moderation. A few years ago you could have probably come on this site and found who knows how many threads about how wonderful soy is and we should all be living on it. And guess what, in a few years, I will bet some cash that there will be another study that says once again, soy is going to save the world. Studys are funded by someone people...lots of times the companies/corporations trying to further their products. Doesn't make them non-legit, but worthy of a little scrutiny. For some reason I have yet to understand, we need to have a nutritionaly "good" guy and "bad" guy to be happy in this country. If fat isin't the bad guy, then its carbs, if it isin't carbs its genetically modified foods, if its not GM its high fructose corn syrup or ~gasp~ unclean foods. Why do we feel the need to make this so darn complicated?:noway:
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    7) And scariest for men who are activly trying to have children or gain muscle mass; soy contains high amounts of phytoestrogen, which acts the same way as regular estrogen in the body. This both blocks testosterone production (one of the main hormones used for building muscle), and lowers sperm count among adult males.

    This study used 56g of soy protein per day (think 8-11 cups of soy milk) ... it reduced serum testosterone levels by 4%.

    This kinda reminds me of that thread about anti-splenda research.

    What study? I didn't even mention a specific study.

    Good point. You didn't mention any reliable references for your claims. Thanks for reminding everyone, so now everyone please check these things out for yourselves.

    The human research on soy is limited at best, and that in and of itself makes me slightly suspect but not enough to avoid it.

    The internet is a wonderful place to find "information" to back up any claim. There are a lot of opinions floating around. Form your own by looking at the actual information that is available.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    7) And scariest for men who are activly trying to have children or gain muscle mass; soy contains high amounts of phytoestrogen, which acts the same way as regular estrogen in the body. This both blocks testosterone production (one of the main hormones used for building muscle), and lowers sperm count among adult males.

    This study used 56g of soy protein per day (think 8-11 cups of soy milk) ... it reduced serum testosterone levels by 4%.

    This kinda reminds me of that thread about anti-splenda research.

    who honestly drinks 8-11 cups of milk a day whether it is soy or cow?

    You should have met me as a teenager, lol. A gallon of milk a day!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    3) The American Heart Association (AHA) which previously endorsed the FDA's addition of Soy in 2000 to the "Heart Healthy" food products for lowering the chance of Coronary Artery Disease, has recently concluded it's own study on soy, and requested the FDA PULL soy from the list. The FDA has, as yet, failed to act on the recommendation by the country's leading expert foundation on the heart.

    That is because they are making money off of it! Don't get me on my soap box about the government and what they say is good for americans, soy, vaccines etc..................this list is too long!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    So what is your suggestion for people like me that live on Soy because I can't have dairy. I haven't been able to have it since I was a newborn and have been using soy products all my life.

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter

    Have you tried hormone free dairy, I couldn't have it either until I started buying Burbach milk, free range, free of hormones and antibiotics. It even comes in a glass bottle, you pay a deposit and return it when you go to get a new one.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    3) The American Heart Association (AHA) which previously endorsed the FDA's addition of Soy in 2000 to the "Heart Healthy" food products for lowering the chance of Coronary Artery Disease, has recently concluded it's own study on soy, and requested the FDA PULL soy from the list. The FDA has, as yet, failed to act on the recommendation by the country's leading expert foundation on the heart.

    That is because they are making money off of it! Don't get me on my soap box about the government and what they say is good for americans, soy, vaccines etc..................this list is too long!

    True enough, agenda's abound in our great nation. I am not a conspricy theorist in general, but I do subscribe to the believe that lobbyists should be outlawed, and I mean ALL lobbyists. Make them go through the same channels as us "normal" citizens!
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    3) The American Heart Association (AHA) which previously endorsed the FDA's addition of Soy in 2000 to the "Heart Healthy" food products for lowering the chance of Coronary Artery Disease, has recently concluded it's own study on soy, and requested the FDA PULL soy from the list. The FDA has, as yet, failed to act on the recommendation by the country's leading expert foundation on the heart.

    That is because they are making money off of it! Don't get me on my soap box about the government and what they say is good for americans, soy, vaccines etc..................this list is too long!

    True enough, agenda's abound in our great nation. I am not a conspricy theorist in general, but I do subscribe to the believe that lobbyists should be outlawed, and I mean ALL lobbyists. Make them go through the same channels as us "normal" citizens!

    LOL, you mean we actually have a channel???
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    3) The American Heart Association (AHA) which previously endorsed the FDA's addition of Soy in 2000 to the "Heart Healthy" food products for lowering the chance of Coronary Artery Disease, has recently concluded it's own study on soy, and requested the FDA PULL soy from the list. The FDA has, as yet, failed to act on the recommendation by the country's leading expert foundation on the heart.

    That is because they are making money off of it! Don't get me on my soap box about the government and what they say is good for americans, soy, vaccines etc..................this list is too long!

    True enough, agenda's abound in our great nation. I am not a conspricy theorist in general, but I do subscribe to the believe that lobbyists should be outlawed, and I mean ALL lobbyists. Make them go through the same channels as us "normal" citizens!

    LOL, you mean we actually have a channel???

    HA! How do you think I feel, I live in Massachusetts, and have to deal with our good friends Mr. Kerry and Mr. Kennedy! Their offices barely even take phone calls, never mind do anything about it! It baffles me who keeps voting these people in office! Sorry, no politics, I know, I'll shut up now.