Worst pet peeve while driving..........



  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    1. people who make wide turns (they're turning right but they drive towards the left to make that turn)
    2. people who can't stay in their lane
    3. people who drive slow in the fast lane
    4. people who can't park to save their lives (I'm no expert and I do park crooked but I'm crooked IN BETWEEN THE LINES and only slightly lol)
    5. people who know they're in the wrong lane and want to wait until they have no more space to cross into the right lane (aka your lane)
    6. tailgaters (and I'm not a slow driver so there's no reason to be so close)
    7. people who don't use turn signals or use them when it doesn't even matter anymore because they're already turning.
    8. People who don't give me the "thank you" wave or flash their lights when I do something nice for them.

    Edit: old people should have their own lane so they can get out of my way.
  • karalynnroll
    karalynnroll Posts: 33 Member
    You know what I LOVE doing?

    When people tailgate me I start to go JUST the speed limit (i usually always am over shush) and then when they go into the other lane to go past me i speed up so they can't :laugh: it is actually the funniest thing ever.

    That sounds like a request for violence.

    Other pet peeves include:
    Hogging the left lane.
    Speeding up and slowing down erratically.

    What the poster described above, preventing someone from passing, is illegal and is an act of aggressive driving.
    Another item that is aggressive driving is "brake checking" someone. If you're driving aggressively like that, you're asking to start trouble. It's too bad that traffic cops don't seem to care about the drivers that do things like those that are actually dangerous.

    But tailgating isn't?
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    People who can't drive in snow... while living somewhere that is snows.

    For those that live somewhere that it only snows once in a while this doesn't apply to you. However this year we have had 5 decent snow storms that made the roads at least somewhat bad (enough for a weather warning) and this was the most mild year most people (including my 60 something year old parents that always lived her) can ever remember in this area.

    so if you live her you either need to not go anywhere in winter or learn to drive in snow. No you can't even go anywhere if its not snowing because it can start heavily snowing and get bad in about 15 min... so if your shopping your not going to have to have time to notice and get home.

    There are no excuses for driving 5 mph when its barely snowing just cause there is a bit of white on the road. There are no excuses for driving 5 mph up a hill (don't you know this is going to make it more likely for you to slide? oh and that person behind you that your going to force to break is going to have it even harder!!)

    There are no excuses for braking around a slippery turn. How you should you know its slippery? Because snow leaves tracks, if there are fish tailing tracks ITS SLIPPERY. Now your just sliding too.

    There are no excuses for leaving your car at the side of the road when there is not even an inch of snow (note I didn't say ice, just snow) on the ground. If you don't have snow tires that is your own fault, remember you live SOMEWHERE THAT IT SNOWS!

    To the above poster that said "people who smoke in a car with kids" I don't consider this a driving pet peeve because its really (at least for me) "People who smoke around kids" doesn't matter if your in a car or not.
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    Mine include the following:

    1. People who think that my wanting to go 10 miles an hour over the speed limit is their decision to make.

    2. Those people in #1 that will not move over to the right hand lane when I am right on their a**. In many states there are signs that say STATE LAW...SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT...so why am I the a** for violating the law when it comes to speeding but you are not an a** when you violate the law that says slower traffic keep right. Here in Mississippi you can be cited for impeding the flow of traffic if you do not move to the right lane even if I am speeding.

    3. People who find it necessary to slam on their brakes doing 75 mph on the interstate becasue they think it will make you not want to get around them...again I refer to the law in #2 that you would be violating. This I feel is much more dangerous than speeding 10 mph over the speed limit.

    4. People who don't go the speed limit.

    5. People who don't go the speed limit but suddenly speed up once you try to move around them so you can't...and you really annoy me when you do #3 in conjunction with this one.

    A side note to for those that live in Mississippi that think pissing people off while driving....state law allows people to carry concealed weapons as well as allows open containers as long as the driver is not drunk. So why in the hell would you be willing to play Russian roulette with someone who might be drunk and carrying a gun?

    Off my soapbox...
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    Sorry but deffently put everything has to be elderly prople.... I have soo many times had near misses because them! Heres quick 3 things just matter of one year...
    -swerving around between lanes nearly side swiping me(had to go into on coming traffic to avoid an accident)
    -old women driving 45 in a 60 n on middle of 2 lanes??? Driving like shes was totally drunk.... Swerving too...
    -going across a bridge which is curved and the person crosses lanes going directly for me... She realize last second n pulled back into her lane after every car started honking at her... Would of sucked.. 60+kmh head on collision...

    Out of all honesty there should be a age limit where ur license get revovked....
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    I swear if you can drive in a grocery store parking lot you can drive anywhere. Especially in Pittsburgh before a snow storm. I have lived here all my life and still get amazed that people act like they are going to have to resort to cannabalism if they don't buy out Giant Eagle prior to snow coming.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    Oh forgot to add... Old women doped on meds drove into a on coming lane killing a women and 2 kids, husband survived(they were on their way to church....). N ofocres.. The old women survived...
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    People who drive 20 mph in the merging lane into traffic doing 70. The merging lane is long so that you can get up to traffic speed as$holes!!!

  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i don't know where this fits in driving in the city going the speed limit and the dork behind me pass just to cut me off and then they turn 5 to 10 min later these people are dumb risking other people safty when they should of left earlier rather then later
  • Angel_Eyes1975
    Angel_Eyes1975 Posts: 132 Member
    People on cell phones
    People that don't drive the speed limit
    People that don't use turn signals

    People that get right up on my car when I am going over speed bumps in the complex or at a store... I get so mad because its like if you want to fly over the speed bumps go ahead I love my car and I am NOT going to harm it because you have to be a speed demon in a parking lot or in a complex. Its like really..

    I know i read a post where someone said - people that don't turn right on the red light.. Well here they have these camera lights and the city will ticket you 158$ for turning on that red light no matter what and when you try to fight it, they say it doesn't matter the camera caught it even if you stop then turn they still ticket they have so many problems with the lights. so please forgive me but I got that ticket and I don't turn anymore and sometimes when the light is green some people wait a minute before they go because sometimes there is that jerk that runs the red light.. just saying
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    I love all these violations, to me they just say - Job Security ROFLMAO!!!

    Actual conversation:

    Driver: I would like to report an 18 wheeler tailgating everyone.
    DIsp: Ok ma'am, where?
    Driver: Well right behind me
    Disp: What road ma'am?
    Driver: OH, 95 n at ex 20
    Disp: OK do you have plate number?
    Driver: No he is behind me - tailgating?
    Disp: Well pull into the next lane and let him pass,give me the plate & I will give it to the patrols.
    Driver: I won't let him pass me, he is tailgating. I put my brakes on when he gets close.
    Disp: Ma'am, let him pass - give me the plate - and we will check him out
    Driver: No, I have aright to be here too.
    Disp: Ok ma'am I will tell your family that when he rolls over you when you slam on your brakes again.
  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    I love all these violations, to me they just say - Job Security ROFLMAO!!!

    Actual conversation:

    Driver: I would like to report an 18 wheeler tailgating everyone.
    DIsp: Ok ma'am, where?
    Driver: Well right behind me
    Disp: What road ma'am?
    Driver: OH, 95 n at ex 20
    Disp: OK do you have plate number?
    Driver: No he is behind me - tailgating?
    Disp: Well pull into the next lane and let him pass,give me the plate & I will give it to the patrols.
    Driver: I won't let him pass me, he is tailgating. I put my brakes on when he gets close.
    Disp: Ma'am, let him pass - give me the plate - and we will check him out
    Driver: No, I have aright to be here too.
    Disp: Ok ma'am I will tell your family that when he rolls over you when you slam on your brakes again.

  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    People who follow me slowly to my car so they can have my spot, then get upset when I notice them and I start walking back towards the store


    People who drive under the speed limit in the fast lane

    People at Wal-Mart that think they can just walk out in front of me like I won't hit them

    People who pass me for driving too slow. So I speed up, pass them, get in front of them, then slow all the way down under speed limit until they freak out and speed pass me (resulting in them getting pulled over :laugh: )
  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    I swear if you can drive in a grocery store parking lot you can drive anywhere. Especially in Pittsburgh before a snow storm. I have lived here all my life and still get amazed that people act like they are going to have to resort to cannabalism if they don't buy out Giant Eagle prior to snow coming.

    I'm from Pittsburgh too! I'm glad I learned how to drive there with all the potholes and hills. I feel like anywhere I go now, I'm going to be an expert lol
  • FadedFreckles
    FadedFreckles Posts: 81 Member
    Mine include the following:

    1. People who think that my wanting to go 10 miles an hour over the speed limit is their decision to make.

    2. Those people in #1 that will not move over to the right hand lane when I am right on their a**. In many states there are signs that say STATE LAW...SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT...so why am I the a** for violating the law when it comes to speeding but you are not an a** when you violate the law that says slower traffic keep right. Here in Mississippi you can be cited for impeding the flow of traffic if you do not move to the right lane even if I am speeding.

    So you admit that a) you are an *kitten* and b) you are breaking the law?
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I hate when people...

    Talk on the phone while driving
    Do their make-up while driving
    Forget to indicate at a roundabout
    Forget to turn their indicator off for ages after they have changed lanes

    I should probably add that I am guilty of all the above.... it's only annoying when other people do it lol

    Things I definitely DON'T do, that other people do that piss me off;

    Change lanes without indicating
    Refuse to let me into 'their' lane on the motorway
    Speed up really fast as soon as they see me indicate to come into their lane
    Swerve all over the road repeatedly because they are texting/looking for something in their bag/talking on the phone
    Trucks that drive in the fast lane on the motorway, GET OUT!!
    People that don't wear their seatbelt
    Seeing kids jump around in a car with no seatbelts, while their mother drives, talking on the phone, wearing her seatbelt (I saw that the other day)

    That enough for you? lol
  • Noki1024
    Noki1024 Posts: 302
    People smoking in the cars with kids in there!! I wish I could slap that cigarette right out of their mouth! Makes me so mad.
  • 2hungariangirls
    People smoking in the cars with kids in there!! I wish I could slap that cigarette right out of their mouth! Makes me so mad.

    Makes me mad but what peeves me more is kids with NO CAR SEATS!