To all the "nice guys"

"Girls just don't like nice guys. I guess they just like a**holes." I hear this a lot and I'm sure a lot of other women have as well. I take offense to this. It implies women are stupid when it comes to dating. Sure there are some of us who see a guy with a wife beater and a mullet and think, "Mmmm...there's a hottie right there."

I have a nice guy. My husband tries to act like a jerk and I laugh at him because he just can't pull it off. You know what he has that the other "nice guys" I've met lack? Confidence. That's what women like. Confidence. That's one thing that the so-called "a**holes" have. Confidence.

If you're one of those guys who is having a hard time finding a girl, stop looking. Work on yourself (and I don't just mean do what you're already doing by being a member of this site). *Like* yourself. Don't worry so much about your looks. Don't be needy. If a girl doesn't immediately say, "Yes" don't get pushy or mad at her. Maybe she's busy.

Don't set your expectations too high. This might sound mean, but if you're a teddy bear gamer (bigger, hairy guy who's into WOW and D&D) you're not likely to find a hot blonde to date you. Yes, there are hot gamer chicks who dig teddy bears, but those are few and far between.

Most importantly, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Nothing is a bigger turn off than a guy who is so wrapped up in not having a girlfriend that he can't have a normal, pleasant conversation at dinner.


  • iamthevieve
    And if you're wondering why I'm posting this here, it's because it's something I've been wanting to say for a long time. I've heard it all my life from my brother and several guy friends I've had. I'm posting it here because I'm not a blogger and the only other forum I'm a member of is for women only, so there it would fall on deaf ears (blind eyes?)
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    very true
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    I think this goes for anyone, regardless of gender.


    Nuff said.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    ** also, a lot of the time, when girls go for the a-holes, it's because they've been made to feel as though they don't deserve anything better. Or that they won't be able to do any better.

    Trust me, I know!!

    My hubby is a 'nice guy' who had to wait until i realised that i deserved better than the not-nice-guy i was with when we met.

    It took a while, but my nice guy made me realise that i did deserve better than what i had.

    Nice Guys Are Awesome! Just gotta be patient sometimes!
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    i can dig it. good post. not sure if i fall into the nice guy category of the a hole (i like to think nice guy) but i agree when you say people are too wrapped up in what others think of them and don't have that confidence. just like who you are! i would venture to say most of us who use this website have had a problem with self esteem from time to time, or why else would we be trying to make a change? love yourself before you try to find someone else to love. it makes a big difference
  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    Very true statements. It really does come down to confidence. I have lived and learned enough to have figured that one out the hard way. The hard part is balancing confidence vs conceitedness.
  • iamthevieve
    I think this goes for anyone, regardless of gender.


    Nuff said.

    True, but I've never seen a girl say guys only go for *****es.
  • iamthevieve
    i can dig it. good post. not sure if i fall into the nice guy category of the a hole (i like to think nice guy) but i agree when you say people are too wrapped up in what others think of them and don't have that confidence. just like who you are! i would venture to say most of us who use this website have had a problem with self esteem from time to time, or why else would we be trying to make a change? love yourself before you try to find someone else to love. it makes a big difference

  • iamthevieve
    ** also, a lot of the time, when girls go for the a-holes, it's because they've been made to feel as though they don't deserve anything better. Or that they won't be able to do any better.

    Trust me, I know!!

    My hubby is a 'nice guy' who had to wait until i realised that i deserved better than the not-nice-guy i was with when we met.

    It took a while, but my nice guy made me realise that i did deserve better than what i had.

    Nice Guys Are Awesome! Just gotta be patient sometimes!

    That's also a good point. I dated jerks until I met my husband. Of course he's the first guy I met with confidence. I also struggled with self-esteem issues before I met him as well, which probably contributed to me dating the jerks.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Im a nice girl and notice that meaner girls get treated better...I'll bake a cake and give a massage and not get a thanks. Another girl will cuss her boyfriend out and get a diamond ring. WTF. <.<

    I like nice guys, but nice guys seem to like mean girls. Bah
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I like nice guys, but nice guys seem to like mean girls. Bah

    Nah, they get kicked to the curb. Anything for an easy life.
  • Diana061
    Diana061 Posts: 118 Member
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Im a nice girl and notice that meaner girls get treated better...I'll bake a cake and give a massage and not get a thanks. Another girl will cuss her boyfriend out and get a diamond ring. WTF. <.<

    I like nice guys, but nice guys seem to like mean girls. Bah
    Very true. I was a nice girl who never really got noticed until I was in college. Then the sam nice guys in high school who wouldn't give me the time of day suddenly wanted to go out with me. Of course, by then I was dating my own nice guy but it irked me beyond measure to hear those other guys turn around and complain that no girls were interested in them. That wasn't true at all. It's just that they didn't look beyond the outside appearance. I did. I liked guys who were smart and witty more than the so called hot guys. I'd take brains over brawn any day. But society tells men that anyone can get a bikini model and they fall for it. Look at the movies. You can have men looking like everything from some weird alien to Brad Pitt and they always have attractive women at their side.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    But all the nice guys I know have gfs or aren't interested in me =[
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Im a nice girl and notice that meaner girls get treated better...I'll bake a cake and give a massage and not get a thanks. Another girl will cuss her boyfriend out and get a diamond ring. WTF. <.<

    I like nice guys, but nice guys seem to like mean girls. Bah
    Very true. I was a nice girl who never really got noticed until I was in college. Then the sam nice guys in high school who wouldn't give me the time of day suddenly wanted to go out with me. Of course, by then I was dating my own nice guy but it irked me beyond measure to hear those other guys turn around and complain that no girls were interested in them. That wasn't true at all. It's just that they didn't look beyond the outside appearance. I did. I liked guys who were smart and witty more than the so called hot guys. I'd take brains over brawn any day. But society tells men that anyone can get a bikini model and they fall for it. Look at the movies. You can have men looking like everything from some weird alien to Brad Pitt and they always have attractive women at their side.

    That's good you found a nice guy! Im in college though so...unfortunately...;_; While we all have different experiences, in my experience looks don't have to do with personality. There are mean pretty people and mean ugly people/vice versa.

    I'm no model, but I'm not bad looking either...and the mean girls are often the same way...I think most guys just like bi*ches plain-and-simple (whether we are comparing a pretty nice girl and a pretty mean girl or an ugly nice girl and an ugly mean girl). Maybe they feel it is more of a "chase" when the girl they are after might punch them in the face or insult them at any second -- kind of like an adrenaline rush. A nice girl is an easy girl in their minds maybe?
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    I guess I qualify as a nice guy - both my late mother in law and father in law approved of me.
  • anabell31
    I seem to get the nice guys who want to try their hand at being a**holes. They're really sweet guys and I know it, and we were perfectly fine as friends, but as soon as they asked me out, BOOM!

    I laughed at the gamer comment because my last boyfriend asked me in the middle of date night if I would drive him over to his friend's house so he could play D&D.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    this is my experience too. the true nice guys are not interested in me.

    i think both nice guys and nice girls get the short end of the stick!
    But all the nice guys I know have gfs or aren't interested in me =[
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    Truth: nice guys can be BLIND.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I agree that confidence is key. It makes a man much more attractive and much more likely to get and keep a woman's attention. I also agree that if you lack confidence, go work on that before you try to get involved with someone. If you're not completely and totally comfortable being just you (without someone to hold you up), you're going to fail at relationships. Nobody wants to feel like they're adopting a child when they get into a relationship with someone, and that's exactly what it feels like to date a person who doesn't believe in himself and is constantly seeking reassurance from you that you really do like him.

    As for why "nice girls" get treated like crap by guys, while "mean girls" get all the attention ... this is a lesson I recently learned the hard way. If you are baking cakes and giving massages to a man who hasn't earned it, slap yourself, sister, because you are a doormat.

    Men lose respect for women who give and give and give without demanding anything in return. You think you're making a guy feel special by doing all these nice things for him. But if he hasn't done anything to deserve it, it says one (or both) of two things to him: either you do it for every guy who pays you the slightest bit of attention (proving he ISN'T special at all) or you have so little self-respect that you think you are not enough .. that you have to buy things and do things and make things to get a guy to like you. Neither of those scenarios will make you attractive to a man.