

  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I quit smoking 3 years ago and my weight didn't suffer as a result. People only gain weight when they eating as a smoking substitute. Find something else to do with your hands on eat raw veg to occupy yourself and you'll be fine.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 150 Member

    If you quit smoking, and replace cigs for food, then of course you will gain weight. But if you watch what you eat you won't.

    I gave up smoking 7 weeks ago, and started MFP the same day, and I have lost 22pounds and have been 7 weeks off cigs

    So there ya go xx

    ^^^^I did this as well about 4 weeks ago and I've lost a couple pounds. I replaced cigs with sips of water. When I ever I have an urge or had an urge, I would drink water.
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    I've quit 8 weeks today and i haven't put on any weight in fact i've lost a few pound. You will only put on weight if you eat away your cravings. Just replace the craving with something else instead of food, ie water, gum, brushing your teeth. When i quit i really threw myself into eating healthy and concentrating on my fitness to take my mind off the cravings. It isn't easy but so far i've managed it. You really need to be in the right frame of mind for it. You can do it, of course you can. The only thing that can stop you is you. Good luck.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    Nope, there is no direct link. I smoked for nearly 20 years. I've found that the biggest issue is that when a person quits, they need to go for more NOT bigger. The first few days will suck real bad, it will suck after that but a little less so. What I mean by "more not bigger" is when an urge hits and you decide to go for a jog, go for a short jog every time the urge hits. Don't decide to go out for a 5 mile run. The anxiety and twitch from the urges will make you feel stronger than you really are, but if you go too big most of us end up hurting ourselves. Then we have nothing to do while we heal except think of smokes. Then it's real easy to jump in the car to go get a pack.

    Go slow and stay conscious of what your doing, watch the calories and you'll be fine. It takes work to quit, but it's worth it.
  • bankstisha
    bankstisha Posts: 45 Member
    I quit 2.5 years ago and I gained 8 lbs the 1st the year. I didn't change my eating habits at all. My Dr. said it was normal to gain weight after quitting because your body is losing something and find ways to compensate for the loss. But he also said if I had changed my eating habits at the same I quit, I probably wouldn't have gained as much.

    Good luck and congrats on quitting! It was the best thing I've ever done.
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    I didn't, but then again, I also started taking my health and ftness seriously at the same time as I stopped smoking.

    Some believe that smokers burn more calories than non-smokers, so it's not just about snacking instead of smoking.

    I found this on a health website, and have read it several other times before too:
    "Smoking does burn calories, up to 200 a day in a heavy smoker. Smoking increases energy expenditure, or metabolism. Quitting smoking causes weight gain because the body begins to work more efficiently. The body's metabolism slows and food is digested more efficiently. Insulin levels increase, which enable the body to process more sugar for energy. "

    The clue is however to combine exercise, eating healthy and quitting smoking. And when you think about it, the longer you've been smoke-free the harder you can work out and thus burn more :)

    Good luck with quitting, I have been smokefree for 4,5 monts now. Best decision I ever made!
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I think the reason most ex-smokers gain weight is oral fixation. We turn to food to relieve stress instead of cigarettes. Also, cigarettes suppress the appetite. I only gained a little weight after each time I quit smoking...I think it depends on how much you smoke. If you replace smoking with working out, it does wonders. The endorphins are a great trade for nicotine! ;D
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    I gained when I quit mainly due to inactivity and a lack of discipline. I'm now at 3 years without a cigarette (after smoking for 35 years) and have lost nearly all the weight I gained, and I feel great. Quitting was the best thing I have ever done for myself.

    Good luck!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    i read somewhere it takes 200 cals or so to process the nictotine when you smoke, easily accounted for with a good balanced diet.

    the main problem is munchies, nail that and you wont gain.
  • sjschewlakow
    sjschewlakow Posts: 120 Member
    I quit smoking 3 years ago. I went from 135 to about 185 in a 3-4 month period. Major weight gain. My weight gain slowed after that and reached its peak last May 2011 at 208 when I started exercising. I smoked when i Was bored. I have a need to be busy and a extremely short attention span, so I began eating when I was bored. Now I just find things to keep me occupied when I have down time.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I quit smoking in 2003 after smoking a pack a day for about 10 years and everyone told me the same about weight gain. I am sure it is different for eveyone but I actually found I lost weight when I was going through the process of quitting. For me food was a big trigger and after I enjoyed eating something I capped it off with a cigarette. So, I found myself not eating so I wouldn't have to go through the trigger. I still at my main meals but it definitely stopped me from snacking.
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    I didn't, but then again, I also started taking my health and ftness seriously at the same time as I stopped smoking.

    Some believe that smokers burn more calories than non-smokers, so it's not just about snacking instead of smoking.

    I found this on a health website, and have read it several other times before too:
    "Smoking does burn calories, up to 200 a day in a heavy smoker. Smoking increases energy expenditure, or metabolism. Quitting smoking causes weight gain because the body begins to work more efficiently. The body's metabolism slows and food is digested more efficiently. Insulin levels increase, which enable the body to process more sugar for energy. "

    The clue is however to combine exercise, eating healthy and quitting smoking. And when you think about it, the longer you've been smoke-free the harder you can work out and thus burn more :)

    Good luck with quitting, I have been smokefree for 4,5 monts now. Best decision I ever made!

    I did the exact same thing. It works. Follow this plan!!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I started on here at the same time as I quit so no gain for me!
    I do think it's because people replace cigs with food. It is so tempting when you first quit but it gets easier after the first few days! :)
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    please quit, I dont want to be giving you chemo too for lung cancer that was found by mistake because you came in for stomach pain. I see it too much and I see what it does, just quit and do it sooner then later.
  • foramanwhohashope
    foramanwhohashope Posts: 90 Member
    Thanky you all. :)

    Now just to quit smoking. UGHhhH.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Thanky you all. :)

    Now just to quit smoking. UGHhhH.

    I quit 6 years ago, no gain for me and it was as simple as not buying them anymore. Stay out of the gas station lol.
  • asfischer
    asfischer Posts: 19 Member
    I quit smoking 6 weeks ago and have lost 18 pounds... I cut up veggies and ate them non-stop the first couple weeks. When i had a craving i excercised. I feel SO much better!! It's worth it! I used Chantax too... it worked very well... don't miss it at all :-) cravings are gone and I am finally happy with the way I am living my life :-)
    You can do this!!
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I quit almost four years ago and was on weight watchers. Had no issue with gaining any weight. As long as you don't replace cigarettes with food, you will not gain weight. I chewed sugar free gum and that seemed to help a lot.
  • bug802
    I stopped smoking when i started exercising, eating right and MFP. Its been 2.5 weeks now. but about a week into it I was freaking out, I got one of those electronic cigarettes ( that I thought where really dorky before) and its helped with the edge. good luck.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I didn't see a gain :)
    Don't worry about it, and just don't replace smokes with food and you are golden.