

  • ChevyChick88
    ChevyChick88 Posts: 356 Member
    I know a lot of people do... but it's becasue they eat more. I quit smoking about 6 months ago. I have not gained. But, at the same time I made a very conscious effort to watch my food intake and get my exercise in. As long as you are not filling the craving of a cigarette for food, you should be fine.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I quit a 3 pack a day habit in the winter of 1976. Did it cold turkey (had to avoid bars for a couple weeks), gained about 15 lbs, chewed the heck out of straws. The 15 lbs went away by the time spring turned to summer. Best move I ever made. Cold turkey was hard, but it was the best way. BTW the addiction was so strong I smoke part of a little cigar for a publicity stunt a few years ago, the craving came back immediately. Was glad I did not have any in the house! THAT one incident really made me realize how bad the addiction can be.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    This coming April will be one year since I quit cold turkey...yes I've gained weight, but that's because I was already on the lazy path to gaining back the 50 that I had lost in the year prior. I don't think it had anything to do with my quitting smoking. Then again I wasn't a pack a day smoker, but still I think it can be done without packing on the weight.
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    When I quit smoking I lost 10lbs:bigsmile: I ate a lot of vitamin C and drank a lot of water! I had laser therapy to quit, walked out of the office and never really had a craving:bigsmile: But they tell you to eat 10 vitamin C a day and lots of water, this flushes out the bad stuff...I know the vitamin C and water kept me from eating:bigsmile: I quit 4 years ago this past weekend:drinker:
  • ConnieB1979
    ConnieB1979 Posts: 239 Member
    Im in the process of quitting right now. I havent had a cigarette in almost two weeks. I havent gained anything but have been very tempted to replace the smokes with food. For me it seems to be a mind over matter kind of thing. One day at a time I know I can accomplish this. Good luck! Quitting is the hardest thing Ive ever done. :-)
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    I quit smoking cold turkey, this August I will be smoke free for 3 years. I did gain some weight after I quit. I know this may sound crazy to some but I would prefer to put on a few extra lbs knowing that I am in control of my body and NOT the nicotine. Despite gaining extra weight, quitting smoking was one of the best things I have done. Since quitting I can run & exercise without being out of breath within minutes, I am setting a better example for my kids & I have saved some money too.
    It is a very hard habit to break but you CAN do it !!
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    When I smoked, I thought it was helping me stay thin (right, at 190 lbs.). What I didn't realize was that without smoking, you can actually workout. I quit and lost 26 lbs. because I could actually workout hard. My pulse would be 140 when smoking then after I quit, just a week or two later my pulse was down to 90. Amazing difference in my health. You can do it. It sucks, but get it done!
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    Just quit last wednesday, going well so far but it has been a struggle.
    I have gained 1lb but it could be water weight. Really watching it now as I am in the same boat and dont want to gain.
    Add me as a friend for encouragement if you decide to quit!
    I can tell you that I feel much better just knowing im not a smoker right now :-)

    Side story this am on the train I was stuck sitting very closely between two people. I am a smell nazi and remember befiore thinking oh I hope my coat doesnt smell like smoke from last night ( had I been out) and this am I did have anything to worry about cuz I know i dont smell like smoke. I know its dumb but it made me happy not being self conscience about stinky smoke smell!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    My last cigarette was 1/3/12 and I've been off the patch for nearly 3 weeks now. I'm happy to report that I've not gained any weight to date...
  • Mommy_x3
    I lost weight & quick all at the same time. People didnt believe me.. But, it is very true.

    You have to have motivation and you must keep busy. I have 2 young children and I focused my energy on other things to keep me controlled.
  • gheim26
    gheim26 Posts: 3 Member
    I quit smoking on January 1st of this year and I have lost 9lbs since then.

    All you have to do is eat healthy and exercise and the weight will still come off weather you smoke or not.

    :-) I hope you're successful! It is a very challenging thing to do, but it is so rewarding if you can quit!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I quit smoking November 2011 and haven't gained weight.

    I only started tracking things in January.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Unfortunately it was true for me....but it doesnt mean that it has to be the same for you. You can most definately start preparing and make better choices once you decide to quit. I quit last year and am 1 year smoke free! After smoking for 11 years I never thought that I could do it! But now its totally changed my life. Im now in control of my life completely. Where as before I'd turn to cigarettes whenever and wherever I was.

    I gained 15 lbs....not that much and I joined MFP to help me get healthy and create better habits. You can do it....especially if you have a great support unit like MFP!

    Add me if you need any support :)
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i totally gained - but it was because of the oral thing. now, i chew gum, suck mints, sugar free hard candy, etc. not the best for you, but far fewer calories and a lot healthier than smoking. i feel so much better since giving it up 6 years ago. you can do it! and you can do it without the weight gain. the average person who quits smoking puts on 5 lbs. that's not that much and can be totally averted if you are aware and replace the old habit with a health new one. good luck!!!!! your body will thank you.
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    quit smoking 1.5 years ago and am 55 pounds lighter :)
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    What I didn't realize was that without smoking, you can actually workout.


    I quit smoking last July, and gained about 10lbs. I lost it pretty quickly after joining MFP in December. Because I can workout again! Not only that, adopting a healthier lifestyle has really helped prevent me from wanting to relapse.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    yes. thats the whole reason i'm on here. lol. i went from 130 to 190ish after. my advice, workout and diet during. i quit while staying in the boondocks (dirt roads, rained often, and living with southern cook who forced food down my face) so i gained more. I'd advise everytime you want to smoke. walk or run or something.
  • emilyrthompson
    I didn't gain anything, I think it was because I stopped drinking for a couple of months, because drinking made me want to smoke. No matter what, if you don't eat over your calories then you won't gain, no matter if you smoke or not. No matter what, your health is priority and there is NOTHING you can do better for yourself, than to stop smoking.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I didnt gain any weight because I used the gum, it fills the gap left by smoking and stops you from reaching for the cookie jar. If it all gets too much, try drinking juice or water through a really fine straw. That little trick helps you get rid of the 'need to drag' craving and it ups your fluid intake. Just make sure you stick to the pack instructions... Im still chewing 2 years later but at least Im not smoking!!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I replaced smoking with running...obviously no weight gain with that strategy!